Sample Act-On configuration in Drupal

This module integrates Act-On with Drupal.

Act-On – A marketing automation system used to track visitors on a website and build email campaigns.

* Select which forms are posted to Act-On
* Set the url to post to
* Debug mode to show which fields are being sent to Act-On

1.x branch:
* Currently all forms submit to a single Act-On url. The idea is that you would create a master form in Act-On to collect all form entries from Drupal. Patches are welcome to support multiple Act-On urls.
* Unless "all" is chosen, this module only supports Drupal forms created with webform, contact, profile, node and comment forms. Patches are welcome to support other popular modules or a more dynamic option.
* Webforms are currently all or nothing.

2.x branch:
* Only supports webforms, but allows for multiple post URLS, form mappings and web form component mappings to act-on form components (defaulting to form key).

Borrowed heavily from

Supporting organizations: 

Project Information
