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Translation of Stable (latest release): Portuguese (Brazil)

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%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s! %1$sTítulo Único%3$s: A tag H1 só deve ser usada para o seu título principal. Encontre todas as tags H1 em seu texto que não sejam do seu título principal e %2$saltere-as para um título de nível inferior%3$s! Details
%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!

%1$s and %2$s expand to links on, %3$s expands to the anchor end tag


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No settings found. Nenhuma configuração foi encontrada. Details
No settings found.

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%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s. %1$sTamanho do título de SEO%3$s: O título de SEO é muito pequeno. %2$sAproveite o espaço para adicionar variações da frase-chave ou crie textos atrativos com chamadas de ação%3$s. Details
%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.

%1$s and %2$s expand to links on, %3$s expands to the anchor end tag


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%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s! %1$sLinks com frase-chave%3$s: Você está vinculando para outra página com as palavras que você quer que essa página classifique. %2$sNão faça isso%3$s! Details
%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!

%1$s and %2$s expand to links on, %3$s expands to the anchor end tag


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%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work! %1$sFrase-chave na slug%2$s: bom trabalho! Details
%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!

%1$s expands to a link on, %2$s expands to the anchor end tag


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%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s! %1$sFrase-chave no slug%3$s: (Parte da) sua frase-chave não aparece no slug. %2$sMude isso%3$s! Details
%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!

%1$s and %2$s expand to links on, %3$s expands to the anchor end tag


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%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great! %1$sFrase-chave no slug%2$s: Mais da metade da sua frase-chave aparece no slug. Isso é ótimo! Details
%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!

%1$s expands to a link on, %2$s expands to the anchor end tag


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%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good. %1$sFrase-chave utilizada anteriormente%2$s: Você não usou essa frase-chave antes, muito bom. Details
%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.

%1$s expands to a link to an article on, %2$s expands to an anchor end tag.


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%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job! %1$sTamanho da frase-chave%2$s: Bom trabalho! Details
%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!

%1$s expands to a link on, %2$s expands to the anchor end tag.


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%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s. %1$sTamanho da frase-chave%3$s: Nenhuma frase-chave foi definida para essa página. %2$sDefina uma frase-chave para podermos calcular sua pontuação de SEO%3$s. Details
%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.

%1$s and %2$s expand to links on, %3$s expands to the anchor end tag


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%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s. %1$sDistribuição de subtítulos%2$s: Você não está usando nenhum subtítulo, apesar de seu texto ser longo. %3$sTente adicionar alguns subtítulos%2$s. Details
%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.

%1$s and %3$s expand to a link to, %2$s expands to the link closing tag.


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%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them. %1$sDistribuição de subtítulos%2$s: Você não está usando nenhum subtítulo, mas seu texto é pequeno o bastante para provavelmente não precisar deles. Details
%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.

%1$s expands to a link to, %2$s expands to the link closing tag.


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%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job! %1$sLinks internos%2$s: Existem tanto links nofollow quanto normais nessa página. Bom trabalho! Details
%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!

%1$s expands to a link on, %2$s expands to the anchor end tag


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%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s. %1$sDistruibuição de frase-chave%3$s: Desigual. Algumas partes do seu texto não contém a frase-chave ou algum sinônimo. %2$sMelhore sua distribuição no texto todo%3$s. Details
%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. Some parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.

%1$s and %2$s expand to links to articles, %3$s expands to the anchor end tag


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%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s. %1$sFrase-chave na introdução%3$s: Sua frase-chave, ou algum sinônimo, não está no primeiro parágrafo do texto. %2$sCertifique-se de que o assunto seja identificado imediatamente%3$s. Details
%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.

%1$s and %2$s expand to links on, %3$s expands to the anchor end tag.


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