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Electron Documentation

Want to check our beta docs site? We'd love your feedback.

Chrome Extension Support

Electron supports a subset of the Chrome Extensions API, primarily to support DevTools extensions and Chromium-internal extensions, but it also happens to support some other extension capabilities.

Note: Electron does not support arbitrary Chrome extensions from the store, and it is a non-goal of the Electron project to be perfectly compatible with Chrome's implementation of Extensions.

Cargar extensiones

Electron only supports loading unpacked extensions (i.e., .crx files do not work). Extensions are installed per-session. Para cargar una extensión, llame a ses.loadExtension:

const { session } = require('electron')

session.loadExtension('path/to/unpacked/extension').then(({ id }) => {
  // ...

Loaded extensions will not be automatically remembered across exits; if you do not call loadExtension when the app runs, the extension will not be loaded.

Note that loading extensions is only supported in persistent sessions. Attempting to load an extension into an in-memory session will throw an error.

See the session documentation for more information about loading, unloading, and querying active extensions.

Supported Extensions APIs

We support the following extensions APIs, with some caveats. Other APIs may additionally be supported, but support for any APIs not listed here is provisional and may be removed.


Todas las características de esta API son compatibles.

Todas las características de esta API son compatibles.


Todas las características de esta API son compatibles.


Se admiten las siguientes propiedades de chrome.extension :

  • chrome.extension.lastError

Los siguientes métodos de chrome.extension son soportados:

  • chrome.extension.getURL
  • chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage


Las siguientes propiedades de chrome.runtime son soportadas:

  • chrome.runtime.lastError

Los siguientes métodos de chrome.runtime son soportados:

  • chrome.runtime.getBackgroundPage
  • chrome.runtime.getManifest
  • chrome.runtime.getPlatformInfo
  • chrome.runtime.getURL
  • chrome.runtime.connect
  • chrome.runtime.sendMessage

Los siguientes eventos de chrome.runtime están soportados:

  • chrome.runtime.onStartup
  • chrome.runtime.onInstalled
  • chrome.runtime.onSuspend
  • chrome.runtime.onSuspendCanceled
  • chrome.runtime.onConnect
  • chrome.runtime.onMessage

Solo está soportado; y no lo están.


Los siguientes métodos de chrome.tabs son soportados:

  • chrome.tabs.sendMessage
  • chrome.tabs.executeScript

Note: In Chrome, passing -1 as a tab ID signifies the "currently active tab". Since Electron has no such concept, passing -1 as a tab ID is not supported and will raise an error.

Los siguientes métodos de son soportados:



Todas las características de esta API son compatibles.

NOTE: Electron's webRequest module takes precedence over chrome.webRequest if there are conflicting handlers.

Atajos del teclado

Key Action
/ Focus the search bar
Esc Focus the search bar and cleans it
Select the next search result
Select the previous search result
Enter Open the selected search result
cmdEnter Ctrl+Enter Open the selected search result in a new tab