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Translation of 5.2.x: Hungarian

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Prio Original string Translation
The maximum width of the embed frame in pixels. A beágyazott keret maximum szélessége pixelben. Details
The maximum width of the embed frame in pixels.

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The maximum height of the embed frame in pixels. A beágyazott keret maximális magassága pixelben. Details
The maximum height of the embed frame in pixels.

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Could not open file handle. Nem sikerült megnyitni a fájlkezelőt. Details
Could not open file handle.

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Number of widgets found: %d Talált widgetek száma: %d Details
Number of widgets found: %d

%d: the number of widgets found


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  • Singular:
    Your theme has %s widget area, but this particular page doesn’t display it.
  • Plural:
    Your theme has %s widget areas, but this particular page doesn’t display them.
  • Singular:
    A témád tartalmaz a beágyazásra alkalmas %s db widget területet, de ez a konkrét oldal nem jeleníti meg.
  • Plural:
    A témád tartalmaz a beágyazásra alkalmas %s db widget területet, de ez a konkrét oldal nem jeleníti meg.
Singular: Your theme has %s widget area, but this particular page doesn’t display it.
Plural: Your theme has %s widget areas, but this particular page doesn’t display them.

%s: the total number of widget areas registered


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No Content-Disposition supplied. Nincs tartalom megjelenítés. Details
No Content-Disposition supplied.

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  • Singular:
    Your theme has %s other widget area, but this particular page doesn’t display it.
  • Plural:
    Your theme has %s other widget areas, but this particular page doesn’t display them.
  • Singular:
    A témád tartalmaz a beágyazásra alkalmas %s db egyéb widget területet, de ez a konkrét oldal nem jeleníti meg ezt.
  • Plural:
    A témád tartalmaz a beágyazásra alkalmas %s db egyéb widget területet, de ez a konkrét oldal nem jeleníti meg ezeket.
Singular: Your theme has %s other widget area, but this particular page doesn’t display it.
Plural: Your theme has %s other widget areas, but this particular page doesn’t display them.

%s: the number of other widget areas registered but not rendered


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Your theme has 1 widget area, but this particular page doesn’t display it. A témád tartalmaz a beágyazásra alkalmas 1 db widget területet, de ez a konkrét oldal nem jeleníti meg ezt. Details
Your theme has 1 widget area, but this particular page doesn’t display it.

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Caption for the attachment, as it exists in the database. A csatolmány felirata, ahogyan az adatbázisban szerepel. Details
Caption for the attachment, as it exists in the database.

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Your theme has 1 other widget area, but this particular page doesn’t display it. A témád tartalmaz a beágyazásra alkalmas 1 db egyéb widget területet, de ez a konkrét oldal nem jeleníti meg ezeket. Details
Your theme has 1 other widget area, but this particular page doesn’t display it.

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No Content-Type supplied. Tartalom típus nem engedélyezett. Details
No Content-Type supplied.

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URL to the object. Az objektum URL címe. Details
The date the object was published, as GMT. Az objektum publikálási időpontja, GMT szerint. Details
The date the object was published, as GMT.

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Sorry, the comment could not be edited. Sajnáljuk, a komment nem szerkeszthető. Details
Sorry, the comment could not be edited.

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Avatar URL with image size of %d pixels. Avatar URL %d pixel méretben. Details
Avatar URL with image size of %d pixels.

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