

  • Member Since: March 6th, 2016
  • Location: Zurich, Switzerland
  • Website: filmpuls.info
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  • Created a topic, elementor assets not loaded via CDN, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Hi My website is using CDN Enabler by KeyCDN, but 2 s…

    3 days ago

  • Posted a reply to Not compatible with WPML, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    thanks, seems that WPML cannot find the string? (looking for the GA-tracking ID should be…

    2 months ago

  • Posted a reply to Not compatible with WPML, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    `@daanvandenbergh beautiful, Daan! This is great news; just re-installed your plugin on all multilingual sites…

    2 months ago

  • Posted a reply to Universal Analytics & GA4 parallel, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    good is the prename, its close to perfect ;-) and yes, have adapted G-XXXXXXX in…

    3 months ago

  • Posted a reply to Universal Analytics & GA4 parallel, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    first thing I did - checked the SQL (I know, there is a seeting in…

    3 months ago

  • Posted a reply to Universal Analytics & GA4 parallel, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    thanks, Daan - tested it, did not work and even I deleted the mini-plugin and…

    3 months ago

  • Posted a reply to Universal Analytics & GA4 parallel, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    all questions answered; thanks Daan!

    3 months ago

  • Posted a reply to Universal Analytics & GA4 parallel, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    the dumbest and at the same time truest of all answers: because the customer wants…

    3 months ago

  • Posted a reply to Universal Analytics & GA4 parallel, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Hi back, Communication is the illusion that it has occurred ;-) my question is: can…

    3 months ago

  • Posted a reply to Universal Analytics & GA4 parallel, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    @ijjimem thanks, have tested this already, but without success... have you connected GA4 to General…

    3 months ago

  • Posted a reply to Hide Profile From Menu, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Screenshot here: Link

    3 months ago

  • Created a topic, Universal Analytics & GA4 parallel, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Heja Dan, I do not seem able to manage to get the plu…

    3 months ago

  • Posted a reply to Hide Profile From Menu, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    correct: I have added in Global Option a new Option name (Profile) with ID #menu-users…

    4 months ago

  • Created a topic, Recommended, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    very good! thanks for the cool work (and thanks also f…

    4 months ago

  • Posted a reply to Email in ACF Fields WYSIWYG-Editor, on the site WordPress.org Forums:

    4 months ago

  • Created a topic, Email in ACF Fields WYSIWYG-Editor, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Hi, I am adding text to a new website using the AFC WY…

    4 months ago

  • Posted a reply to WordPress 5.7. lazy load images submenu, on the site WordPress.org Forums:

    5 months ago

  • Posted a reply to WordPress 5.7. lazy load images submenu, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    thanks for your explanation. speed is (almost) everything nowadays :-) any recommendation how to change…

    5 months ago

  • Created a topic, WordPress 5.7. lazy load images submenu, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Hi, images in the max mega sub-menu seem to be loade…

    5 months ago

  • Posted a reply to Compatible with ARVE / ARVE Pro Plugin?, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    brrr ... always tough to decide for either honey or chocolate ;-)

    5 months ago

  • Created a topic, Compatible with ARVE / ARVE pro, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Sounds promising. I wonder if somebody has already tes…

    5 months ago

  • Posted a reply to Autoptimize and CF7 5.4, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    I decided to go back to previous version and to wait for next update ;-)

    6 months ago

  • Created a topic, Weird conflict; GA/CAOS Plugin, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Hi, version 5.4. is stalling my Google Analytics integ…

    6 months ago

  • Created a topic, Compatibility Contact form 7 Version 5.4., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Hi, have updated the Contact Form 7 plugin to version …

    6 months ago

  • Posted a reply to Not compatible with WPML, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    ok, famous last words... I translated a string, but the wrong ones (belonging to another…

    6 months ago

  • Posted a reply to Not compatible with WPML, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    aha - it is still possible to setup an Universal Analytics-Property at this point; well…

    6 months ago

  • Posted a reply to Not compatible with WPML, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    this is what I call a fast answer :-) I think the string translation would…

    6 months ago

  • Created a topic, Not compatible with WPML, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Hi Dan, I am using your great plugin on a site that …

    6 months ago

  • Posted a reply to Domain Mapping, using wmpl, on the site WordPress.org Forums:

    7 months ago

  • Created a topic, Domain Mapping, using wmpl, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Hi I have WMPL running and use domain mapping for the…

    8 months ago

  • Posted a reply to Hide Profile From Menu, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    add #menu-users to global settings and profile will be hidden :-)

    8 months ago

  • Posted a reply to Deliver in WebP: Version 1.5., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Ok, have deactivated and reactivated the plugin, did the trick, see WebP aswell as <!--…

    10 months ago

  • Posted a reply to Deliver in WebP: Version 1.5., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    unfortunately, it got worse - see here

    10 months ago

  • Created a topic, Deliver in WebP: Version 1.5., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Hi guys Thanks for the version 1.5.; checking with Ke…

    10 months ago

  • Posted a reply to compatibility problem with language vesions, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Hi @ravanh, your feedback is highly appreciated! I already tested the "allowed domains" and added…

    11 months ago

  • Created a topic, compatibility problem with language vesions, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Hi, I started testing your great plugin - using the go…

    11 months ago

  • Posted a reply to WebP in Widgets not working anymore, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    thankyou, @coreyk

    11 months ago

  • Posted a reply to WebP in Widgets not working anymore, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    thank you for the prompt reply. here you go Link to the test url to…

    11 months ago

  • Created a topic, WebP in Widgets not working anymore, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Hi, having tested my site using the KeyCDN-Speedtest (…

    11 months ago

  • Created a topic, Published Time & Modified Time Gap:, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Hi Sayan, do I understand right that "Published Time &…

    1 year ago

  • Created a topic, Great Support, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    if support everywhere was so great, digital life would…

    1 year ago

  • Posted a reply to Switch language from English to German, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    great, you made my day!

    1 year ago

  • Posted a reply to Switch language from English to German, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    hi, in the date that shows the original date of publication (31. May 2020) the…

    1 year ago

  • Posted a reply to Switch language from English to German, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Thank you for your fast reation! I want to show the modified date, then date…

    1 year ago

  • Posted a reply to Scripts to Defer, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    :-), thank you for your immediate answer

    1 year ago

  • Posted a reply to Site Health Status: active php session, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    New udpate does the trick, THANKS for being so effective and superfast :-)

    1 year ago

  • Created a topic, Switch language from English to German, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Great Plugin! however, I do not manage to switch the l…

    1 year ago

  • Created a topic, Site Health Status: active php session, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Hi having updated to WP 5.0, I get the following mess…

    1 year ago

  • Created a topic, Scripts to Defer, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Hi, GMetrix tells me 190.4KiB of JavaScript is parse…

    1 year ago

  • Posted a reply to Conflict with Yoast SEO, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Heja Martin, 0.5.0 causes no more conflicts with Yoast SEO, as far as I see.…

    1 year ago