Acest modul nu a fost testat cu ultimele 3 versiuni importante ale WordPress. S-ar putea să nu mai fie întreținut sau susținut și ar putea avea probleme de compatibilitate când este folosit cu versiuni recente ale WordPress.

Who's Logged In


Install and activate the Who’s Logged In plugin, and you can view a list of currently logged in users on your Dashboard Home page.

Capturi ecran

  • The Who's Logged In Metabox that gets added to your Dashboard home page.
  • Showing the location of the Who's Logged In plugin settings page.


  1. Search for and install the Who’s Logged In plugin from the „Plugins” section of your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Once installed, activate the plugin from the same „Plugins” section of your WordPress Dashboard.
  3. Once the plugin is activated, you can visit the Dashboard >> Home page to see the Who’s Logged In Metabox.

Întrebări frecvente

Where is the settings page for the Who’s Logged In plugin located?

You can find the plugins settings page after logging in as an administrator, and clicking on the Dashboard >> Settings >> Who’s Logged In sub menu item.

I’m an administrator, and while viewing my dashboard page I don’t see the Who’s Logged In metabox anywhere?

Check that the Who’s Logged In plugin has actually been activated on the Dashboard >> Plugins page first off. If the plugin is activated you may need to click on the „Screen Options” button, near the top right of the dashboard page, then check off the „Who’s Logged In” box to add it to your dashboard.


9 noiembrie 2020
It is outdated, not testet with actual wordpress version. But the worst is it showed me all users who have ever logged in... not the ones who are logged in now ;( Sad, but useless, please update & make it work , i'll give 5 stars.
22 septembrie 2020
The most important feature that is missing in this plugin is the functionality to see who's currently logged in during the time you're currently viewing the dashboard. If you have time please also add this functionality.
19 septembrie 2020
This plugin did list those who HAD logged in, but did not display who has currently logged in. Just gave a huge list of eveyone who had logged in.
4 iunie 2020
Love the idea behind the plugin but the new feature that logs out after 15 min. needs a big adjustment. Often getting distracted while on a site takes place. You are even logging out Admin with your timer. I wanted to use this plugin but have to remove it because I can't be logged out automatically every 15 min. As I'm developing, the plugin logs me out and it is a pain in the but to log back in over and over. Create a settings area for the plugin where we can decide if we want it to log out users or not.
Citește toate cele 12 recenzii

Contributori și dezvoltatori

„Who's Logged In” este un software open-source. La acest modul au contribuit următoarele persoane.


Istoric modificări


  • Fixed a bug where scripts weren’t loading properly in all cases
  • Removed an extra option to improve performance


  • Added a requested settings page that, for now, has one setting for turning the automatic logout of inactive users functionality that was added in version 1.1 on and off. Also changed the automatic logout timer to be 20 minutes instead of 15 minutes to make it a little more friendly.


  • Added a requested feature that automatically logs out users 15 minutes after they have left the current website window or tab, and updates the administrators list of users shortly afterwards.