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Translation of Stable Readme (latest release): Portuguese (Brazil)

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Improve your WordPress SEO: Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using the Yoast SEO plugin.
Priority: high
Melhore o SEO do seu site em WordPress: Escreva melhor o conteúdo e tenha um site WordPress completamente otimizado usando o plugin Yoast SEO. Details
Improve your WordPress SEO: Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using the Yoast SEO plugin.

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Find a bug in Yoast SEO? We welcome your bug reports! Please report bugs in the WordPress SEO <a href="">repository on GitHub</a>. Note that GitHub is not a support forum but an efficient platform for addressing and resolving issues efficiently. Encontrou um erro no Yoast SEO? Recebemos seus relatórios de erros com prazer! Por favor, reporte os bugs no <a href="">repositório do WordPress SEO no GitHub</a>. Note que o GitHub não é um fórum de suporte, mas uma plataforma eficiente para lidar e resolver problemas de forma eficaz." Details
Find a bug in Yoast SEO? We welcome your bug reports! Please report bugs in the WordPress SEO <a href="">repository on GitHub</a>. Note that GitHub is not a support forum but an efficient platform for addressing and resolving issues efficiently.

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Easily create optimized SEO titles and meta descriptions at the touch of a button, thanks to generative AI. Crafting optimized and engaging SEO titles and meta descriptions has never been faster and easier. Crie facilmente títulos e descrições meta SEO otimizados com apenas um toque, graças à inteligência artificial generativa. Criar títulos e descrições meta SEO otimizados e envolventes nunca foi tão rápido e fácil. Details
Easily create optimized SEO titles and meta descriptions at the touch of a button, thanks to generative AI. Crafting optimized and engaging SEO titles and meta descriptions has never been faster and easier.

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<strong>Webinars:</strong> Our regular webinars provide live and interactive learning experiences. They cover various topics and are designed to help you get started with SEO, no matter your skill level. <strong>Webinars:</strong> Nossos webinars regulares oferecem experiências de aprendizado ao vivo e interativas. Eles abrangem diversos tópicos e são projetados para ajudá-lo a começar com SEO, independentemente do seu nível de habilidade. Details
<strong>Webinars:</strong> Our regular webinars provide live and interactive learning experiences. They cover various topics and are designed to help you get started with SEO, no matter your skill level.

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<strong>Newsletter:</strong> Stay in the loop with our newsletter. It's more than just news; it's a timely update on important changes and trends in the SEO world. We'll also provide you with tips and guides on how to improve your SEO. <strong>Newsletter:</strong> Mantenha-se atualizado com nossa newsletter. É mais do que apenas notícias; é uma atualização oportuna sobre mudanças e tendências importantes no mundo do SEO. Também forneceremos dicas e guias sobre como melhorar seu SEO. Details
<strong>Newsletter:</strong> Stay in the loop with our newsletter. It's more than just news; it's a timely update on important changes and trends in the SEO world. We'll also provide you with tips and guides on how to improve your SEO.

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<strong>SEO blog:</strong> Our regularly updated SEO blog is a treasure trove of information, filled with practical tips, insights, and guides on improving your SEO. <strong>Blog de SEO:</strong> Nosso blog de SEO, atualizado regularmente, é um tesouro de informações, repleto de dicas práticas, insights e guias sobre como melhorar seu SEO. Details
<strong>SEO blog:</strong> Our regularly updated SEO blog is a treasure trove of information, filled with practical tips, insights, and guides on improving your SEO.

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<strong>Courses in Yoast SEO academy:</strong> If you're looking for a structured learning path, our <a href="">Yoast SEO academy</a> offers free and paid online courses. These lessons cover everything from the basics of WordPress to advanced SEO techniques. Signing up for Yoast SEO Premium also gives you access to all the courses at no extra charge. <strong>Cursos na Academia Yoast SEO:</strong> Se você está procurando um caminho de aprendizado estruturado, nossa <a href="">Academia Yoast SEO</a> oferece cursos online gratuitos e pagos. Essas lições abrangem desde o básico do WordPress até técnicas avançadas de SEO. Ao se inscrever no Yoast SEO Premium, você também terá acesso a todos os cursos sem custo adicional. Details
<strong>Courses in Yoast SEO academy:</strong> If you're looking for a structured learning path, our <a href="">Yoast SEO academy</a> offers free and paid online courses. These lessons cover everything from the basics of WordPress to advanced SEO techniques. Signing up for Yoast SEO Premium also gives you access to all the courses at no extra charge.

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We're here to help you succeed with your SEO goals because empowering our users is at the core of our philosophy! Estamos aqui para ajudá-lo a alcançar seus objetivos de SEO, porque capacitar nossos usuários está no cerne de nossa filosofia! Details
We're here to help you succeed with your SEO goals because empowering our users is at the core of our philosophy!

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Connect your Yoast SEO plugin with Wincher, a powerful SEO tracking tool. Monitor your keyword rankings, and track your website's visibility in search results. Conecte seu plugin Yoast SEO ao Wincher, uma ferramenta poderosa de rastreamento de SEO. Monitore o ranking de suas palavras-chave e acompanhe a visibilidade do seu site nos resultados de pesquisa. Details
Connect your Yoast SEO plugin with Wincher, a powerful SEO tracking tool. Monitor your keyword rankings, and track your website's visibility in search results.

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<strong>Track your rankings in Yoast SEO</strong> with the Wincher integration. Yoast SEO and Wincher show how your content and keywords rank in Google. <strong>Acompanhe seus rankings no Yoast SEO</strong> com a integração do Wincher. O Yoast SEO e o Wincher mostram como seu conteúdo e palavras-chave se classificam no Google. Details
<strong>Track your rankings in Yoast SEO</strong> with the Wincher integration. Yoast SEO and Wincher show how your content and keywords rank in Google.

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Preview your content as it appears in SERPs, even on mobile devices. This helps you to <strong>fine-tune your meta titles and descriptions to maximize click-through rates</strong>. Pré-visualize seu conteúdo conforme aparece nos resultados de pesquisa (SERPs), mesmo em dispositivos móveis. Isso ajuda você a <strong>ajustar suas meta titles e descrições para maximizar as taxas de cliques</strong>. Details
Preview your content as it appears in SERPs, even on mobile devices. This helps you to <strong>fine-tune your meta titles and descriptions to maximize click-through rates</strong>.

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<strong>Optimize content mastery:</strong> Yoast SEO offers comprehensive analysis tools that help elevate your content's SEO and readability. Get powerful insights and actionable recommendations to craft helpful content that resonates with readers and search engines. <strong>Otimize o domínio do conteúdo:</strong> O Yoast SEO oferece ferramentas de análise abrangentes que ajudam a elevar o SEO e a legibilidade do seu conteúdo. Obtenha insights poderosos e recomendações acionáveis para criar conteúdo útil que ressoe com leitores e mecanismos de busca. Details
<strong>Optimize content mastery:</strong> Yoast SEO offers comprehensive analysis tools that help elevate your content's SEO and readability. Get powerful insights and actionable recommendations to craft helpful content that resonates with readers and search engines.

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<a href="">Yoast WooCommerce SEO</a>: Enhance your online shop's discoverability with extra tools designed specifically for online stores, helping you drive more targeted traffic and dominate the search results for your products. It has generative AI tools to help you write great titles and meta descriptions for your products! Also, use WooCommerce SEO to easily import and export global identifiers like GTIN8, UPC, and ISBN for your products. <a href="">Yoast WooCommerce SEO</a>: Aumente a visibilidade da sua loja online com ferramentas extras projetadas especificamente para lojas virtuais, ajudando você a atrair mais tráfego segmentado e dominar os resultados de pesquisa para seus produtos. Ele possui ferramentas de inteligência artificial generativa para ajudá-lo a escrever ótimos títulos e descrições meta para seus produtos! Além disso, use o WooCommerce SEO para importar e exportar facilmente identificadores globais como GTIN8, UPC e ISBN para seus produtos. Details
<a href="">Yoast WooCommerce SEO</a>: Enhance your online shop's discoverability with extra tools designed specifically for online stores, helping you drive more targeted traffic and dominate the search results for your products. It has generative AI tools to help you write great titles and meta descriptions for your products! Also, use WooCommerce SEO to easily import and export global identifiers like GTIN8, UPC, and ISBN for your products.

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Avoid your content being used to train AI bots: Effortlessly safeguard your intellectual property, uphold data privacy, and maintain control over content by blocking AI bots from scraping it. These AI web crawlers include OpenAI's GPTBot, Common Crawl's CCBot and Google-Extended, used to train Google Gemini. Evite que seu conteúdo seja utilizado para treinar bots de IA: Proteja facilmente sua propriedade intelectual, mantenha a privacidade dos dados e mantenha o controle sobre o conteúdo bloqueando bots de IA de rastreá-lo. Esses rastreadores da web de IA incluem o GPTBot da OpenAI, o CCBot da Common Crawl e o Google-Extended, usado para treinar o Google Gemini. Details
Avoid your content being used to train AI bots: Effortlessly safeguard your intellectual property, uphold data privacy, and maintain control over content by blocking AI bots from scraping it. These AI web crawlers include OpenAI's GPTBot, Common Crawl's CCBot and Google-Extended, used to train Google Gemini.

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Creating engaging and optimized SEO titles and meta descriptions has never been easier, faster, and more precise! With the AI title &amp; meta description generator, you'll save much time. The feature is available for <a href="">Yoast SEO Premium</a> users. Criar títulos e descrições meta SEO envolventes e otimizadas nunca foi tão fácil, rápido e preciso! Com o gerador de títulos e descrições meta de IA, você economizará muito tempo. O recurso está disponível para usuários do <a href="">Yoast SEO Premium</a>. Details
Creating engaging and optimized SEO titles and meta descriptions has never been easier, faster, and more precise! With the AI title &amp; meta description generator, you'll save much time. The feature is available for <a href="">Yoast SEO Premium</a> users.

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