Support » Plugin: ConvertKit » Form shortcode

  • Resolved George


    Is there a way to display a non-default form as a shortcode? I am not displaying any default forms but I want to use a hook that my theme provides to insert a signup form into the footer (without using widgets).

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  • Plugin Author ggwicz


    Hey @quantum_leap,

    Yes, you can specify a form with the following shortcode syntax:

    [convertkit id="{ID}"]

    Where {ID} in this example is the form ID of a ConvertKit form.

    One way of identifying the ID of a form is to look in the URL for a form once you publish it on; the URLs will look something like this:{ID}.html

    Just copy the {ID} value from the URL and use it in the shortcode as specified above! šŸ™‚

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