
WordPress Now Available

Posted May 27, 2003 by Matt Mullenweg. Filed under Releases.

I am very happy to announce that the first release of WordPress is now available for download. A full change log is available, but here is a brief overview of the new features.

  • Texturize — So good it’ll make your quotes curl.
  • WordPress Links — A link manager with everything you’d expect, from Weblogs.com support to a handy bookmarklet. Manage as many blogrolls as you like, and have complete control over their display.
  • XHTML 1.1 — WordPress is compliant with XHTML standards up to 1.1, though by default it sends a 1.0 document type to avoid compatibility issues.
  • Highly Intelligent Line Breaks — Occasionally called “nl2br on steroids,” this brand new function adds line breaks except where there is already a block level tag or another line break.
  • New Administration Interface — We’ve made it as simple as possible, and no more. Everything has been restructured from the ground up in a fully compliant XHTML/CSS interface.
  • Manual Excerpts — This allows you to handcraft summaries of your posts to appear in your RSS feed and other places.
  • New Default Templates — Again we’ve streamlined theses with the latest in simple, easy-to-understand standard XHTML and CSS. And not a CSS hack in sight.
  • Plus numerous behind the scenes code cleanups, making this release faster and more stable than ever.

WordPress is available completely free of charge under the GPL license. Enjoy!

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  1. Congratulations.

    Comment from Michael on May 27, 2003

  2. Why gold version? Sounds strong for a 0.7 😉

    Comment from Sebastian on May 27, 2003

  3. This is gangster!

    Comment from João Araguz on May 27, 2003

  4. do you have/plan a rss feed for this section? would be nice to stay op to date…

    Comment from marten on May 27, 2003

  5. good work playas! 🙂

    Comment from Christina on May 27, 2003

  6. Congratulations!

    Comment from greg on May 28, 2003

  7. As for future versions, consider looking at MT-RefSearch for PHP code for searching / highlighting search terms from the referrer. At the moment it is MovableType-specific (MySQL lookups), but I’m sure it would just be a simple matter to change it to match WordPress’ database.

    Good job on kicking off a new engine!

    Comment from eliot on May 28, 2003

  8. I wanna see screen shots! And I can import my b2 right?

    Comment from chris on May 30, 2003

  9. Thank you so much for making everything compatible with b2 .6.1! My upgrade was a snap! I can’t wait to see this product mature; with all the talent working on this project, it’s going to be awesome!

    Comment from Brandon on June 1, 2003

  10. Hmm. Valid CSS, but not valid XHTML. Can’t have two identical ID values. Should change the ID on the announcement signup to something else if you want to be perfectly nitpicky and purely validate. But I don’t care about that… I’m just delighted to see SOMETHING done with B2. I was dreading switching to something else since nothing seems to support *export* from B2. Thanks for making this available!

    Comment from JC on June 3, 2003

  11. We do want to be perfectly nitpicky, and this oversight has been corrected.

    Comment from Matt on June 3, 2003

  12. I dont suppose a release of WordPress will support multiple blogs off one install? with a simple signup for if possible (like b2++)

    its a feature that I have seen requested numerous times and is a bit too advanced for a new-to-php user to implement themselves…

    Comment from jepo on June 6, 2003

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