Support » Requests and Feedback » Customize WordPress page urls

  • We can customize WordPress post urls and that’s great thing to structure our site as per our need.

    But there is no option to customize WordPress page urls.

    If it comes in future updates then it will be a great help for many existing and new businesses online.

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  • Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    The editor as well as the Quick Edit on the pages screen permits you to update the URL slug. That defines the WordPress page URL.

    Thread Starter Sukanta Das


    No I am saying for posts I can use [the .html extension]

    But can’t use for pages to

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Ah. Gotcha.

    *Goes to try*

    Yep, of course you are correct. 😉

    I set my permalinks to /%postname%.html but I can’t edit the page slug to permit something.html as the . is changed to - and I have no option to change that for a page.

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