Making the most of your Local WP Translation Day Event

Organizing a WPTD4 is similar to arranging a local Meetup event.
You likely have found a suitable venue, and you may be joined by people who are already familiar with the platform, or by contributors, who may be a little shy and need to be encouraged and shown around. So here’s a little guide.

Register account

First of all, you need to make sure that everyone has an account at This is mandatory to be able to suggest/make translations at

TIP: If possible, request that the participants register before the event. A few registrations at the event is no problem, but if several people try to register at the same time from the same IP address may lead to a security alert at (If this should happen, you can request a temporary whitelisting of your public IP address in the Slack channel #meta).

Don’t forget to also register (and have participants do so as well) to the #polyglots channel on Instructions on how to access the WP Slack are available here:

Let’s translate!

1 – Visit and select what target language you want to translate to. (If you’re not logged in, then you need to do this, there will be a prompt in the upper right corner.)

2 – Select what project you want to translate. (Hint: Why not translate a theme or a plugin you’re using yourself? Then you’ll be able to check your translation “in action”.)

3 – Start suggesting strings. If you make a mistake, make sure to reject the incorrect string before you enter the correct translation.
Some useful key combinations:
• Shift-Enter = Add translation
• Ctrl-Enter = Copy original string (useful when the string contains html markup and/or parameter names
• Ctrl-up / Ctrl-down = move between translation segments.
(All these key combinations are active only when the cursor is located in the “translation” field.)

4 – When you translate, keep an eye on underlined words in the source string. If you hover over the underlined word (i.e. point with the cursor without clicking), then you’ll see a popup with information from the glossary about how this term usually should be translated. This helps us to keep the same terminology across WordPress core, themes and plugins.

5 – Ask a translation editor to have a look at your translations and approve them (or give you feedback).

6 – When at least 95% of the strings in a theme or in “Stable” for a plugin have been translated and approved, a language pack will be generated within one hour and become available via the updates screen.

Some resources:

List of target languages available for translation:
In the rightmost column there’s a link to a page with more detailed information about each locale team.

Many languages have their own Style Guide and may have many useful entries in their Glossary. Check out

Several locale teams have their own Slack team. This is a very useful channel to get help when you’re stuck on a term, request that an editor checks your translation (and to get feedback from the editor). Visit