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Cancelling a website subscription

You can cancel your active website subscription at any time. There are two ways to end your subscription:

Tip: It's not possible to move a website subscription from one site to another. If you're cancelling your site so you can use a different site in its place, the "replacement" site is a separate subscription.

Before you cancel

Before you cancel your Squarespace website subscription, consider the following options for optimizing your site performance or decreasing your site costs:

Tip: If you decide not to cancel, but to instead make large scale changes to your site, you can temporarily un-publish or hide it by setting a site-wide password. You can then re-publish whenever you're ready.

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After we collect your payment, we follow these refund rules:

  • Full refunds are issued automatically for annual website subscriptions cancelled within 14 days of the first payment. Refunds may take 3 to 10 business days to process.
  • We don't offer refunds after 14 days following the first payment.
  • We don't offer refunds for monthly plans.
  • We don't offer refunds for renewal payments.

To learn more about refunds, visit Refund policies.

Tip: If you don’t remember when you paid, you can review your website subscription invoices.

Option 1 - Cancel your subscription

This option cancels your subscription immediately and takes your site offline. If you're on a Commerce plan, this also cancels your store. Your site content is marked for deletion 30 days after you cancel your site. Before cancelling, you can export your content so you can import it to a new site.

Log into the Squarespace site you want to cancel and follow these steps:

  1. In the Home Menu, click Settings, then click Billing & Account.
  2. Click Billing.
  3. Under Subscriptions, click your site subscription. This will say Website or Commerce, depending on your plan.
  4. Click Cancel Subscription. This will say Website or Store, depending on your plan.
  5. Select your reason for cancelling your subscription from the drop-down menu. We'd like to hear about your experience with Squarespace. If you don't want to provide a reason, click Skip.
  6. If you have active subscriptions attached to your site, you’ll see a Your Other Subscriptions panel. Review your subscriptions, then click Continue. You can cancel them later.
  7. Click Cancel Subscription. This will say Website or Store, depending on your plan.

Option 2 - Disable auto-renew

Your Squarespace website subscription automatically renews annually or monthly for your convenience. By disabling auto-renew, you can set your subscription to expire at the end of your current billing cycle.

To disable auto-renew:

  1. In the Home Menu, click Settings, then click Billing & Account.
  2. Click Billing.
  3. Under Subscriptions, click Website or Store, depending on your plan.
  4. Uncheck Auto-Renew.
  5. Click Save to confirm.

Your site content is marked for deletion 30 days after your current billing cycle ends. Before that date, export your content so you can import it to a new site.

What you can access on an expired site

When your site expires, you can still access some panels when you're logged in:

  • Settings > Advanced - Export your site's content if it's still available.
  • Settings > Billing & Account - View or change your card on file, and view your invoices.
  • Settings > Domains - Manage domain subscriptions and connections.
  • Settings > Google Workspace - Manage your Google Workspace subscription.
  • Settings > Permissions - See which contributors can log in.
  • Commerce - View panels about your past sales, including Orders, Customers, and Payments. Issue refunds for past sales.
  • Marketing > Email Campaigns - If your Email Campaigns subscription is still active, you can view your Email Campaigns dashboard, draft and send campaigns, and manage your subscription.
  • Member Areas - If your Member Areas subscription is still active, you can view panels about your past membership sales, including member profiles.
  • Profiles - You can view all of your customers, mailing list subscribers, members, and donors.
  • Scheduling - If your Scheduling subscription is still active, you can view your Scheduling panel and manage your appointments.

What happens to my other subscriptions?

When you cancel your website subscription, we'll show you your active subscriptions. These subscriptions won’t be cancelled automatically when you cancel your website subscription or let it expire.

You'll continue managing any active subscriptions through your expired site. What you do with these subscriptions depends on how you want to use Squarespace moving forward.


For a domain you registered through Squarespace, you can move your domain to another Squarespace site, cancel it, or transfer it to another host. For domains you purchased elsewhere and connected to your site, take them with you by disconnecting them and changing settings in your provider's account. To learn more, visit What to do with your domain if you leave Squarespace.

Member areas

Even after your site subscription is cancelled or expires, your Member Areas subscription will still continue on the automatic payment schedule you originally selected. We'll pause all memberships to your member areas, meaning members will lose access to your content and won’t be charged for subsequent pay periods. You’ll still have access to member profiles and you’re responsible for contacting members regarding paused memberships.

If you reactivate your site subscription, all pre-existing memberships will be reinstated, and members will see charges for the current pay period.

You can cancel Member Areas at any time.

Google Workspace

If you cancel a site subscription that has a Google Workspace subscription, you'll continue to be billed for Google Workspace through Squarespace. You can still log into your site to manage your Google Workspace account from the Google Workspace panel. To cancel your Google Workspace subscription separately, visit Cancelling your Google Workspace account.

Email Campaigns

Even without an active website subscription, you can still access the Email Campaigns dashboard, draft and send campaigns, and manage your Email Campaigns subscription through your expired site. You can cancel Email Campaigns at any time. Before you do so, we recommend exporting your Email Campaigns mailing lists so you can import them to another service.


After you cancel your website subscription, your Scheduling subscription remains active and clients can continue booking appointments from your standalone scheduling page. You can cancel Squarespace Scheduling at any time.


Will my site appear in search engine search results after I cancel?

After you cancel your site subscription, your site won't be indexed further because it won’t be public. If you don't move your site to another provider, it'll eventually disappear from search results. Note that this takes time, and timing can vary based on each search engine’s indexing activity. Squarespace has no control over removing your site from any search engine’s search results after you cancel your subscription.

If you move your site to another provider, a search engine might index the new content after the site is active.

What’s the difference between cancelling a subscription and deleting a site?

Cancelling a subscription takes your site offline and stops your subscription payments. After your site is cancelled, its content is marked for permanent deletion after 30 days.

Deleting a site immediately marks its content for permanent deletion. You can only delete a site that’s already expired or cancelled.

Can I reactivate my site after I cancel my subscription?

Yes. To learn more, visit Reactivating a site.

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Cancelling a website subscription