• Resolved Jim


    I’m hoping you will consider adding the ability to replace an image with one that is already in the Media library. Here is an example use case:

    I need to replace an image throughout my site with one that is already in the library. The image to be replaced is used on many pages, and the replacement image is also used in some pages already, so I can’t delete it before doing the replacement.

    If I have to re-upload the replacement image, then I have two identical copies of it, one used in some places, the other used elsewhere. That would be a confusing mess.

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  • That would be ideal, but I would not recommend it. The images used in WP are still added by WP, and therefore are created based on the previous image. Maybe, if the image you’re using is the same dimensions, but if not, the image mist try to keep the settings based on the previous image, and that will cause distortions.
    For me, I’d go the long way around and replace each image. I’ve used edited links in both with WP and without, and have had success, but also failures, and often times the failures aren’t so easily identified. One of WP’s strengths is it builds the links automatically so there’s a lower chance of a problem.
    Do you use the templates in WP? That would help to cut down the need to replace so many images.

    Hope this helps!…

    Thread Starter Jim


    I don’t really follow the problem with sizes, but I’ll take your word for it. I don’t think templates would help because the images are used at different parts of certain pages. Thanks anyway.

    Jim – could you post a link so I can see what you’re doing with it?…

    Thread Starter Jim


    Yes thank you.

    The images in question are the 3 triangles toward the right. They are put after their respective headings, but aren’t used on all pages.

    I think even if I could get them to work in a template, I would have to edit all the pages that use the template to be compatible with it. Your other suggestion, manually changing the images, would be easier.

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