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Translation of Stable (latest release): Portuguese (Brazil)

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Prio Original string Translation
%1$sImage alt tags%2$s: All images have alt attributes. Good job! %1$sTags alt de imagem%2$s: Todas as imagens têm atributos alt. Bom trabalho! Details
%1$sImage alt tags%2$s: All images have alt attributes. Good job!

%1$s expands to a link on, %2$s expands to the anchor end tag.


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%1$sImage Keyphrase%2$s: Good job! %1$sFrase-chave de imagem%2$s: Bom trabalho! Details
%1$sImage Keyphrase%2$s: Good job!

%1$s expands to a link on, %2$s expands to the anchor end tag.


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%1$sImages and videos%2$s: Good job! %1$sImagens e vídeos%2$s: Bom trabalho! Details
%1$sImages and videos%2$s: Good job!

%1$s expands to a link on, %2$s expands to the anchor end tag.


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%1$sImages%2$s: Good job! %1$sImagens%2$s: Bom trabalho! Details
%1$sImages%2$s: Good job!

%1$s expands to a link on, %2$s expands to the anchor end tag.


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Something has gone wrong and we couldn't complete the optimization of your SEO data. Please %1$sre-start the process%2$s. Algo deu errado e não foi possível concluir a otimização de seus dados de SEO. %1$sReinicie o processo%2$s. Details
Something has gone wrong and we couldn't complete the optimization of your SEO data. Please %1$sre-start the process%2$s.

%1$s expands to an opening anchor tag for a link leading to the Yoast SEO tools page, %2$s expands to a closing anchor tag.


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Disabling Yoast SEO's XML sitemaps will not disable WordPress' core sitemaps. In some cases, this %1$s may result in SEO errors on your site%2$s. These may be reported in Google Search Console and other tools. Desativar os sitemaps XML criados pelo Yoast SEO não desativará os sitemaps gerados pelo WordPress. Em alguns casos, isso %1$spode resultar em erros de SEO em seu site%2$s. Estes erros poderão ser relatados no Google Search Console e em outras ferramentas. Details
Disabling Yoast SEO's XML sitemaps will not disable WordPress' core sitemaps. In some cases, this %1$s may result in SEO errors on your site%2$s. These may be reported in Google Search Console and other tools.

%1$s: expands to an opening anchor tag, %2$s: expands to a closing anchor tag


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The links columns show the number of articles on this site linking %3$sto%4$s this article and the number of URLs linked %3$sfrom%4$s this article. Learn more about %1$show to use these features to improve your internal linking%2$s, which greatly enhances your SEO. As colunas de links mostram o número de artigos neste site com links para %3$spara%4$s este artigo e o número de URLs com links %3$sa partir%4$s deste artigo. Saiba mais sobre %1$scomo usar esses recursos para melhorar os links internos%2$s, o que aprimora muito seu SEO. Details
The links columns show the number of articles on this site linking %3$sto%4$s this article and the number of URLs linked %3$sfrom%4$s this article. Learn more about %1$show to use these features to improve your internal linking%2$s, which greatly enhances your SEO.

%1$s: Link to article about text links, %2$s: Anchor closing tag, %3$s: Emphasis open tag, %4$s: Emphasis close tag


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Read our %1$sultimate guide to keyword research%2$s to learn more about keyword research and keyword strategy. Leia nosso %1$sguia definitivo para pesquisa de palavras-chave%2$s para aprender mais sobre pesquisa e estratégia de palavras-chave. Details
Read our %1$sultimate guide to keyword research%2$s to learn more about keyword research and keyword strategy.

%1$s and %2$s are replaced by opening and closing <a> tags.


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The following words occur the most in the content. These give an indication of what your content focuses on. If the words differ a lot from your topic, you might want to rewrite your content accordingly. As seguintes palavras são as mais recorrentes no conteúdo. Elas indicam o foco do seu texto. Se as palavras diferirem muito do seu tópico, sugerimos reescrever o conteúdo. Details
The following words occur the most in the content. These give an indication of what your content focuses on. If the words differ a lot from your topic, you might want to rewrite your content accordingly.

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You don't have any published posts, your SEO scores will appear here once you make your first post! Você não tem posts publicados, suas pontuações de SEO aparecerão aqui quando você publicar seu primeiro post! Details
You don't have any published posts, your SEO scores will appear here once you make your first post!

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No new notifications. Não há novas notificações. Details
No new notifications.

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If you are experiencing issues, %1$splease file a bug report%2$s and we'll do our best to help you out. Se estiver enfrentando problemas, %1$senvie um relatório de erro%2$s e faremos tudo o que pudermos para ajudar você. Details
If you are experiencing issues, %1$splease file a bug report%2$s and we'll do our best to help you out.

%1$s is a link start tag to the bugreport guidelines on the Yoast help center, %2$s is the link closing tag.


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We've noticed you've been using %1$s for some time now; we hope you love it! We'd be thrilled if you could %2$sgive us a 5 stars rating on$s! Percebemos que você já está usando o %1$s há algum tempo; esperamos que esteja gostando! Nós adoraríamos se você pudesse %2$snos classificar com 5 estrelas no$s! Details
We've noticed you've been using %1$s for some time now; we hope you love it! We'd be thrilled if you could %2$sgive us a 5 stars rating on$s!

%1$s expands to Yoast SEO, %2$s is a link start tag to the plugin page on, %3$s is the link closing tag.


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The %1$s admin bar menu contains useful links to third-party tools for analyzing pages and makes it easy to see if you have new notifications. O menu da barra de administração do %1$s contém links úteis a ferramentas de terceiros para analisar páginas, além de facilitar a visualização de novas notificações. Details
The %1$s admin bar menu contains useful links to third-party tools for analyzing pages and makes it easy to see if you have new notifications.

1: Yoast SEO


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Admin bar menu Menu da barra do administrador Details
Admin bar menu

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