Support » Fixing WordPress » Problems after 5.6 Upgrade

  • Site worked smoothly before the upgrade to WP 5.6

    Now, when logged in to WP and trying to edit the site, if I click on anything in the top toolbar (Customize, New+, edit this page, etc) I get a black screen with an X in the top right corner. Also, when the logo is clicked to return to the home page, I get the same black screen. On some of my pages, block sections are missing on the desktop site.

    Please note I am not a developer…just a simple editor. Simple instructions greatly appreciated!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter lgcadmin


    I’ve installed the jQuery Migrate, and when using the legacy mode the problems dissapear. What does this mean? How can I permanently fix this?

    We have the same case. There’s this black screen that pops up above your page with an x (close button) that does not work. What I did was deactivated all plugins and now, I am re-activating it one by one to see which plugin causes this.

    It started when I updated to WordPress 5.6

    Thread Starter lgcadmin


    Yup….guess I will have to do the same. I do get this warning now:

    This page generated the following warnings: ‘ready’ event is deprecated

    Please make sure you are using the latest version of all of your plugins, and your theme. If that is the case, then you may want to ask the developers of the code mentioned in your warnings to update it.

    So I guess I have to deactivate the Responsive Lightbox plug…but not sure what it will affect and what to replace it with.

    I also have that previously activated “Responsive Lightbox & Gallery”.

    Responsive Lightbox & Gallery allows users to create galleries and view larger versions of images, galleries, and videos in a lightbox (overlay) effect optimized for mobile devices.

    I will try to reactivate all plugins except for that one. Let see what will happen. I can recall why I installed that in the first place. I guess it is a crucial plugin to have but if that caused the black screen, I guess I will have it deactivated for now.

    They also have the same issue with the Responsive Lightbox plugin and WordPress 5.6 upgrade.

    Thread Starter lgcadmin


    Thank you for the info….helpful to know others are facing this! Hopefully they will upgrade soon… pretty much we have to use the legacy mode on jQuery Migrate until all the misbehaving plugins are fixed?

    Envira Gallery Lite plugin not working after 5.6 WP upgrade. Lightbox gets stuck when you click on a thumbnail.

    Had to restore previous to WP 5.6. Most of my graphics disappeared on my WP Multisite.

    I’m using both DIVI and ThriveThemes for my development.

    Thankful for UpdraftPlus which made it simple.

    Same problem here! Seem like it is always something. Spent over 40 hours getting a site-built and ready to go live, and now this.

    The site was running awesome and without one error or problem, this always happens with updates or plugin updates and the site never runs right again… always!

    Is there ever a solution posted here or just a bunch of folks that have the same problem?

    Hi! @evanino You suppose to start your own topic and not to ask questions in others because this way most volunteers on a forum will mist it.

    Most issues after upgrade to WordPress 5.6 are with the compatibility of a theme or a plugin, it looks like mostly sliders authors need to make fixes.
    A temporary solution is to install a plugin which will downgrade jQuery library.

    All plugin developers (present in the repository) were informed about changes and this jQuery upgrade preparation is started long before version 5.5 was launched. So, now developers need to hurry up a bit…

    There is information about common issues and what to do about it:

    You can find out if you have scripts related problems in a console:

    Using Your Browser to Diagnose JavaScript Errors



    Bonjour, je confirme pour ma part, sur deux sites après la mise à jours vers 5.6 de WP, il m’a fallu désactiver l’extension responsive-lightbox qui interfère et bloque avec un écran noir.

    My site has been broken for days now as well. My biggest bug has been it broke my one page sites. When you click on links linking to certain sections on the same page, it doesn’t react when clicked.

    I really wish this update got released AFTER the Holidays…

    Yes, I have the same problem:

    * I wanted to change my logo. It didn’t work at all, even though I tried numerous times. Instead, for some inexplicable reason WP installed the original dummy-background including the original theme logo (so: whaaaat???). Tried to fix it in every way I could think of (for instance, recreating and uploading the logo over and over again (WP never accepted any link it created by itself), went to the HTML-version, found the data-piece of the dummy-logo, replaced it with my logo’s HTML. That worked – but only until I had to reload the page (or someone else went on my website)… In the end NOTHING worked…

    * so, since WP offered an update I thought this might be the problem and I started to update my very old theme version to 5.6.
    RESULT: ALL my content is gone, I can still login and see the theme’s menue – but when I click on any menu item nothing happens at all. So, it’s not just that my content is gone – the entire page is inoperable and except for the menu bar everything is blank white.
    (if it helps – last thing WP informed me of was (translating from German): ‘turning on maintenance mode’ and then: ‘copying the required data files’ … and that was it)

    Additionally, I can click on ‘going to website’ while logged in as the admin and then see the website (with the annoying dummy-background/logo). However, as soon as I click on the ‘customize’-button while on the website everything goes fully blank white and I have to navigate back to the back-page (? the page from which I can usually work on the website)

    I am not skilled in computer stuff and I am desperate. Because I need the page professionally.

    So, I’d be so very happy if someone had a solution….!

    If it helps, my web-adress is:

    @oglekler …also: tried every Browser, NOT a browser issue. When I put the in your article recommended lines in the adress the consumer-page opens. But I still can’t work on the admin-page. So, this solution is at least not helpful in my case 🙁

    @binibi You suppose to open your own topic, and I assume you can also ping some person you want to address… just by id.
    You have an old version of WordPress 4.7.19, what did you update? With this version this jQuery Helper is pointless, it using the old version of jQuery already.

    To see if you have errors with scripts or not, you can look in the console (in the Dashboard also, not only in the frontend):

    Using Your Browser to Diagnose JavaScript Errors

    If you have a backup, restore your site from it, make a staging site (manually or with some plugin), update everything (WordPress, theme and plugins), test and only then do the same with you live site.

    Updating WordPress

    Moving WordPress

    Running a Development Copy of WordPress

    You can try to make a new WordPress installation with a new theme and necessary plugins (keeping safe what you have in the meantime), use export from current and import to the new one. It isn’t the quickest method, but this way you will have a working site.

    Tools Export Screen

    Importing Content

    In WordPress 5.0 was introduced The Block Editor (aga Gutenberg) and in WordPress 5.5 launched new great features, like native lazy loading and Block Patterns. And with version WordPress 5.6 was introduced new default theme Twenty Twenty One, it looks very nice and modern and build especially for portfolios and has balanced but wide colour customization including Dark Mode. More info about these releases in form of Q&A:

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