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Results (35)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#5368 top 200 pluginlist does not show "waiting" proposals for dev new defect high
#1078 Enable community-translator accepted dd32 enhancement normal Q1
#1471 Streamline the process of checking waiting/fuzzy strings new enhancement normal
#2184 Overall translation contributor stats for a locale new enhancement normal
#2320 Global stats for GlotPress to identify possible future GTE accepted tellyworth enhancement normal
#2890 Move readme.html and wp-config-sample.php translations to GlotPress new enhancement normal
#3014 Plugins: Translate all plugin readmes with Google Translate new enhancement normal Plugin Directory v3 - Future
#3102 Notification on new strings on GlotPress via Slack new enhancement normal
#3329 Add filter to translate.wp.org on Plugins/Themes listing to order by last activity date new enhancement normal
#3423 Add new functionality for editor/locale requests new task normal
#3828 Synchronize the discard of translations warnings between "dev" and "stable" new enhancement normal
#3891 Translate: Allow locale-specific rules new enhancement normal
#4001 When searching projects relevancy should come into account as '100% Translated projects' end up at the end new enhancement normal
#4171 Ability to temporarily block translation editors & show a warning new enhancement normal
#4455 Make it easier to notify plugin/theme authors to make their code translatable assigned ck3lee enhancement normal
#4506 i18n: Create list with CL-PTE's and their respective projects new enhancement normal
#4518 Plan: translation discussions/feedback new task normal
#4525 Add insights to the plugin language packs page reviewing tellyworth enhancement normal
#4617 Translating to Serbian: letter conversion new defect normal
#4716 Improve translations for gutenberg mobile new task normal
#4969 Design issue in Mobile device on https://translate.wordpress.org new defect normal
#5152 Put a limit on adding new translation after multiple warnings assigned dd32 enhancement normal
#5155 Tighten the URL warnings new defect normal
#5203 Stats for active plugins/themes per locale new enhancement normal
#5317 Language Pack generation: not triggered when tag is created before it is marked as latest stable new defect normal
#5339 Add new sorting filters to Plugins tab in the Translate WordPress dashboard new enhancement normal
#5340 Flag translation suggestions as low quality new enhancement normal
#5407 Mark "not properly prepared" plugins/themes in listing new enhancement normal
#5471 Add Serbian Latin locale with transliteration of Serbian Cyrillic locale assigned ocean90 task normal
#5563 I a translation file is imported that contains wrong placeholders the line is not rejected. new enhancement normal
#1044 Generate a list of translation contributors per release cycle new enhancement low Q1
#1139 Remember locale selection new enhancement low
#2691 Readme.txt section 'Upgrade Notice' cannot be translated new enhancement low
#5508 Glossary: Adding indentical words for different part of speech rejected new defect low
#5583 Convert incorrect usage of "email" i Czech translations accepted dd32 task low
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