A breakthrough in human performance training

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The Suit

haptic feedback icon

Haptic Feedback

From subtle touch sensations to feelings of physical exertion, users experience scenarios as though they’ve lived them.

motion tracking icon

Motion Capture

TESLASUIT captures actions as they’re performed to establish baselines, create programs, and track improvement over time.

biometrics icon


Embedded ECG and EDA sensors capture users vitals and emotional stress level, so trainees can prove their ability to perform under pressure.

computer with teslasuit software running

The Software

Training Environments

Run training programs and manually trigger sensations.

Developer Control

Utilize our library of preset haptics and climates for training programming.

Training Environments

Record, playback and compare digital reports of human movement in space.

Training Environments

Review biometric readings and track performance.

Our Solution

The TESLASUIT training solution provides outputs from haptic feedback and climate control to users, and receives inputs from motion capture and biometrics. With our software and partner ecosystem, this technology is a complete solution for improving human performance.

A complete training solution

The Suit

State of the art wearable technology with sensor inputs and outputs.

Optional VR / AR

Utilize our system with or without VR and AR.


Powerful analytics and program control.

Development Kit

Includes a library of haptic feedback and programming options.

Public Safety

TESLASUIT and our AR/VR experience creation work as a full solution to train individuals and teams to function from reflex under duress.


Motion capture and haptics provide unprecedented tools for physical action mastery, with analytics to understand and improve performance.

Enterprise Training

TESLASUIT enables scaleable, extremely realistic training for complex tasks and environments, from industrial to manufacturing to medical.


TESLASUIT enables rehabilitation professionals with a unique toolkit to enable the learning of physical actions and training user reflexes.

Media about us:

How To Engage

TESLASUIT and our integration partners work with our clients to create enterprise training solutions — capturing content, designing environments, training users, and creating scalable, upgradeable programs designed to real impact across organizations.

Interested in enabling your team training?