

WooCommerce 是世界上最受歡迎的開源電子商務解決方案。

Our core platform is free, flexible, and amplified by a global community. The freedom of open-source means you retain full ownership of your store’s content and data forever.

Whether you’re launching a business, taking brick-and-mortar retail online, or developing sites for clients, use WooCommerce for a store that powerfully blends content and commerce.

Built-in tools and popular integrations help you efficiently manage your business operations. Many services are free to add with a single click via the optional Setup Wizard.

Grow your business, add features, and monitor your store on the go

WooCommerce means business. Keep tabs on the performance metrics most important to you with WooCommerce Admin – a powerful, customizable central dashboard for your store.

Expand your audience across marketing and social channels with Google Ads, HubSpot, Mailchimp, and Facebook integrations. You can always check out the in-dashboard Marketing Hub for fresh ideas and tips to help you succeed.

Enhance store functionality with hundreds of free and paid extensions from the official WooCommerce Marketplace. Our developers vet each new extension and regularly review existing inventory to maintain Marketplace quality standards. We are actively looking for products that help store builders create successful stores.

Manage your store from anywhere with the free WooCommerce mobile app (Android and iOS). Spoiler alert: Keep an ear out for the slightly addictive “cha-ching” notification sound each time you make a new sale!

Own and control your store data – forever

With WooCommerce, your data belongs to you. Always.

If you opt to share usage data with us, you can feel confident knowing that it’s anonymized and kept secure. Choose to opt-out at any time without impacting your store.

Unlike hosted eCommerce solutions, WooCommerce store data is future-proof; should you wish to migrate to a different platform, you’re free to export all your content and take your site wherever you choose. No restrictions.

Why developers choose (and love) WooCommerce

Developers can use WooCommerce to create, customize, and scale a store to meet a client’s exact specifications, making enhancements through extensions or custom solutions.

  • Leverage hooks and filters to modify or create functionality.
  • Integrate virtually any service using a robust REST API and webhooks.
  • Design and build custom content blocks with React.
  • Inspect and modify any aspect of the core plugin code.
  • Speed up development with a lightning-fast CLI.

The core platform is tested rigorously and often, supported by a dedicated development team working across time zones. Comprehensive documentation is updated with each release, empowering you to build exactly the store required.

Be part of our growing international community

WooCommerce has a large, passionate community dedicated to helping merchants succeed, and it’s growing fast.

There are WooCommerce Meetups in locations around the world that you can attend for free and even get involved in running. These events are a great way to learn from others, share your expertise, and connect with like-minded folks.

WooCommerce also has a regular presence at WordCamps across the globe – we’d love to meet you.

Contribute and translate

WooCommerce is developed and supported by Automattic, the creators of WordPress.com and Jetpack. We also have hundreds of independent contributors, and there’s always room for more. Head to the WooCommerce GitHub Repository to find out how you can pitch in.

WooCommerce is translated into multiple languages, including Danish, Ukrainian, and Persian. Help localize WooCommerce even further by adding your locale – visit translate.wordpress.org.



This plugin provides 16 blocks.

  • Filter Products by Attribute
  • Products by Tag
  • Best Selling Products
  • Active Product Filters
  • Featured Product
  • Newest Products
  • All Reviews
  • Reviews by Category
  • Reviews by Product
  • Products by Category
  • Product Search
  • Filter Products by Price
  • Featured Category
  • Hand-picked Products
  • Product Categories List
  • On Sale Products



  • PHP 7.2 or greater is recommended
  • MySQL 5.6 or greater is recommended

Visit the WooCommerce server requirements documentation for a detailed list of server requirements.


自動安裝是最簡單的選項 — 你不需要離開您的瀏覽器,WordPress 即可處理所需的檔案傳輸。 要自動 WooCommerce 的安裝,請登入你的 WordPress 控制台,瀏覽外掛選單,然後點擊「新增」。

In the search field type “WooCommerce,” then click “Search Plugins.” Once you’ve found us, you can view details about it such as the point release, rating, and description. Most importantly of course, you can install it by! Click “Install Now,” and WordPress will take it from there.


若要進行手動安裝,則需下載 WooCommerce 外掛程式,並透過你偏好的 FTP 應用程式將其上傳至網路伺服器。WordPress Codex 包含了手動安裝操作說明讓你查看。


Automatic updates should work smoothly, but we still recommend you back up your site.

如果你在更新後遇到商店或分類頁面的問題,可以通過進入 WordPress > 設定 > 固定連結,然後點擊「儲存」。這樣做應該可以解決問題。

Sample data

WooCommerce comes with some sample data you can use to see how products look; import sample_products.xml via the WordPress importer. You can also use the core CSV importer or our CSV Import Suite extension to import sample_products.csv



For help setting up and configuring WooCommerce, please refer to Getting Started and the New WooCommerce Store Owner Guide.

For extending or theming WooCommerce, see our codex, as well as the Plugin Developer Handbook.

Where can I get help or talk to other users about WooCommerce Core?

If you get stuck, you can ask for help in the WooCommerce Support Forum by following these guidelines, reach out via the WooCommerce Community Slack, or post in the WooCommerce Community group on Facebook.

Where can I get help for extensions I have purchased on WooCommerce.com?

For assistance with paid extensions from the WooCommerce.com Marketplace: first, review our self-service troubleshooting guide. If the problem persists, kindly log a support ticket via our helpdesk. Our dedicated Happiness Engineers aim to respond within 24 hours.

I’m having trouble logging in to WooCommerce.com – what now?

First, troubleshoot common login issues using this helpful step-by-step guide. Still not working? Get in touch with us.

WooCommerce 能用我的主題嗎?

Yes! WooCommerce will work with any theme but may require some additional styling. If you’re looking for a theme featuring deep WooCommerce integration, we recommend Storefront.

How do I update WooCommerce?

We have a detailed guide on How To Update WooCommerce.

My site broke – what do I do?

Start by diagnosing the issue using our helpful troubleshooting guide.

If you noticed the error after updating a theme or plugin, there might be compatibility issues between it and WooCommerce. If the issue appeared after updating WooCommerce, there could be a conflict between WooCommerce and an outdated theme or plugin.

In both instances, we recommend running a conflict test using Health Check (which allows you to disable themes and plugins without affecting your visitors) or troubleshooting the issue using a staging site.

Where can I report bugs?

Report bugs on the WooCommerce GitHub repository. You can also notify us via our support forum – be sure to search the forums to confirm that the error has not already been reported.


Request new features and extensions and vote on existing suggestions on our official ideas board. Our Product teams regularly review requests and consider them valuable for product planning.

WooCommerce 真了不起!我可以貢獻點什麼嗎?

Yes, you can! Join in on our GitHub repository and follow the development blog to stay up-to-date with everything happening in the project.

在哪裡可以找到 REST API 的文件?

Extensive WooCommerce REST API Documentation is available on GitHub.

My question is not listed here. Where can I find more answers?



I don't know what happened but after last update, add to cart and checkout are taking too much time. 4 days I'm trying to fix it. I'm loosing orders (bacause many people are not waiting around 20 secs to add a product to the cart) I'm very disappointment
There is a lot of unimaginatively designed and poorly written code still remaining. For example, the Product Import feature is filled with bugs to the rafters. You only have to look at the code in that area to begin picking them out by the handful. I am not surprised a major security vulnerability has recently been found.
since your last update my page builder no longer works correctly, unless I disable woocommerce. please find a way to solve this issue


WooCommerce 外掛目前已有 65 個本地化語言版本。 感謝所有譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。

將 WooCommerce 外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版。


任何人均可瀏覽程式碼、查看 SVN 存放庫,或透過 RSS 訂閱開發記錄


5.5.2 2021-07-22

  • Fix – Add a new option allowing product downloads to be served using redirects as a last resort. #30288
  • Fix – Remove unnecessary seacrh related ‘where’ clause added in the ‘post_clauses’ hook handling. #30335
  • Fix – Check before calling $screen method to make sure its not null. #30277

**WooCommerce Admin – 2.4.4 & 2.4.3 & 2.4.2 **

  • Fix – Fix homepage stock panel regression in 2.4.3. #7389
  • Fix – Add a new low stock products endpoint to improve the performance. #7377
  • Fix – Add lazy loading by checking panel open status. #7376
  • Fix – Add cache-control header to low stock REST API response. #7364

See changelog for all versions.