This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Advanced Menu Widget


This plugin adds enhanced “Navigation Menu” widget. It offers many options which could be set to customize the output of the custom menu through the widget.

Features include:

  • Custom hierarchy – “Only related sub-items” or “Only strictly related sub-items”.
  • Starting depth and maximum level to display + flat display.
  • Display all menu items starting with the selected one.
  • Display only direct path to current element or only children of selected item (option to include the parent item).
  • Display menu as drop down.
  • Custom class for a widget block.
  • And almost all the parameters for the wp_nav_menu function.
  • shortcode [advMenu]
  • Display menu items descriptions.

Are you missing something or isn’t it working as expected ? I am open to suggestions to improve the plugin !

Thanks the Slovak WordPress community and Webikon for the support. For more information about me check out my personal page.


  • “Title” – set the title for your widget
  • “Custom Widget Class” – custom class for widget block
  • “Select Menu” – menu from the custom menus you want show
  • “Show hierarchy” – you can set to display only related or strictly related items
  • “Starting depth” – display only menu items which depth is greater then this
  • “How many levels to display” – limit the display from 1 to 5 levels or flat display
  • “Filter selection from” – only items which are children or grandchildren of selected element will be displayed
  • “Select the filter” – filter the direct path for the current menu item (like breadcrumb navigation) or display only its children
  • “Include parents” – when checked it display also parent item upon filters (e.x. Display only children of selected item)


You can use [advMenu] shortcode with the parameters listed below:

'nav_menu' (menu ID)                

e.g. [advMenu title="Menu Title" nav_menu=2]


  • Widget options.


Activate the plugin.

You can set everything right on the widget control panel.


Installation Instructions

Activate the plugin.

You can set everything right on the widget control panel.

Can I email you with the support questions ?

No. Please use integrated forum support system.

Do you provide some extra “premium” customization ?

Yes. You can email me in this case.


May 27, 2017
This plugin helped me to create powerful and wonderful website with widget menu that I always wanted. It works amazing and perfect with practical details. Thank you dear team for helping to be my website as I always wanted. I am very grateful for such a beautiful creation. With love, Suzana
January 30, 2017
I am trying to get an answer on how to fix an issue I seem to be experiencing. On my pages (and not all) the menu item for that same page shows up. I have the settings same across the board and for some pages it doesn't show and for some it even shows twice. Any idea on how I can remove this? An example of this would be here: You can see I am on the Calendar page but still shows Calendar on the sidebar. The settings are set to only show child pages so basically that should show no menu on that page. Any ideas? I've submitted this question in the support for the plugin and I have no response.
October 19, 2016
Contains amazing walker class that can be easily used as a special walker in your own wp_nav_menu(...) What was however a little mystery for a while were the depths. Let's say you want to only display menu from 3rd to 4th level. (classic menu with rolldowns/dropdowns, just shifted a few levels...) - now what you actually have to do is to set 'start_depth' => 2 and 'depth' => 4 //(actually start_depth +2 ! This was quite counter-intuitive, but if you think about it, it makes sense in the end...
Read all 25 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Advanced Menu Widget” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • Fix for first parent item as a title not working as expected


  • First stage of code refactoring and cleanup
  • Fixes deprecated warnings and various other errors
  • Added option to use first parent item as a title


  • Added option to display menu as dropdown.
  • Added descriptions.
  • Added shortcode [advMenu]
  • Post related parents are now accepted.
  • Bug fixes and enhancements.


  • Enhanced custom hierarchy (you are seeing really only related elements).
  • Added option for a starting depth.
  • Added option for a starting element.
  • Added filter to display only some menu part based on chosen item.
  • Added direct path.
  • Added option to display only children elements of selected item.
  • Added custom class for a widget block.


  • initial release