Managing scheduled reminders for your organization

You can get reminders in Slack for all pull requests that teams in your organization have been requested to review.

About scheduled reminders for pull requests

Scheduled reminders help teams focus on the most important review requests that require their attention. Scheduled reminders for pull requests will send a message to your team in Slack with all open pull requests that you or your team have been asked to review, at a specified time. For example, you can create a scheduled reminder to send a message to your team's main communication channel in Slack, including all open pull requests that the team is requested to review, every Wednesday at 9:00 a.m.

Organization owners can schedule a reminder for one or more teams in their organization, for all pull requests the team or teams have been requested to review.

GitHub will only trigger reminders for up to five repositories per owner and 20 pull requests per repository.

Creating a scheduled reminder for an organization

  1. In the top right corner of GitHub, click your profile photo, then click Your organizations. Your organizations in the profile menu
  2. Next to the organization, click Settings. The settings button
  3. In the left sidebar, click Scheduled reminders. Scheduled reminders button
  4. Under "Scheduled reminders", click Add your first reminder. Add reminder button
  5. Under "Slack workspace", click Authorize Slack workspace and follow the instructions. Authorize Slack workspace button
  6. Under "Slack channel", type the name of the Slack channel where you'd like to receive notifications. Slack channel field
  7. Under "Days", click Weekdays to select one or more days you'd like to receive scheduled reminders. Days dropdown
  8. Under "Select Time(s)", click 9:00 AM to select one or more times you'd like to receive scheduled reminders. Optionally, to change your timezone, click next to your current timezone and select a different time zone. Select time(s) dropdowns
  9. Under "Tracked repositories," choose which repositories you'd like the team to receive pull request review reminders for.
    • To receive reminders for all repositories that the chosen team has access to, click All repositories.
    • To receive reminders for a subset of repositories, click Only select repositories, then select one or more repositories that the chosen team has access to.
    Choose tracked repositories
  10. Under "Filter by team assigned to review code", click the Add a team dropdown and choose one or more teams. You can add up to 100 teams. If the team you select doesn't have access to the "Tracked repositories" selected above, you won't be able to create the scheduled reminder. Add a team dropdown
  11. Optionally, to exclude draft pull requests from scheduled reminders, select Ignore drafts. For more information, see "Draft pull requests." Ignore draft pull requests checkbox
  12. Optionally, to only include pull requests where a review is specifically requested from the team or a team member, select Require review requests. If you don't select this option, all pull requests are included in the scheduled reminder. Ignore pull requests with no review requests checkbox
  13. Optionally, to send reminders to the pull request authors after the review requests have been fulfilled, select Remind authors after reviews and choose the number of reviews required before a reminder is sent. Remind authors after reviews checkbox
  14. Optionally, to turn off scheduled reminders for pull requests that have already been reviewed and approved, select Ignore approved pull requests. Then, click the Ignore with 1 or more approvals to choose how many approvals a pull request must have to be ignored. Ignore approved pull requests checkbox
  15. Under "Minimum age", type the age of a pull request, in hours. Scheduled reminders won't include pull requests that are newer than this age limit. Ignored labels field
  16. Under "Minimum staleness", type the time since the last activity on a pull request, in hours. Scheduled reminders won't include pull requests whose last activity was more recent than this time. Minimum staleness field
  17. Under "Ignored terms", type a comma-separated list of terms that may appear in titles of pull requests. Scheduled reminders won't include any pull requests that contain one or more of these terms in their titles. Ignored terms field
  18. Under "Ignored labels", type a comma-separated list of labels. Scheduled reminders won't include any pull requests that have one or more of these labels. Ignored labels field
  19. Under "Required labels", type a comma-separated list of labels. Scheduled reminders will only include pull requests that haven't already been ignored, if they have one or more of these labels. Required labels field
  20. Click Create reminder.

Managing a scheduled reminder for an organization

  1. In the top right corner of GitHub, click your profile photo, then click Your organizations. Your organizations in the profile menu
  2. Next to the organization, click Settings. The settings button
  3. In the left sidebar, click Scheduled reminders. Scheduled reminders button
  4. Next to the scheduled reminder you'd like to update, click Edit. Edit existing scheduled reminder
  5. Make one or more changes to your scheduled reminder.
  6. To save your changes, click Update reminder. Optionally, to test your changes while updating the changes, click Update and test reminder. Update buttons

Deleting a scheduled reminder for an organization

  1. In the top right corner of GitHub, click your profile photo, then click Your organizations. Your organizations in the profile menu
  2. Next to the organization, click Settings. The settings button
  3. In the left sidebar, click Scheduled reminders. Scheduled reminders button
  4. At the bottom of the page, click Delete this reminder. Delete a scheduled reminder button
  5. To confirm that you want to delete the scheduled reminder, click OK.

Further reading

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