Support » Plugin: Charitable - Donation Plugin » Is Charitable GDPR compliant?

  • Resolved emexonline777



    Will you tell me is Charitable GDPR compliant?

    We are a US based non-profit. The only thing we really want/need is a very simple donation button that will work with Worpress/Avada Theme/Woocommerce/Yith Woo/ payment gateway – this one redirects off-site so we don’t keep customs information.

    Please let me know if you think Charitable will work with this scenario.

    Thank you!

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  • Plugin Author Eric Daams


    Hi @emexonline777,

    Charitable doesn’t have an integration with WooCommerce at the moment so this won’t really work.

    Charitable does help with GDPR compliance as you can have your donation form show terms and conditions and display your privacy policy. You can also ask donors if they consent to be contacted. All that is available as part of the core plugin.


    Thread Starter emexonline777


    Ok thank you for your reply.

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