Mobile Archives

  1. Nightly Charging Means No Sleep Tracking

    As I plugged in my Garmin VivoSmart this morning for a couple of hours to give it its week-long plus battery cycle it occurred to me: if I had to take this off every night to charge it I wouldn’t be able to track my sleep the way I do now.  Something to think about…

  2. I’m liking the larger iPhone 6 screen more and more as my apps update to support the larger resolution.

  3. Confused by the Apple Watch

    I’ve been somewhat excited about smartwatches this year. I picked up a Pebble which I liked; but the function provided fails to outweigh its form. I followed the Android Wear announcements and nothing seemed compelling. Too big, too little battery life, too many features I don’t care about conspiring to result in a price tag…

  4. “Wish we could say more”

    I’m looking forward to seeing my new phone and the wearable at today’s Apple event. The invite includes the tagline: Wish we could say more I’ve seen speculation that this refers to Siri, which could definitely make sense in the context of a wearable and what we’ve seen from Android. However, I’m going to guess…

  5. How I’d Make an iPad Pro


    I’m all in on the iPad, but as noted previously I largely agree with Lukas Mathis that it’s currently a tool best used for consumption. That said, I also believe that the future of computing looks more like an iPad and less like a laptop for most normal users. Looking at how Apple has taken…

  6. iPhone Cases


    I’ve never had a case or bumper on any of the 6 iPhones I’ve owned. About a month ago I dropped my iPhone while I was stupidly holding it to take a picture in the same hand that also held the dog leash. It fell about 5 feet and landed corner first on the sidewalk;…

  7. Waterlogue


    I’ve been seeing a lot of folks using Waterlogue recently. This is my first test image. Definitely fun to play around with, though it feels a bit like a fad/novelty. In other news, I’m successfully posting from my phone again.

  8. Castro – The podcast client that thinks like I do

    I’ve been using Castro for the last month and I’m smitten. Finally, a podcast client that thinks about podcasts the way I do. Here is the simple list of things Castro does right: Omni-present audio controls. If I’m in the app, and a podcast is playing, I don’t need to change screens to get to…

  9. Rainbow iPhone Springboard

    Behold, all of my apps, organized (loosely) by color. I’ve been wanting to do this for a while, but never wanted to invest the time or have to put everything back. With iOS 7 around the corner (bringing new icon styles), now it seemed as good a time as any to have a little fun.…

  10. Initial reaction to iOS 7

    I haven’t yet installed iOS7 on a test device, so these are henceforth disclaimed as knee-jerk reactions based on hearsay and screenshots. 8 months is a short time and lots has been done, more than I thought was possible. It’s a little too candy colored and simplistic for my taste, especially the icons. I expect…

  11. iPhone 5 WiFi Weirdness

    About a week ago my iPhone 5 started acting strangely with my home network. It appears to have stopped joining the WiFi network (my network connectivity has dropped to 3G/LTE with the expected latency and my battery life has suffered as you’d expect). Oddly, while it doesn’t show the WiFi icon in the top bar…

  12. iOS is (Better) for Consumption

    I like iOS but even with the 10″ iPad it’s a 90+% consumption device for me. I don’t write code. I don’t work on my blog post drafts.1 I end up reading things and not replying – creating a backlog of stuff that needs to be done/written/filed/etc. When I’m out of stuff to read I…

  13. On Paper

    Paper for iPad

    Quite simply, Paper is the best app I’ve seen in a long time.1 It just turned my iPad from a device I leave at home for email, browsing and playing games to a business tool I want to have with me all the time. Over the last six months I’ve been using paper sketches more…

  14. iPhone Location Services “Stuck On”

    For the last few months just about every time I do anything on my iPhone that uses Location Services, I’ve had that icon come on and stay on. I couldn’t get it to go away unless I turned off Location Services entirely; and even then it would come right back as soon as I re-enabled…

  15. iPad, Kindle Fire as Standalone Device

    While the iPad *can* live as a stand-alone machine with iCloud, I still plug mine in every so often to load up photos, etc. As a contrast, the Kindle Fire didn’t even come with a connection cable (just a charger). I guess Amazon is backing up/hosting media in the cloud for me, no idea about…