WooCommerce Stock Manager


WooCommerce Stock Manager allows you manage stock for products and their variables from one screen.

What you can do using WooCommerce Stock Manager:

Manage following product fields:

  • SKU
  • Product name
  • Tax status
  • Tax class
  • Shipping class
  • Price
  • Sale price
  • Weight
  • Manage stock
  • Stock status
  • Backorders
  • Stock

Additionally, you can:

  • display product thumbnail image
  • filter products by type, category, stock manage or stock status
  • sort products by name or SKU
  • search products by name or SKU
  • show/hide columns for better usability
  • edit the variants for variable product after clicking on “Show variables” button
  • save each product or variation separately, or save all displayed data

Manage custom fields

To manage a custom product field or fields from any other post type like Orders, Coupons, Subscriptions etc, use our free plugin Smart Manager For WooCommerce.

Product stock history

In Stock log page, you can see the products stock history.


With WooCommerce Stock Manager plugin, it is possible export all stock data of your shop, edit them and import back with CSV file.
(This feature needs refactoring, so use this only on your own risk).

Export file structure:
Id – product ID.
SKU – product unique identificator, required.
Product name – Name/title of the product
Manage stock – values: “yes”, “notify”, “no”. If is empty “no” will be save.
Stock status – values: “instock”, “outofstock”. If is empty “outofstock” will be save.
Backorders – values: “yes”, “notify”, “no”. If is empty “no” will be save.
Stock – quantity value.
Type – type of product.
Parent ID – if product is variant, parent product ID is displayed for better filtering csv file.

GDPR ready – plugin don’t collect personal data.

Spread The Love ❤️

If you like WooCommerce Stock Manager, please consider leaving five stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ for the plugin. That helps fellow website owners assess WooCommerce Stock Manager easily and benefit from it!


Want to add a new language to WooCommerce Stock Manager? Contribute via translate.wordpress.org.

Have any questions?

Feel free to contact us.

Recommended Readings for faster WooCommerce stock management

  1. How to bulk edit sale price and regular price
  2. How to manage Backorders in bulk?
  3. How to create Excel-like custom views to manage product stock
  4. How to Delete all products
  5. How to manage stock 10x faster
  6. How to search products by SKU
  7. How to export products based on advanced search and admin column filters?
  8. How to bulk edit Attributes
  9. How to manage Admin Columns for stock fields

Some of our other free plugins

  1. Smart Manager For WooCommerce – Manage and bulk edit WooCommerce products, variations, orders, coupons, any WordPress post type. All from a single screen using Excel-Like Spreadsheet.
  2. Offermative – Dynamic discount pricing, related product recommendations, upsells and funnels for WooCommerce.
  3. Temporary Login Without Password
  4. Icegram – Popups, Welcome Bar, Optins and Lead Generation Plugin
  5. Email Subscribers & Newsletters

StoreApps’ other Pro plugins

  1. Bulk Variations Manager
  2. WooCommerce One Click Upsell
  3. Smart Offers For WooCommerce
  4. Email Customizer for WooCommerce
  5. WooCommerce Name Your Price Plugin
  6. Frequently Bought Together For WooCommerce
  7. Express Checkout For WooCommerce
  8. WooCommerce Update Variations In Cart
  9. Express Login For WordPress

Check out all our WooCommerce plugins and bundles


  • Edit stock product data
  • Import/Export
  • See product edit history
  • Product stock as on date


Using The WordPress Dashboard

  1. Navigate to the Plugins > Add New in the WordPress dashboard
  2. Search for ‘WooCommerce Stock Manager’
  3. Click ‘Install Now’
  4. Activate the plugin

Uploading in WordPress Dashboard

  1. Navigate to the Plugins > Add New in the WordPress dashboard
  2. Navigate to the ‘Upload’ area
  3. Select woocommerce-stock-manager.zip from your computer
  4. Click ‘Install Now’
  5. Activate the plugin


How to show hide columns in the Stock Manager Table?

Go to WooCommerce Stock Manager and click on ‘Screen Options’ to show/hide any columns in the Stock Manager Table.

Quantity change not working.

Be sure, that you have active stock manage.


July 10, 2021
me ha acompañado años editando stock excelente aplicacion
Read all 83 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“WooCommerce Stock Manager” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“WooCommerce Stock Manager” has been translated into 4 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “WooCommerce Stock Manager” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


2.6.0 (28.05.2021)

  • New: WooCommerce 5.2.2, 5.3.0 compatible
  • Update: Strengthen security during import process [Thanks to: Chloe Chamberland | Wordfence]
  • Update: POT file

2.5.7 (03.04.2021)

  • Fix: ‘Cannot modify header information – headers already sent’ in some cases
  • Fix: jQuery error
  • Update: POT file

2.5.6 (26.03.2021)

  • Update: Admin footer text for WooCommerce Stock Manager pages
  • Update: Code Improvements
  • Update: POT file

2.5.5 (19.03.2021)

  • New: WooCommerce 5.0.0, 5.1.0 compatible
  • New: WordPress 5.7.0 compatible
  • Fix: PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function set_sku() on bool when importing products via CSV
  • Fix: jQuery ‘ready’ event is deprecated
  • Update: Column names on Import/Export page
  • Update: POT file

2.5.4 (29.01.2021)

  • New: WooCommerce 4.8.0, 4.9.2 compatible
  • New: WordPress 5.6.0 compatible
  • Fix: Updating stock for External/Affiliate product killing the Stock Manager page
  • Fix: Incorrect text domain at few places
  • Update: POT file

2.5.3 (21.11.2020)

  • New: WooCommerce 4.7.0 compatible

2.5.2 (28.10.2020)

  • New: WooCommerce 4.6.1 compatible
  • Fix: variation_data was called incorrectly error when exporting CSV
  • Update: Admin menu name
  • Update: POT file

2.5.1 (07.10.2020)

  • Fix: Price, Sale Price & Weight getting set to blank when importing CSV
  • Fix: Minor fixes

2.5.0 (03.10.2020)

  • Update: Compatibility with latest version of WordPress & WooCommerce
  • Fix: Clicking on ‘Variable product’ in case of variable products breaking the Stock Manager page
  • Fix: Import CSV not updating products
  • Fix: Warnings related to insert into ‘stock_log’ table
  • Fix: Minor fixes

2.4.0 (07.08.2020)

  • New: WooCommerce 4.3.1 compatible
  • New: Provision to show/hide ‘SKU’ column
  • Fix: ‘Create export File’ not exporting all the products in the generated CSV
  • Update: Title to product thumbnail column
  • Update: Disable autoload of few options
  • Update: Product icon
  • Update: POT file

2.3.0 (20.06.2020)

  • Fix: Product Variation thumbnail not loading in dashboard
  • Update: Updated POT file
  • Fix: Minor fixes

2.2.0 (06.06.2020)

  • Update: Compatibility with latest versions of WordPress & WooCommerce (v4.2+)
  • Update: Product low stock handling as per WooCommerce low stock threshold setting
  • Update: WooCommerce Stock Manager menu position
  • Fix: Default delimiter not set to “,” for Export CSV
  • Fix: Product variation Id displaying as blank in exported CSV
  • Fix: Dashboard going blank after enabling the ‘thumbnail’ column in some cases
  • Update: Updated POT file

2.1.1 (02.05.2020)

  • Update: Added stock related columns in the dashboard by default
  • Update: Compatibility with latest version of WooCommerce
  • Update: Added option for ‘No Shipping Class’ for ‘Shipping Class’ product field
  • Fix: ‘Sale Price’ product field showing as blank in case of ‘0’ value
  • Fix: Table headers of the Stock Manager dashboard table not translating
  • Update: Updated POT file

2.1.0 (06.04.2020)

  • New: New contributor’s name added
  • New: Added POT file
  • Update: Display the date in localized format in Stock log history
  • Update: Removed language specific translation files

Earlier Versions

For the changelog of earlier versions, please refer to the separate changelog.txt file.