

  • Supports multiple Sets of Opening Hours (e.g. one for your restaurant and one for your bar) that you can use independently.
  • Ondersteunt vakanties
  • Supports Irregular Openings (e.g. different opening hours during Christmas)
  • Supports child sets that overwrite your regular opening hours in a specific time period (e.g. seasonal opening hours or an extra day in every second week)
  • Four highly customizable Widgets and Shortcodes also displaying contextual information (e.g. “We’re currently closed but will be open again on Monday at 8am”)


  • Overview Widget: Lists up all Opening Hours with contextual information in a table or list
  • Is Open Widget: Indicates whether the selected venue is currently open or closed and optionally shows when it will be open again
  • Holidays Widget: Lists up all Holidays in a table or list
  • Irregular Openings Widget: Lists up all Irregular Openings in a table or list
  • Widgets: Inserts structured JSON-LD into a WordPress page or post

Meer over de Widgets


All of the widgets listed up above are also available as shortcodes.
With the Opening Hours Shortcode Builder you can assemble a Shortcode by filling in a form. This is particularly useful when you are not comfortable with the shortcode syntax.

Further Documentation

Further documentation is available on GitHub.


Er zijn verschillende manieren om de Opening Hours plugin te installeren

  1. WordPress Plugin Installer
  2. Handmatige Installatie
  3. Composer
  4. Kloon GitHub Repository


How can I change the styling of the widgets / shortcodes?

The Plugin provides very minimal styling, which is the red and green colors for the open / closed messages. All other kind of styling is left to the WordPress Theme you are using or your custom CSS.
To disable the styling of the text color the op_use_front_end_styles filter hook can be used.

Mijn taal is niet beschikbaar in de Plugin

Je kan deelnemen om deze Plugin vertalingen beschikbaar te maken in meerdere talen.
Lees het gedeelte op Bijdragen aan vertalingen

Ik heb een bug gevonden en ik wil dit oplossen

Als je een bug heb gevonden, wees vrij om het op te lossen draag bij aan het project op Github.


6 juni 2020
Absolutely great plugin! I used it in DIVI-builder with only the shortcodes and so much is adjustable. It perfectly fit my needs.
3 januari 2020
I've moved a site from editing three pages (for three separate languages and using tortuous table html) to instead editing one easy to use panel with dropdowns. It's sooooo much simpler for the end user. I needed to do a little bit of extra coding to make things look exactly as I wanted, but the plugin author was patient and helpful. Thanks Jannik!
22 juli 2019
It offers countless features and can be used anywhere. Thank you to the author(s)
5 juli 2019
This is one of the best free plugins out there. So many shortcodes, it can display exactly how you need it to. Thanks to the developer! I will donate as soon as I can. To the person who had issues with incorrect display shown, I had that initially but realised it was my incorrect settings - general - timezone.
26 juni 2019
Je l'utilise pour afficher les horaires d'ouverture et de fermeture de mon magasin et il fonctionne à merveille. Je recommande!!
Lees alle 37 beoordelingen

Bijdragers & ontwikkelaars

“Openingstijden” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.


“Openingstijden” is vertaald in 7 talen. Dank voor de vertalers voor hun bijdragen.

Vertaal “Openingstijden” naar jouw taal.

Interesse in ontwikkeling?

Bekijk de code, haal de SVN repository op, of abonneer je op het ontwikkellog via RSS.



  • Fix a bug that would cause redundant database writes caused by a DB_VERSION mismatch
  • Add filter op_shortcode_template_path
  • Deprecate filter op_shortcode_template in favor of op_shortcode_template_path
  • Consistently use en dashes to separate dates and times in default formats
  • Add filter op_set_post_type_arguments


  • Add support for custom user locales in the admin panel for cases when the user locale differs from the site locale


  • Added [op-schema] shortcode and Widget for structured JSON-LD representation of opening hours, holidays and irregular openings
  • Added button for Shortcode Builder in Set edit page


  • Fixed a warning occuring in the Overview shortcode with PHP >= 7.2
  • Added method OpeningHours->clearSetProviders() to OpeningHours singleton


  • Fix concerning time formats of Irregular Openings and Periods when saving by @Braunson


  • Fixed JavaScript conflicts with other plugins


  • Fixed a bug that did not load the parent set’s irregular openings and holidays in active child sets.
  • Fixed a bug that blocked irregular openings and periods on the days after irregular openings that go beyond midnight.


  • Added today’s opening hours in Is Open shortcode / widget
  • Automatically hide past Holidays and Irregular Openings in the respective shortcodes / widgets
  • Sort Holidays and Irregular Openings ascendingly by start date
  • Use WordPress shipped version of jquery-ui to prevent conflicts with other plugins
  • Merge dates of Holidays if they only span one day
  • Added offset option to Overview shortcode / widget
  • Added filters
    • op_is_open_format_next
    • op_is_open_format_today
    • op_overview_model
  • Various bug fixes


  • fixed bug concerning child set initialization. thanks to @nikomuse


  • Added support for UTC offset timezones


  • Fixed timezone bug in WordPress 4.7


  • Fixed a bug that didn’t show next open Period when there are no regular Periods but Irregular Openings in the current Set


  • Added SetAlias functionality
  • Minor fixes including:
    • Fixed mixed content error (@foomep)
    • Fixed auto convert issue
    • Fixed PHP 5.3 incompatibility issues


Completely new version of the Opening Hours plugin.
Supports multiple Sets of Opening Hours and adds more flexibility to the Widgets and Shortcodes.
Offers Developer APIs to easily integrate your custom sources.


Read this article:


Read this article:


Read this article:


fixed a bug that displayed saturday instead of friday


initial version