NanoSupport — Support Ticketing & Knowledgebase for WordPress


Create a fully featured Support Center within your WordPress environment without any third party system dependency, for completely FREE of cost.

No 3rd party support ticketing system required, no external site/API dependency, simply create your own fully featured Support Center within your WordPress environment, and take your support into the next level.

It has built-in Knowledgebase that is integrated to put generalized information for public acknowledgement.

What is it?

The plugin is to provide support to your users – the users those are taking product or services from you. So the plugin provides a manageable communication privately in between you and your that specific user only. Visit the ‘Installation’ tab for more details on how to use the plugin.

Extend NanoSupport

  • Knowledgebase Search — Search the Knowledgebase documents separately and suggest users from the Knowledgebase documents while submitting a new ticket.


  • OnActivation setup
  • Smart templating for nice theme and third party plugins support
  • Smartly designed Support Center
  • Completely Private ticketing
  • Ticket submission with registration
  • Ticket submission with login (Beta Feature)
  • Rich Text editor for new ticket
  • Auto generate user account’s username on ticket submission (if chosen)
  • Auto generate user account’s password on ticket submission (if chosen)
  • Knowledgebase (optional)
  • Knowledgebase content categories
  • Copy ticket content into Knowledgebase document
  • Ticket departments
  • E-Commerce Support – Support to products of Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) and WooCommerce (WC)
  • Make agent from registered users
  • Assign ticket to an agent
  • Change ticket status (Pending, Open, Under Inspection, Solved)
  • Set support priority (Low, Medium, High, Critical)
  • Reply ticket from admin panel
  • Reply ticket from front end
  • ReOpen closed ticket
  • Internal Notes in-between support teams
  • Shortcode-enabled pages (installed on plugin activation, but modifiable)
  • Settings page (WP Settings API)
  • Support Seeker user role and privileges
  • Dashboard widget with current status in charts
  • Dashboard widget with recent activity
  • Dashboard widget with personal status for Agents in charts
  • Dashboard widget with necessary instruction and links for Support Seekers
  • Add ticket on behalf of other user (admin end)
  • Customizable HTML Email template
  • Email notification to admins on new ticket submission
  • Email notification to Support Seeker on account creation on ticket submission
  • Email notification to Support Seeker on ticket reply
  • Email notification to Support Agent on ticket reply
  • NanoSupport page-to-page navigation and page-wise notices (on demand)
  • Complete data deletion on uninstallation (if chosen)
  • 100% Translation-ready and automatic translation enabled
  • Fully responsive and Mobile devices friendly
  • Clean and well commented and well documented code
  • A11y (web accessibility) compatible

E-Commerce Support

To get E-Commerce Support, you will need either:

  • WooCommerce (WC) v2.5+ – Tested up to v3.5.5, or
  • Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) v2.2+ – Tested up to v2.9.11


NanoSupport is an Open Source and GPL licensed Free plugin. Feel free to contribute.


The plugin is completely translation-ready. You can find the .pot file under i18n/languages/ if you want to translate in your own way. But you can translate it easily from here in Translate NanoSupport.

Or, you can use software like POEdit (‘cross-platform) or EasyPO, and using the plugins’ .pot file you can easily translate the plugin locally.

Connect with NanoSupport team


  • NanoSupport | Support Desk (front end)
  • NanoSupport | Support Tickets (back end)
  • NanoSupport | Submit Ticket page for Visitors
  • NanoSupport | Fully featured Settings page for complete customization
  • NanoSupport | Knowledgebase
  • NanoSupport | Ticketing at a glance with NanoSupport dashboard widget
  • NanoSupport | Customizable HTML email template
  • NanoSupport | Easy navigation, and notification for easy ticketing using Admin bar


Automatic Installation

  1. In WordPress Plugins page, search for NanoSupport
  2. Install and activate the plugin
  3. Get to the plugin’s ‘Settings’ page, and set up the plugin as your choice
  4. Wait for your first ticket

Manual Installation

  1. Visit the plugin page at:
  2. Hit the Download button to download the .zip file
  3. Unzip the archive and cut/paste the folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  4. From admin ‘Plugins’ page, activate NanoSupport plugin
  5. Get to the plugin’s ‘Settings’ page, and set up the plugin as you like
  6. Wait for your first ticket 🙂

How to Use

  1. Provide the ‘Submit Ticket’ page’s URL to your menu link, and ask for Support tickets from your users (Use ‘Settings’ page for necessary settings)
  2. When the user submits ticket you will be notified via email (as per your ‘Settings’)
  3. You can find the tickets in the ‘Support Desk’
  4. You can organize your tickets per department
  5. You can read the ticket in details and can answer from both front-end and admin-end
  6. As the tickets are completely private, for public information that you want to share with your users, you can use ‘Knowledgebase’
  7. You can organize Knowledgebase docs in categories
  8. And you have many flexibilities (and many more yet to come…) using the plugin’s ‘Settings’ page


Q: Is there any User Guide to using NanoSupport?

A: Yes, please consult the NanoSupport User Guide.

Q: How to install the Plugin?

A: Please visit the plugin\’s Installation page to get the details.

Q: How to set up the Plugin?

A: After activation you can get the ‘NanoSupport’ admin menu on the left, and under that menu page, you will get the ‘Settings’ page to set the plugin as your choice.

Q: What are the shortcodes?

A: On installation the plugin will automatically create its necessary pages with related shortcodes. But if it misses by any chance, here are the shortcodes:

  • Submit Ticket page: [nanosupport_submit_ticket]
  • Support Desk page: [nanosupport_desk]
  • Knowledgebase page: [nanosupport_knowledgebase]

Q: How to disable the page-to-page navigation and notice

A: On plugin\’s ‘Settings’ page, in ‘General’ tab, you can uncheck the Enable Notices and Navigation on NanoSupport pages to disable them.

Q: How the plugin can be well integrated with my theme?

A: NanoSupport has smart templating. You can find all its templates inside the plugin’s /templates/ directory. To make your theme completely integrated with the plugin\’s templates you can simply make a directory in your theme named nanosupport/ and can override the plugin\’s templates with your custom one.

Q: How to make a Support Agent?

A: Edit any WordPress user in WordPress admin panel and at the bottom, check the checkmark saying: Yes, make this user a Support Agent to make the user a support agent.

Q: How I can provide support for my e-commerce products?

A: With the version 0.5.0+ the plugin has support for WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads (EDD). Simply activate support for E-Commerce in NanoSupport Settings, and there would be 2 new fields available for providing Support for E-Commerce products that will integrate with the active WC/EDD products, and their receipts. You can exclude certain products from the settings also.


22 de mayo de 2020
Very light, comfortable module for the basic site. Thanx to developers!
5 de junio de 2019
i've resolved my question very fast. Good and useful plugin
8 de septiembre de 2018
I have been looking for a help desk system for sometime and finally came across Nanosupport. This is perfect with all the features I needed, including email! The Knowledgebase also replaced another plugin I was using and this one is also a great feature. Keep up the great work!
16 de abril de 2017
I was split between 2 and 3 stars ... This plugin features works great but its missing some of the basic things what any helpdesk software/plugin should have: - missing visual editor for replies, both client and staff - option to turn on/off visual editor separately for client/staff - option to upload files, limit what type of files, limit upload for client/staff and if ever implemented it would be great to use separate folder (e.g. outside uploads folder) - add or remove ticket priority options (e.g. remove "critical" or add "apocalypse") - option for SLA, e.g. low priority 24h, critical 2h, etc... - add different types of clients and limit their options, e.g "normal" client cant set priority higher than medium, VIP client can set anything... or even better - have an option to add additional (custom) type of clients on top of "normal" one with options to enable/disable - separate role for staff - simpler builder for tickets so we can organize in what order stuff should be and add/remove what the client can see, e.g. set priority before subject or add checkbox/dropdown list - to put it simple the "builder" should just enable/disable segments and move them up/down like we can organize menu or widgets - set time limit for clients to answer or the ticket will autom. close Good to have but not dealbreaker: - fetching emails - working hours / working hours based on ticket priority, e.g. critical 24/7, low 8am-4pm, etc - expand client/user pages so we can add additional info like company, address, phone... and enable/disable what info they can edit - option to block clients/users to see WP backend and if blocked to limit to their tickets and info only Implement this and start selling your plugin and if you dont set rip-off price i would buy it for sure. Asking all this for free would be unrealistic so i do not expect to have all this features for free. What suggestions you think are good, what you could be able to implement, what price... its your call.
6 de marzo de 2017
I was searching for easy Ticket system for Building FAQ (Knowledge base) because old Plugin FAQ Builder doesn't work properly. This here works but I don#t see any connection to this Base. I mean I should have the possibility to publish answered question to the knowledge base but I find nothing for this. So I am now searching further... P.S. Also it takes away my sidebars. P.S. But it is on the right way ;o) and its not clunky like many others
Leer todas las 16 reseñas

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See changelog for all versions.