Support » Plugin: JetStyleManager for Gutenberg » Style applied the Label in a Repeater apply to all labels in the repeater

  • Resolved myerrorsandmysolutions



    I’d like to apply the font style in Bold for the title of the repeater but it applies to all labels in the repeater.

    It should be in bold only “Teglie Rettangolari” but if you click Add New in the repeater you will see all labels in the repeater with the same style.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi,

    The styling logic is organized in such a way that you can make a general style for labels, descriptions, required marks inside the repeater.

    In your case, when the styling for labels is different, you can manually switch the weight of the font from 400 to 500 and back (if you want the weight to 400) for each field.

    Thread Starter myerrorsandmysolutions


    Thank you for the clarification, now I understood how it works.

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