Support » Fixing WordPress » Fatal error on site

  • My site is an error:

    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function array_key_first() in /web/htdocs/ Stack trace: #0 /web/htdocs/ QLIGG_Block_Controller->get_attributes() #1 /web/htdocs/ QLIGG_Block_Controller->init() #2 /web/htdocs/ QLIGG_Block_Controller::instance() #3 /web/htdocs/ include_once('/web/htdocs/www...') #4 /web/htdocs/ QLIGG_Ba in /web/htdocs/ on line 60
    There has been a critical error on your website.


    • This topic was modified 7 months, 2 weeks ago by Yui. Reason: renamed topic, not informative name

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hello,

    Thank you for reaching us…

    Please go to your FTP and change folder/file name once which you adding lastly.

    Also, you can check the error log if it’s on and share it with us. So I can able to check and debug it for you.

    Thank You!

    Which version of PHP are you using? You need 7.3 or higher for the function ‘array_key_first’ used by this ‘insta-gallery’ plugin.

    If you cannot switch PHP to 7.3, disable ‘insta-gallery’ plugin, you can do it manually from FTP by renaming its folder in ‘/wp-content/plugins/’:

    Managing Plugins

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