Reviews Archives

  1. Very Pleased with WebFaction + Hover

    A little while back I buckled down and did some much needed restructuring of my domain registration and web hosting. I made the decision to let more than half of my domains expire, and moved all of the domains I was not letting lapse to Hover.1 I’m down to 17 domains from over 100. Of…

  2. In Praise of BackupBuddy

    I’m thrilled with my new hosting set-up for this site, however WebFaction doesn’t offer daily backups. I knew could spend the time to write a little script to export my database and pass it along to another storage location, but then I thought of BackupBuddy from iThemes. 5 minutes later I had BackupBuddy installed, with…

  3. Casual iPhone Earbuds (w/ Mic)


    The ear buds that Apple provides with the iPhone have always fallen out of my ears. I embarked on a journey of discovery recently and tested out a set of Panasonics and a set of Samsungs. Both work well and are under $15. I’m littering them in strategic places around the house and in my…

  4. Siri, Still Not a Competent Digital Assistant

    So I tried Siri again today. I figured maybe it had improved since I tried it last a year or so ago. Me: What is a good place for lunch between here and {my destination}? Siri: This restaurant is near you: {restaurant info} (double-check, uh yep, that isn’t on the way – it’s actually in…

  5. A Weekend with a Pebble


    Curious about how a smart watch might fit into my life, I picked up a Pebble on eBay right before heading out to WordCamp PHX. It was surprisingly useful in a few different situations: When hanging out chatting with people, it was a lot easier to glance at my wrist to see if that buzz…

  6. Castro – The podcast client that thinks like I do

    I’ve been using Castro for the last month and I’m smitten. Finally, a podcast client that thinks about podcasts the way I do. Here is the simple list of things Castro does right: Omni-present audio controls. If I’m in the app, and a podcast is playing, I don’t need to change screens to get to…

  7. CarbonFin Outliner for iOS

    I decided I wanted an outliner I can use on my iPad to organize discussion topics for WordCamp Denver panel this weekend. I ended up finding CarbonFin which so far does everything I needed: hierarchy easy reorganization mark things “done” without removing/hiding them import and export sync with a web app (the web app is…

  8. The Year Without Pants


    Scott Berkun has captured some great ideas and observations in this first-person narrative that recounts his time at Automattic, the company behind I found Scott’s story to be interesting and self-aware; an introspective and honest account of how his team operated. I am fortunate to be friends (or at least friendly) with many of…

  9. Quip

    I’ve been using Quip for the last few days and really liking it. The ability to move between devices1 without friction has allowed me to work on some medium-form pieces at times/places I wouldn’t have without it. I’ve also used it to get feedback on various content drafts, which has worked nicely. So far it’s…

  10. Full Webpage Screenshots

    A few folks have asked how I took the full-page screenshots I put into this Flickr set. Very simple: Paparazzi on Mac (I donated) Barry on iOS Great examples of “do one thing, do it well” apps. Recommended.

  11. Feed Reading: Feedly + Newsify

    Before Google Reader shut down I had been using Reeder on the Mac, iPhone and iPad. Since the shut down I’ve tried a few options, and so far the combination that feels best to be is Feedly on the desktop (via web) and Newsify on iPhone and iPad (it’s a universal app). I haven’t used…

  12. The New Kingmakers

    The New Kingmakers (book cover)

    It’s rare that I get through a book quickly. I read lots of articles and technical documents, but when choosing between dedicating time to read something or build something, I nearly always choose to build something. The exception is when Steve publishes a book. I’ve been “in the trenches” for much of the time period…

  13. Notes on FoldingText

    Folding Text

    UPDATE: There’s a nice customer support forum for FoldingText that I found after writing this post – lots of great info there. I’ve updated the content here accordingly. I’ve been trying out FoldingText for the last couple of weeks and have found it to be a good general purpose writing and note-taking tool for me.…

  14. On Paper

    Paper for iPad

    Quite simply, Paper is the best app I’ve seen in a long time.1 It just turned my iPad from a device I leave at home for email, browsing and playing games to a business tool I want to have with me all the time. Over the last six months I’ve been using paper sketches more…