Buddypress and qTranslate

Plugin for optimize qTranslate for Buddypress and support of BP Admin bar

Dominik Matus Fewer than 10 active installations Tested with 3.0.0 Updated 11 miaka ago

LH Event Tickets RSVPs

Improves the display of Modern Trtibes Event Tickets RSVP's, dramatically

Peter Shaw Fewer than 10 active installations Tested with 4.9.18 Updated 3 miaka ago

SSL for BuddyPress

SSL for BuddyPress will redirect non-SSL HTTP buddypress pages to HTTPS buddypress pages automatically

membersonly.top Fewer than 10 active installations Tested with 5.4.6 Updated 1 mwaka ago

WP Uploaders Only

This plugin fixes the bug of allowing users to access and delete other users uploaded…

Joy Chetry Fewer than 10 active installations Tested with 5.1.10 Updated 2 miaka ago

BP Delegated XProfile

Enables delegating a user's Extended Profile for editing by other users.

Meitar Moscovitz Fewer than 10 active installations Tested with 4.8.17 Updated 4 miaka ago

LH Dequeue Buddypress

Dequeue the scripts and styles that buddypress adds for non logged in users.

Peter Shaw Fewer than 10 active installations Tested with 5.6.4 Updated miezi 6 ago

LH Dequeue RtMedia

Removes the huge numbers of styles, scripts etc, that RTmedia adds for non logged in…

Peter Shaw Fewer than 10 active installations Tested with 5.2.11 Updated 2 miaka ago

BP Custom Pages

This is a BuddyPress plugin which allows site admins to create up to 4 "Custom…

Venutius Fewer than 10 active installations Tested with 5.8 Updated 2 siku ago

Forum Redirect

Allows you to override the default behavior of bbPress forums, linking them to an external…

Widgit Team Fewer than 10 active installations Tested with 5.3.8 Updated 2 miaka ago