Gutenberg Blocks and Page Layouts – Attire Blocks


Attire Blocks is a all-rounder page builder you didn’t know you need. This plugin contains blocks listed below and many more to come in future weekly updates.


Este plugin disponibiliza 3 blocos.

  • Gutenberg Blocks and Page Layouts - Attire Blocks
  • Gutenberg Blocks and Page Layouts - Attire Blocks
  • Gutenberg Blocks and Page Layouts - Attire Blocks


  1. Upload the attire-blocks folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory or alternatively upload the file via the plugin page of WordPress by clicking ‘Add New’ and selecting the zip from your computer.
  2. Activate the Attire Blocks WordPress plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Use Attire Blocks on your next page or post.


24 de Outubro, 2020
It's great, but... It would be nice to have a hungarian translation of the plugin. I'm using 'Loco Translate' to translate my plugins and other elements of the system. But when I open the original translation file (attireblocks.pot) it says it's an invalid file (Warning: This is NOT a translation file. Manual editing of source strings is not recommended.). I don't have the possibillity to have the plugin in my language so this is annoying. Thank you in advance for your help!
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Contribuidores e desenvolvedores

“Gutenberg Blocks and Page Layouts – Attire Blocks” é um software com código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin.


Registro de alterações


  • New layouts
  • Bug fixes


  • WordPress 5.8 support
  • Post Grid and Carousel updated
  • General optimisations and style fixes


  • Pricing table Recommended plan can now be marked with a badge.
  • Product Category block total redesign.
  • CSS optimisations


  • Adjusted search result view.


  • Bunch of new layouts.
  • Layout importer overhaul with search and tags feature.
  • General optimizations and bug fixes.


  • Progress Bar block new options.
  • Testimonials block issue fixed (sometimes review/comment not showing properly).
  • New sections in layout importer (WooCommerce and WordPress Download Manager).
  • Existing block optimisations.


  • Pills (Tabs block) -> Tab Content now has border props.
  • Post Carousel and Carousel block’s Next/Prev icon margin fix.


  • New options in post-grid/carousel blocks.
  • New border and margin options in tabs block.


  • Block optimisations.


  • Layout importer improvements.
  • Fixed: background not changing in Information Box block.


  • New blocks : Testimonial, Carousel.
  • Block optimisations.


  • New block : Social Share buttons.
  • CSS/JS cleanup.


  • New customisation options for Tabs.
  • Addressed some ui issues.


  • Product Grid and Product carousel can now be made with Post Gird and Post carousel. Which looks just as beautiful.
  • New spacing options for aforementioned blocks.
  • Fixed Attire Layouts button in post edit page.


  • Fixed an issue which prevented showing selected post for custom post type in Post Grid and Post Carousel


  • Post Carousel custom post type support with new filters.
  • Fixed an issue which made Attire Layouts button invisible in some cases in post editor.


  • Post Grid now supports custom post types.
  • Added many new layouts in layout importer.
  • Some css adjustments.


  • Added many new filters (authors, tags, categories, specific posts) for Post Grid block
  • Some CSS fixes and optimisations


  • Letter Spacing support for every block that has typography support.
  • New css options (category background and border) for Post Grid and Post Carousel blocks.


  • Patched an issue where Additional Classes were not saved.


  • Gradient enabled for Pricing Table background colors.
  • Posts now can be sorted by Modified date in Post Grid and Post Carousel blocks.
  • Fixed custom class not applying for Pricing Table.


  • Added new filter hooks for extensibility in layout importer.
  • Fixed a few css and html issues.


  • Added new layouts in layout importer.
  • Adjusted some css.
  • Added WordPress version 5.6 compatibility.


  • Pricing Table padding and margin adjustments.
  • Complete renovation of Post Carousel block
  • Added some new customisations toAccordionblock.
  • Fixed an issues with Buttons block where open in new tab was not working.
  • Fixed some issues with default values for some blocks.


  • Information Box and Icon blocks has new options now.
  • Fixed an issue where default values were not being applied for options.
  • Fixed license verification issue.


  • Post Carousel block has many new customisation options.
  • Many new layouts can be found in Layout Importer.
  • Optimized some blocks’ css.


  • Adjusted: Post Grid block background.
  • Layout Importer UI update.


  • Fixed: Buttons block font-weight not being applied in front-end.
  • Added: Buttons block hover colors; HTML entities support in label.
  • Default spacing values set for Tabs block.
  • Pricing Table block has much more customisation options now.


  • Accordion/Collapse block can now be added as a group.
  • Accordion/Collapse block now have a option to choose indicator icons set for expanded and collapsed state.
  • Accordion/Collapse heading and body has spacing properties now.
  • CTA and Accordion block has new typography options.


  • Added: translation support.


  • Fixed : Post Grid block category issue.


  • Increased Post grid block flexibility by adding many new customisation options.
  • Buttons blocks has much more option that can be applied to each Button individually.
  • Accordion and CTA block has new spacing options.
  • SVG block alignment option has been added.
  • Added Section block background image position.
  • Fixed: Section block background image repeat/no-repeat.


  • You can now decide whether you want to include Bootstrap/Font Awesome in the front-end.
  • Added many new page layouts in layout importer.
  • UI improvements and fixes.


  • Added Tabs block with extensive customisation options.
  • Added more customisation options for Call to Actions block.
  • Optimised some JS functions to make blocks more responsive and fluid.
  • Some css customisation and bug fixes.


  • Pricing Table block has few more customisation options now.
  • Fixed the issue where Accordion header background was not applied.


  • Fixed Progress Bar block not being visible in client side.
  • Added some new customization option in CTA block.
  • Added some new customization option in Product Category block.
  • Added many new customization option in Pricing Table block.


  • Added Progress Bar block
  • Redesigned Post Carousel block


  • Read More... button size can be adjusted now, for Post Grid block
  • SVG block now has %, px and em as unit for width and height


  • Dequeued bootstrap if attire theme is active.


  • Improved UI for layout import.
  • Post grid block UI issue fixed.


  • Improved UI for layout import.


  • Fixed versioning issue.


  • Added the possibility to add Read More... button/link in Post Grid block


  • Added a new block – SVG
  • Cleaned up some old blocks


  • Custom CSS attributes added to all blocks for better control of the design.
  • Adjusted how some blocks are shown.
  • Some minor bug fixes


  • Live update fixed for Attire theme color scheme


  • Initial stable release