Web Presence

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most WordPress events are online. Please refer to our online events handbook.

For communities where COVID-19 has been more effectively contained or have easy access to COVID-19 vaccination and/or testing, returning to hosting an in-person meetupMeetup Meetup groups are locally-organized groups that get together for face-to-face events on a regular basis (commonly once a month). Learn more about Meetups in our Meetup Organizer Handbook. event is possible, with caution, using the resources provided. If you plan to move forward with an in-person meetup, you must use the provided checklist .

tl;dr: We’ll give you an official WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. email address and website. Register a Twitter account using your official email address. Your WordCamp website comes with some *awesome* tools — check them out!

WordPress is all about the web, so the web presence for your event is important. To that end, WordCamp CentralWordCamp Central Website for all WordCamp activities globally. https://central.wordcamp.org includes a list of upcoming and past camp with links to each. provides an email address and site hosting with built-in event ticketing so that you don’t have to spend time or money on hosting, and can focus more attention on your event content instead.

Email Email

Once you are approved as an organizer, we will set up a Google Workspace email account (formerly known as G Suite) for your event in the format of [email protected]. Past organizers often asked if they could have wordcamp.org email addresses so that they would look more official when contacting venues, sponsors, etc, and hence we will provide one shared Google Workspace account for the organizing team of a WordCamp. 

Along with Gmail, the Google Workspace account we provide you will have the following tools enabled: Calendar, Drive and Docs, Google Meet, Groups for Business, Tasks, YouTube, Maps, and Keep.

Sometimes, sharing credentials of an inbox with members of a large organizing team could get tricky. If you would like to share the WordCamp email account with multiple organizers, you can consider using a shared inbox tool. Upon request, we can set up a Google Group (with the Google Groups for Business feature set) for your team. You could also set up third-party tools such as FreeScout or HelpScout to manage emails as a team.

You can use your Google Workspace email account to send/receive emails. It works just like a regular Gmail inbox with all the features. Check out our handbook page on Google Workspace for more information on how to set up and make use of the platform for your WordCamp.

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Twitter Twitter

You’ll need a Twitter account for your event. Most go for @wordcamp[city name or abbreviation]. If there was a WordCamp in your city before, we can help you get access to the twitter account from the previous organizers. Otherwise, go ahead and create an account using the [email protected] email address we set up for you. You’ll be asked to pass it on to the next year’s organizing team if you decide not to be involved again.

You’ll want to identify a hashtag for your event. We recommend using #wc[3-letter airport code or shorter city abbreviation). Examples: #wcsf, #wcnyc, #wcsav, #wcsea, #wcpdx, #wcchi. If you try to be clever with your hashtag instead of adopting this standard, you’ll wind up with people guessing at your event, and multiple hashtags will be used. Avoid using any full names/words in hastags, as it cuts into the character count.

When you put out tweets looking for sponsors, volunteers, speakers, etc, or making big announcements, let us know and we can retweet from the main @wordcamp account (and in some cases, from @wordpress as well).

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Website Website

WordCamp sites are all hosted on WordCamp.org using a central multisiteMultisite Multisite is a WordPress feature which allows users to create a network of sites on a single WordPress installation. Available since WordPress version 3.0, Multisite is a continuation of WPMU or WordPress Multiuser project. WordPress MultiUser project was discontinued and its features were included into WordPress core.https://codex.wordpress.org/Create_A_Network. platform designed especially for WordCamps that includes ticketing, special templates using custom post types, and a number of plugins. This platform also ties into the WordPress.orgWordPress.org The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. https://wordpress.org/ profiles, so that participating in a WordCamp as an organizer or speaker will be represented on your WordPress.org profile as a contribution to WordPress. We plan on integrating contributions from sponsors, volunteers, and attendees in the near future as well.

In the past, WordCamps often set up their own sites on their own hosting, and bought various wordcamp[cityname].com domains. Some problems have stemmed from this practice, include disappearing sites, lack of archives, and hostage situations when organizers change from year to year. By centralizing the hosting, we can ensure that each year’s event site will be archived and publicly available, there will not be any ruckus if a new year introduces a new organizer, all WordCamp sites will be following WordPress security and coding standards/best practices, and all WordCamp sites will respect the WordPress trademark and license.

Individual organizing teams cannot upload plugins or themes to WordCamp.org, but if there’s a pluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the WordPress.org Plugin Directory https://wordpress.org/plugins/ or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party that you want to use, or a theme page template that you want to submit, just ask. We have to be selective about which plugins we install (for security and maintenance reasons), but we’re always open to considering high-quality plugins that will benefit the entire community.

As a reminder, WordCamp.org sites are covered by the WordPress.org privacy policy.

Tip: Here is a quiz on this article. Read quizzes page if you have any questions about quizzes and how to navigate them.

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