Akismet Spam Protection


Акисмет проверава ваше коментаре и поднеске са обрасца за контакт са нашом општом базом података непожељних да би заштитио вас и ваше веб место од злонамерног садржаја. Можете проверити непожељне коментаре које ухвати на управљачком екрану „Коментари“ свог блога.

Главне особине Акисмета укључују:

  • Аутоматски проверава све коментаре и издваја оне који изгледају као непожељни.
  • Сваки коментар има историју стања да би се лако видело које коментаре је Акисмет ухватио или обрисао и које је коментаре уредник означио као непожељне или прихваћене.
  • URL-ови су показани у телу коментара да би се откриле све скривене или варљиве везе.
  • Уредници могу да виде број прихваћених коментара за сваког корисника.
  • Особина за одбацивање потпуно блокира најгоре непожељне коментаре, чувајући вам простор на диску и убрзавајући ваше веб место.

PS: You’ll be prompted to get an Akismet.com API key to use it, once activated. Keys are free for personal blogs; paid subscriptions are available for businesses and commercial sites.


Upload the Akismet plugin to your blog, activate it, and then enter your Akismet.com API key.

1, 2, 3: То је то!


26. јула 2021.
I wonder why WordPress just had to force people to install Akismet and Hello Dolly. These are completely useless and why would they just pre-installed them? Spams still came through and blocked some real comments. There are many plugins out there and some are truly free.
21. јула 2021.
I have this plugin on all my sites, but it does not save me from spam comments. I see lots of excellent reviews here, maybe I'm doing smth wrong... Will give it another chance, try to configure it.
5. јула 2021.
Easy to use and configurable. Help me avoid all the spam comments. Akismet Spam Protection saved my time! Recommended for every WordPress website.
19. јуна 2021.
WordPress created a weak security system and supporting spammers globally. Akismet is part of WordPress group I've dicsovered. Its very stupid to ask money for creating a weak system in the first place. Either implement a spam-free system or create a free plugin. But dont ask money for a self-created issue.
16. маја 2021.
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„Akismet Spam Protection“ је преведен на 71 језик. Хвала преводиоцима за њихове доприносе.

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Белешка о изменама


Release Date – 6 July 2021

  • Simplified the code around checking comments in REST API and XML-RPC requests.
  • Updated Plus plan terminology in notices to match current subscription names.
  • Added rel="noopener" to the widget link to avoid warnings in Google Lighthouse.
  • Set the Akismet JavaScript as deferred instead of async to improve responsiveness.
  • Improved the preloading of screenshot popups on the edit comments admin page.


Release Date – 2 March 2021

  • Improved handling of pingbacks in XML-RPC multicalls


Release Date – 6 January 2021

  • Fixed missing fields in submit-spam and submit-ham calls that could lead to reduced accuracy.
  • Fixed usage of deprecated jQuery function.


Release Date – 22 October 2020

  • Show the „Set up your Akismet account“ banner on the comments admin screen, where it’s relevant to mention if Akismet hasn’t been configured.
  • Don’t use wp_blacklist_check when the new wp_check_comment_disallowed_list function is available.


Release Date – 4 June 2020

  • Disable „Check for Spam“ button until the page is loaded to avoid errors with clicking through to queue recheck endpoint directly.
  • Add filter „akismet_enable_mshots“ to allow disabling screenshot popups on the edit comments admin page.

For older changelog entries, please see the additional changelog.txt file delivered with the plugin.