Plugin Load Filter


Although you may have installed a lot of plugins, you may not want (or need) them activated for all of your posts and pages. With this plugin, you will be able to deactivate unnecessary plugins for each individual post and page.

By filtering the activation of plugins, you can significantly speed up your website.


  • Support Post Format type
  • Support Custom Post type
  • Support Jetpack Modules filtering
  • Support WP Embed Content card (is_embed template)
  • Support Simple Post Language Locale switcher

In addition to blog posts and pages, for example providing services as a Web application, you can also distinguish the plugins for blog and Web applications.

To further performance up plugin

YASAKANI Cache is a simple and easy to use super high speed page cache.

For more detailed information, there is an introduction page.



  • Filter Registration setting.
  • Page Filter Activation setting.
  • Setting of each post


  1. Upload the plugin-load-filter folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. Set up from Plugin Load Filter to be added to the Plugins menu of Admin mode.


  • This plugin to automatically activated as must-use plugin installed plf-filter.php file to MU-plugins folder. Depending on the permissions of the folders and files there is a possibility that it is not possible to install the plf-filter.php file.
  • There is also plugins that can not be filtering, such as cache plugins or must-use plugins.


  • In the Page Type Filter, you can choose from two types of filters as needed (Filter Registration)

    • Admin Type : Register the plugins to be used only in admin page.
    • Page Type : Register the plugins for selecting whether to activate each Page type or Post. Page Type registration plugins are once blocked, but is activated by Page Type filter Activation setting.
  • Select the plugins from Page Type Filter registration to activate (Page Type filter Activation)

    • Desktop/Mobile Filter : plugins to be used only in desktop/moble device. (wp_is_mobile function use)
    • Select the plugins that you want to activate for each Page type or Post Format type or Custom Post type.
    • Can be selected plugins to activate from Post content editing screen
  • Check

    • Please perform sufficient test whether the setting is working as expected.
    • Please also check the operation if you add or remove a plugin.
    • Filter priority : Each Single Post Filter > Admin Type > Page Type Filter


March 26, 2021
THANK YOU _/\_ for this plugin, has extended the life of my site by selectively suppressing obsolescence! (I'm mainly using this with JQuery Filter.) One feature suggestion: I need to apply the plugin load filter on a page basis, but need the OPPOSITE logic to what is provided. For the plugin with "Page Type" turned on, I need Plugin Load Filter to be able to default to *using* the plugin instead of *not using* it. Thank you again!
March 26, 2021
(1) choose plugins to filter (2) filter them by page category. (3) adjust filter for single page if necessary everything works great. no conflicts. I used "Plugin Organizer" before, but was tired - had problems with contact form, configuration was horrible. here -> everything is clear and just works. thanks for it
February 26, 2021
A calendar plugin was causing a conflict with an image slider on my home page and I tried Asset Cleanup and Plugin Organiser to disable the calendar scripts on the home page and just enable them on the calendar page. After some messing around I got Asset Cleaner to do what I wanted but it placed too much bloat in my admin page/post editor section (yes, I know I could disable this in Screen Options) but the plugin seemed to be an overkill for what I wanted. Plugin Organiser was also too complicated to set up so, not having the patience, I searched for something simpler. That's when I found Plugin Load Filter. It's fantastic and so simple to use. Within 30 seconds of activation I disabled the calendar plugin site wide, then went to the calendar page and enabled it for that page only. I didn't have to search for any instructions. It just worked without any complicated configuration. Thanks so much to the developer.
January 18, 2021
I don't know if the issue is with the plugin or the types of plugins it can filter. But getting started is very confusing. You have to change the filter type on the filter registration page, then click Filter Entry (not very intuitive). Then, for anything you chose to Page Type filter, it shows up in the Page Type Filter Activation tab, where you can choose your exceptions. However, for the plugin I was trying to filter (Podlove Web Player), it just blocked it outright until I chose a few different options (that didn't seem to make sense for what I wanted to enable). Then once I had it set where I could see the plugin again, but then I couldn't figure out how to keep the plugin from showing up on a single post. I enabled the single page/post option, but it only showed the Desktop/Mobile choices, but neither option filtered the plugin. I just gave up and uninstalled.
September 10, 2020
Esta es la primera vez que comento un plugin. Realmente funciona, es asombroso como realmente uno puede mejorar el rendimiento de la web. El unico detalle que le agregaria es poder habilitar un plugin en una determinada pagina por url. Fuera de ese detalle que seria algo para agregar, el resto funciona re bien, es basico, sencillo, sin quilombos de miles de configuraciones.
Read all 38 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Plugin Load Filter” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Plugin Load Filter” has been translated into 2 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Plugin Load Filter” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • 2021-4-8 Fixed a filtering bug in the multi-site siteeide plugi.
    Fixed a bug where url filter Addon would match only home (/) settings to all URL trail slashe.


  • 2021-3-23 Fixed a bug that caused conflicts for some custom post types.


  • 2021-2-12 Fixed a bug that language locale switching process was not working for private posts.
    Fixed a bug that the portfolio custom post type page in WP Jetpack plugin can’t be displayed.


  • 2020-8-31 Fixed a bug that the display of Woocommerce order management page shop_order list was blocked.
  • CSS adjustment of display position shift.
  • “A variable mismatch has been detected” error countermeasure


  • 2020-8-28 Fix bug: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Using $this when not in object context


  • 2020-8-26 Separate URL filtering feature into Addon.
  • Added a link in Admin-bar to show the filtering status of the plugins.
  • Fixed some bugs and refactored the processing code.


  • 2020-6-5 Added simple language locale switching for per page.
  • Changed conditions to PHP7.2 and WordPress5.3 or more.


  • 2019-12-2 Fixed bug where filtering did not work when the permalink structure was set to “Plain”.


  • 2019-2-25 change. URL Filter specification (available character types and maximum number of registrations)   


  • 2019-2-18 Fixed. plf-filter PHP Warning (Illegal offset type).   


  • 2018-8-15 Meta Boxes CSS adjustment when using gutenberg editor.   


  • 2018-6-6 Fixed. Exclude plugin_load_filter action from Ajax URL Filter.       


  • 2018-5-23 Fixed bug that the filter did not work on bbPress private page, and URL filter priority modification.       


  • 2018-5-11 Add REST API and Ajax request judgment function to URL filter (incompatible with old version).


  • 2017-5-11 Add confirmation dialog to clear setting button. And Fix regular expression for AMP / URL page judgment.


  • 2017-1-20 AMP/URL page filter support. And addition of monitoring process of “rewrite_rule” data for custom post type.


  • 2016-10-21 fix. Archive of judgment miss (category, tag), and corresponding at the time of custom post type used to “rewrite_rules”, “wp_post_statuses”.


  • 2016-08-31 Multisite support.


  • 2016-06-20 When the plugin update, has been fixed because there was a case of plf-filter file of MU-plugins folder is not updated


  • 2016-06-17 Change user interface option settings. And is_embed template support. (Filter for WP Embed content card API)


  • 2016-04-18 WP4.5 support. (get_currentuserinfo is deprecated since version 4.5! change wp_get_current_user)


  • 2015-07-23 Code cleanups (Stop the use of transient API cache of intermediate processing data)


  • 2015-04-30 Change user interface option settings screen.


  • 2015-04-22 Exclude GET request(with? Parameters) to the home page from the filter. For example, Link to download the Download Manager plugins.


  • 2015-04-16 Release