Submit Support Ticket

When submitting your support request, please try to:

  • Describe the issue in detail, or better, try recording a quick video. Use a tool like Loom or Bubbles or Gyazo (they’re all free).
  • Not always needed, but would be very useful for me if you can create a temporary staff account for me.
  • Send me the URL of the exact page where the issue is happening. I will probably need to inspect with Chrome Developer tools and investigate.
  • Now, this shouldn’t be a hassle. This would just help me understand the issue better and try as much to reply with the solution and avoid going back and forth requesting more information.

    Allowed: png, jpg, jpeg. Limited to 2mb. If you don't know how to make a screenshot, please follow this tutorial for MacOS or Windows. You can also use Loom for recording screencasts. It would really help out.