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Translation of Release Notes & Play Store Descriptions: French (France)

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25.1: We have no updates in a house. We have no updates with a mouse. We have no updates here or there. We have no updates anywhere. We have no updates to report. If you need help, ask tech support.
25.1 : Pas de mise à jour à la maison. Pas de mise à jour à l’horizon. Pas de mise à jour par ici. Pas de mise à jour par là aussi. Pas de mise à jour à noter. Si besoin, l’assistance technique est à vos côtés. Details
25.1: We have no updates in a house. We have no updates with a mouse. We have no updates here or there. We have no updates anywhere. We have no updates to report. If you need help, ask tech support.
Context release_note_251

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25.0: We fixed assorted crashes on the login and Posts List screens, as well as actions associated with blogging reminders, feature images, and user removal. Less crashing? How smashing.
25.0 : Nous avons corrigé des plantages sur les écrans de connexion et de liste d’articles, ainsi qu’avec les actions associées aux rappels de blog, les images mises en avant et la suppression d’utilisateur. Moins de plantages ? Tout à votre avantage. Details
25.0: We fixed assorted crashes on the login and Posts List screens, as well as actions associated with blogging reminders, feature images, and user removal. Less crashing? How smashing.
Context release_note_250

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WordPress for Android puts the power of web publishing in your pocket. It’s a website creator and so much more! CREATE - Give your big ideas a home on the web. WordPress for Android is a website builder and a blog maker. - Pick the right look and feel from a wide selection of WordPress themes, then customize with photos, colors, and fonts so it’s uniquely you. - Built-in Quick Start tips guide you through the setup basics to set your new website up for success. PUBLISH - Create updates, stories, photo essays announcements -- anything! -- with the editor. - Bring your posts and pages to life with photos and video from your camera and albums, or find the perfect image with the in-app collection of free-to-use pro photography. - Save ideas as drafts and come back to them when your muse returns, or schedule new posts for the future so your site is always fresh and engaging. - Add tags and categories to help new readers discover your posts, and watch your audience grow. STATS - Check your website’s stats in real time to keep track of the activity on your site. - Track which posts and pages get the most traffic over time by exploring daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly insights. NOTIFICATIONS - Get notifications about comments, likes, and new followers so you can see people reacting to your website as it happens. - Reply to new comments as they show up to keep the conversation flowing and acknowledge your readers. READER - Explore thousands of topics by tag, discover new authors and organizations, and follow the ones who pique your interest. - Hang on to the posts that fascinate you with the Save for later feature. SHARE - Set up automated sharing to tell your followers on social media when you publish a new post. - Add social sharing buttons to your posts so your visitors can share them with their network, and let your fans become your ambassadors. Why WordPress? There are a lot of blogging services, website builders, and social networks out there. Why create your website with WordPress? WordPress powers over a third of the web. It’s used by hobby blogs, businesses of all sizes, online stores, even the biggest news sites on the internet. Odds are that many of your favorite websites are running on WordPress. With WordPress, you own your own content. Other social networks treat you as a commodity, and assume ownership of the content you post. But with WordPress anything you publish is yours, and you can take it with you wherever you’d like. Whether you need a website builder to create your website, or a simple blog maker, WordPress can help. It gives you beautiful designs, powerful features, and the freedom to build anything you want. California users privacy notice:
Avec WordPress pour Android, publiez sur le Web partout où vous allez. C’est tellement plus qu’un créateur de site Web ! CRÉER - Donnez à vos grandes idées une place sur le Web. WordPress pour Android est un créateur de site Web et de blog. - Choisissez l’apparence souhaitée parmi une vaste sélection de thèmes WordPress, puis personnalisez votre site à votre image avec des photos, couleurs et polices. - Les conseils intégrés lors de la prise en main vous guideront à travers les bases de la configuration de votre nouveau site Web afin d’en faire un succès. PUBLIER - Créez des mises à jour, des stories, des photoreportages, des annonces — tout ce que vous voulez ! — avec l’éditeur. - Donnez vie à vos articles et pages avec des photos et vidéos de votre appareil photo ou de vos albums, ou trouvez l’image parfaite dans le recueil de photographies professionnelles gratuites proposées dans l’application. - Enregistrez vos idées au mode brouillon et revenez-y lorsque l’inspiration vous revient, ou programmez de nouveaux articles pour plus tard afin de garder votre site attrayant. - Ajoutez des étiquettes et des catégories pour inviter les nouveaux lecteurs à découvrir vos articles, et admirez votre public grandir. STATISTIQUES - Consultez les statistiques de votre site Web en temps réel pour suivre son activité. - Surveillez quelles publications et pages reçoivent le plus de trafic au fil du temps en explorant les tendances journalières, hebdomadaires, mensuelles et annuelles. NOTIFICATIONS - Recevez des notifications à propos des commentaires, des mentions J’aime et des nouveaux abonnés pour que vous puissiez voir les gens réagir à votre site Web en direct. - Répondez aux nouveaux commentaires au fur et à mesure qu’ils apparaissent pour entretenir la conversation et remercier vos lecteurs. LECTEUR - Explorez des milliers de thèmes classés par étiquette, découvrez de nouveaux auteurs et organisations, et suivez celles et ceux qui vous intéressent. - Conservez les publications qui vous fascinent avec la fonctionnalité Enregistrer pour plus tard. PARTAGER - Configurez le partage automatique pour avertir vos abonnés sur les réseaux sociaux lorsque vous publiez un nouvel article. - Ajoutez des boutons de partage à vos articles pour que vos visiteurs puissent les diffuser sur leurs réseaux sociaux, et laissez vos fans devenir vos ambassadeurs. Pourquoi WordPress ? Il existe de nombreux services de blogs, créateurs de sites Web et réseaux sociaux. Pourquoi créer votre site Web avec WordPress ? WordPress propulse plus d’un tiers du Web. Il est utilisé par des blogs de loisirs, des entreprises de toutes tailles, des boutiques en ligne, et même les plus grands sites d’information sur Internet. La plupart de vos sites Web préférés fonctionnent probablement sous WordPress. Avec WordPress, vous êtes propriétaire de votre contenu. Les autres réseaux sociaux vous considèrent comme une ressource et s’approprient le contenu de vos publications. Avec WordPress, tout ce que vous publiez vous appartient. De plus, vous pouvez l’utiliser où bon vous semble. Si vous avez besoin d’un créateur de sites Web pour créer votre site, ou simplement d’un créateur de blogs, WordPress peut vous aider. WordPress met à votre disposition de magnifiques designs, de puissantes fonctionnalités et la liberté de créer tout ce que vous voulez. Avis de confidentialité pour les utilisateurs californiens : Details
WordPress for Android puts the power of web publishing in your pocket. It’s a website creator and so much more! CREATE - Give your big ideas a home on the web. WordPress for Android is a website builder and a blog maker. - Pick the right look and feel from a wide selection of WordPress themes, then customize with photos, colors, and fonts so it’s uniquely you. - Built-in Quick Start tips guide you through the setup basics to set your new website up for success. PUBLISH - Create updates, stories, photo essays announcements -- anything! -- with the editor. - Bring your posts and pages to life with photos and video from your camera and albums, or find the perfect image with the in-app collection of free-to-use pro photography. - Save ideas as drafts and come back to them when your muse returns, or schedule new posts for the future so your site is always fresh and engaging. - Add tags and categories to help new readers discover your posts, and watch your audience grow. STATS - Check your website’s stats in real time to keep track of the activity on your site. - Track which posts and pages get the most traffic over time by exploring daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly insights. NOTIFICATIONS - Get notifications about comments, likes, and new followers so you can see people reacting to your website as it happens. - Reply to new comments as they show up to keep the conversation flowing and acknowledge your readers. READER - Explore thousands of topics by tag, discover new authors and organizations, and follow the ones who pique your interest. - Hang on to the posts that fascinate you with the Save for later feature. SHARE - Set up automated sharing to tell your followers on social media when you publish a new post. - Add social sharing buttons to your posts so your visitors can share them with their network, and let your fans become your ambassadors. Why WordPress? There are a lot of blogging services, website builders, and social networks out there. Why create your website with WordPress? WordPress powers over a third of the web. It’s used by hobby blogs, businesses of all sizes, online stores, even the biggest news sites on the internet. Odds are that many of your favorite websites are running on WordPress. With WordPress, you own your own content. Other social networks treat you as a commodity, and assume ownership of the content you post. But with WordPress anything you publish is yours, and you can take it with you wherever you’d like. Whether you need a website builder to create your website, or a simple blog maker, WordPress can help. It gives you beautiful designs, powerful features, and the freedom to build anything you want. California users privacy notice:
Context play_store_desc

Multi-paragraph text used to display in the Play Store. Limit to 4000 characters including spaces and commas!

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Stay engaged with blogging reminders.
Restez actif et motivé grâce aux rappels de blog. Details
Stay engaged with blogging reminders.
Context play_store_screenshot_9

This is a promo message that will be attached on top of the 10th screenshot in the Play Store. No specified characters limit here, but try to keep as short as the source one.

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Create immersive fullscreen stories.
Créez des stories immersives à visionner en plein écran. Details
Create immersive fullscreen stories.
Context play_store_screenshot_8

This is a promo message that will be attached on top of the 9th screenshot in the Play Store. No specified characters limit here, but try to keep as short as the source one.

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Create and update your website from anywhere.
Créez votre site Web et alimentez-le où que vous soyez. Details
Create and update your website from anywhere.
Context play_store_screenshot_1

This is a promo message that will be attached on top of the 1st screenshot in the Play Store. No specified characters limit here, but try to keep as short as the source one.

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Upload on the go.
Chargez de nouveaux contenus de partout. Details
Upload on the go.
Context play_store_screenshot_7

This is a promo message that will be attached on top of the 8th screenshot in the Play Store. No specified characters limit here, but try to keep as short as the source one.

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Reply in real time.
Envoyez des réponses en temps réel. Details
Reply in real time.
Context play_store_screenshot_6

This is a promo message that will be attached on top of the 7th screenshot in the Play Store. No specified characters limit here, but try to keep as short as the source one.

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Keep tabs on your site.
Gardez un œil sur votre site. Details
Keep tabs on your site.
Context play_store_screenshot_5

This is a promo message that will be attached on top of the 6th screenshot in the Play Store. No specified characters limit here, but try to keep as short as the source one.

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Build an audience.
Développez votre audience. Details
Build an audience.
Context play_store_screenshot_4

This is a promo message that will be attached on top of the 5th screenshot in the Play Store. No specified characters limit here, but try to keep as short as the source one.

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Discover new reads.
Découvrez de nouveaux articles. Details
Discover new reads.
Context play_store_screenshot_3

This is a promo message that will be attached on top of the 4th screenshot in the Play Store. No specified characters limit here, but try to keep as short as the source one.

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Create a site or start a blog.
Créez un site ou démarrez un blog. Details
Create a site or start a blog.
Context play_store_screenshot_2

This is a promo message that will be attached on top of the 3rd screenshot in the Play Store. No specified characters limit here, but try to keep as short as the source one.

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With warnings

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