Contact Form Builder, Contact Widget


Contact Form builder is one of the most important plugins of any WordPress website. Everyone wants to see nice and functional Contact us page on his website. So we tried to create for our users easy and user friendly plugin. We hope you will like our plugin.

View our plugin Demo pages and pro version page here:

Our plugin have a lot of useful and great features, here are some features of our plugin.

Features of free version

  • Easy install and use
  • Works perfectly with all versions of WordPress
  • Fully Responsive
  • Add Unlimited fields
  • Required option for any field you need
  • Easily move fields positions
  • 16 different field types
  • Ability to insert Text, Email, URL, Telephone number, Date/Calendar, Password, Text Area, Radio Button, Check Box, Dropdown List, Heading, Separator/Divider and reCaptcha fields
  • Ability to use in Widgets

You can upgrade the fre version to WpDevArt Contact Form Pro to add other important features.

The features of Pro version

  • Fully customizable design
  • Google reCaptcha
  • 37 Animation effects
  • More then 25 nice themes
  • Redirect feature
  • Auto responder functionality
  • Different Font styles
  • Ability to insert Upload File and Google Map fields
  • Fully Import/Export
  • Ability to Export submissions to CSV
  • Duplication feature

The plugin most important part is user friendly interface. Below you can view some important features of our plugin with their details.


This plugin is fully responsive. Today responsive feature is the most important for websites, so there is no need to worry about it when you are using plugin.


This feature is very important if you need to copy it from one website to another. Just export it with all data and style and import it to another website.It’s very simple.

Submissions Export to CSV

You can export submissions to CSV file. Most of users need this feature as well, so we added this functionality.

Unlimited Fields

There isn’t any type of limitation. You can use as many fields as you need.

If you find any bug or have a question about our plugin then check the Support Forum

Step by step guide

Our plugin have user friendly interface, but we will try to explain all options and functions of our plugin on this page.

You can use as many fields as you need, there is no such type of limitation in our plugin.
There are a lot of useful and necessary field types in our plugin.

How to create Form

First of all login into your WordPress website admin panel and install our plugin. Then activate it, after that you will see our plugin new admin menu tab on the left side of your administration panel.
Click on that tab and you will see our plugin admin menus. Click on the “create a new form” button and add it.
On this page you can add or remove fields and change the main settings.

Here are the field types that you can use

  • Text field
  • Email field
  • URL field
  • Telephone number field
  • Upload File field
  • Date/Calendar field
  • Password field
  • Text Area field
  • Radio Button field
  • Check Box field
  • Dropdown List field
  • Heading field
  • Separator/Divider field
  • ReCaptcha field
  • Google Map field(check the FAQ to see how you can use the Google Map)

For some of this fields the Label and Placeholder fields are not required and there is no need to fill this fields. For example this fields are not required for ReCaptcha or Google Map.

Use the “Add New Field” button on the right bottom side for adding new fields. You can also remove the fields using the Recycle Bin icon on the right side. Use the right side of fields easily moving them. Use the Required option for important fields.
After creating all fields type the Submit Button Value and check the other settings. On the right bottom side there is an “Advance Options” button, click on that button and you will see other options. Use this options if you need.
On the top right side there is additional settings – “Settings” and “Extras” buttons. Click on that buttons and you will see the other important options.
You can set the Recipient’s email, Subject, Message text, Success message text, Failure message text, template, Redirect URL, Enable auto responder and other options.

After you set all settings, save it.

After that edit your posts/pages and click on shortcode button(find the shortcode button from the list of Visual Editor Tools).


After someone added submission you will see it on our plugin main page. Click on the number of submissions and you will be redirected to the submissions page.
On submissions page you can Export submissions to CSV, edit or delete submissions.
If you click on the edit button then you will see the popup window where you can edit every submission. Make the changes and then click update. Also, you can choose what fields exactly you want to export.

Design settings(Pro)

If you need to configure the design settings then click on “Styling” tab from admin menu of our plugin.

Below you can check all design settings we have


  • Area Width – Set width of area in pixels(px) or percentage(%).
  • Position – Set position(Left, Center, Right).
  • Area Background – Set background color of area.
  • Set top border of area – Border Top(px), Border Style(8 different border styles), Border Color.
  • Set bottom border of area – Border Bottom(px), Border Style(8 different border styles), Border Color.
  • Set right border of area – Border Right(px), Border Style(8 different border styles), Border Color.
  • Set left border of area – Border Left(px), Border Style(8 different border styles), Border Color.
  • Margins/outside spacing – Set spacing from every side of area in pixels(default 10px) – Margin Top, Margin Bottom, Margin Left, Margin Right.
  • Padding/inside spacing – Set padding from every side of area in pixels(default 10px) – Padding Top, Padding Bottom, Padding Left, Padding Right.

Fields style

  • Field Width – Set width of fields in pixels(px) or percentage(%).
  • Field Height – Set height of fields in pixels.
  • Field Background – Set background color of fields.
  • Field Focus Background – Set background color of fields on focus.
  • Set top border of fields area – Border Top(px), Border Style(8 different border styles), Border Color.
  • Set bottom border of fields area – Border Bottom(px), Border Style(8 different border styles), Border Color.
  • Set left border of fields area – Border Left(px), Border Style(8 different border styles), Border Color.
  • Set right border of fields area – Border Right(px), Border Style(8 different border styles), Border Color.
  • Fields Margins/outside spacing – Set spacing from every side of fields in pixels(default 10px) – Margin Top, Margin Bottom, Margin Left, Margin Right.
  • Fields Padding/inside spacing – Set padding from every side of fields in pixels(default 10px) – Padding Top, Padding Bottom, Padding Left, Padding Right.
  • Typography for Fields – Set font family, font style, font size, line height and color for fields.
  • Typography for Fields – Set Placeholder texts font family, font style, font size, line height and color.
  • Show radio buttons and checkboxes as block level – Select this option to display radio buttons and checkboxes list vertical.

Fields Labels style

  • Hide Fields Labels – Hide labels on front-end.
  • Label Width – Set width of the field labels in pixels(px) or percentage(%).
  • Typography for Field Labels – Set font family, font style, font size, line height and color for fields Labels.

Submit Button Styling style

  • Submit Button Background – Set background color of submit button.
  • Submit Button Hover Background – Set background color of submit button on hover.
  • Set border of the submit button – Border Top(px), Border Style(8 different border styles), Border Color.
  • Margins/outside spacing. Set spacing from every side of the button in pixels(default 10px) – Margin Top, Margin Bottom, Margin Left, Margin Right.
  • Padding/inside spacing. Set padding from every side of the button in pixels(default 10px) – Padding Top, Padding Bottom, Padding Left, Padding Right.
  • Typography for Submit Button – Set font family, font style, font size, line height and color for submit button.

Success/Failure Message style

  • Success Message Background – Set background color of success message
  • Failure Message Background – Set background color of failure message
  • Messages Margins/outside spacing. Set spacing from every side of the messages in pixels(default 10px) – Margin Top, Margin Bottom, Margin Left, Margin Right.
  • Messages Padding/inside spacing. Set padding from every side of the messages in pixels(default 10px) – Padding Top, Padding Bottom, Padding Left, Padding Right.
  • Set font size, font family, font style and color for messages – Set font family, font style, font size, line height and color for messages.

Separator/Divider style

  • Set border styling for separator/Divider – Thickness, Style, Color.
  • Separator/Divider Margins/outside spacing. Set spacing from every side in pixels(default 10px) – Margin Top, Margin Bottom, Margin Left, Margin Right.
  • Typography for Separator/Divider – Set font family, font style, font size, line height, text align and color for Separator/Divider.

Custom Headings/Titles style

  • Headings/Titles Margins/outside spacing. Set spacing from every side in pixels(default 10px) – Margin Top, Margin Bottom, Margin Left, Margin Right.
  • Typography for Headings/Titles – Set font family, font style, font size, line height, text align and color for Headings/Titles.

Configure design settings and then save it.

Tangkapan Layar

  • Front-end
  • Front-end
  • Back-end
  • Back-end
  • Back-end
  • Back-end
  • Back-end
  • Back-end


Plugin ini menyediakan 1 blok.

  • WpDevArt Contact Form


First of all download the plugin ZIP file.

  1. Log in to your WordPress admin panel.
  2. Go to WordPress Plugins page and click on Add New button, then Upload our plugin .zip file that you downloaded.
  3. Then click “Install Now”, after that activate the plugin.

You can also install our plugin from your admin panel using the WordPress plugins search page.

For installing the pro version you need to deactivate and uninstall the free version, then install the pro version. If you didn’t receive the pro version, then contact us at [email protected] and we will send you the file.

Tanya Jawab

Our plugin havs user friendly interface, but here you can see some frequently asked questions that will help you.

I don’t receive any email notifications

First of all try to use another email. Also, check your emails spam folders.

How to insert it into my posts/pages

Go to your posts/pages editor page and use our plugin shortcode button(find the shortcode button from the list of Visual Editor Tools).

How to add it to my sidebars

Go to your widgets page. Find our plugin widget and paste it into the sidebar you need. After that configure the widget and save it.

How to add Google Map

There are two important parameters for Google Map – Latitude and Longitude. Open Google Map in your browser and find the place you want to mark on Map, then right click on the place you need and click on the fird option – What’s here.
Then you will see the address of location you selected and this two parameters(something like this for example 39.639085, -97.044481). Copy this two parameters and paste into map fields.
That’s all, now you marked the place you need on the map.

Some of fields have Title and Placeholder options, but there is no need for such options for those fields

Yes, it’s right. We tried to keep the interface symmetry of admin panel and didn’t removed this options from those fields.

I have issues with styles

Maybe there is an conflict with your theme styles or other plugins, let us know about it using this email – [email protected] and we will fix the issue.

Is there any redirect option

Yes, our plugin have redirect functionality(pro feature).

Can I exclude some type of files from uploading

Unfortunately we don’t have such feature at this moment.

What files I need to upload for installing the plugin

You need to select the .zip file only, there is no need to extract the zip file, just upload it.

Pro version is one time pay or not

Yes dear users, you need to pay only one time for the pro version.

I purchased the pro version, but didn’t download the pro file

Let us know about it using this email – [email protected] and we will send you the pro version.


14 Januari 2020
I'm using the Pro version for contact forms on a couple of sites. The Pro version lets you do a lot of styling to the fields and buttons on the form, but I thought that there was one feature that wasn't there that really should be. I contacted support and about two days later had an update that did exactly what I had asked for, and you can't ask for any better response than that!
17 Desember 2018
I am using the free version of WpDevArt Forms. It was originally installed by our developers. It is very easy to use and presents a nice simple form. Recently, we experienced a problem with the dashboard display of the product. I generated a ticket on the issue. I quickly received a response asking for some additional information. I provided the requested information and early the next morning, they had resolved the issue. This is much better customer support that I have receive from other vendors whose products we actually pay for.
29 Desember 2017
Great form plugin for a basic contact form. Easy to use and excellent support!
Baca semua 21 ulasan

Kontributor & Pengembang

“Contact Form Builder, Contact Widget” adalah perangkat lunak open source. Berikut ini mereka yang sudah berkontribusi pada plugin ini.


Log Perubahan


  • Corected some texts.


  • Corrected the changelog.


  • Added some functions descriptions.


  • Corrected some texts.


  • Added descriptions for some functions and corrected some texts.


  • Changed some texts.


  • Edited some texts of the Help section.


  • Corrected some mistakes in the files.


  • Corrected some spelling mistakes.


  • Changed some admin options texts.


  • Fixed a bug.


  • Changed the Close button style.


  • Corrected a spelling mistake in Gutenberg editor.


  • Changed the Create Form button style.


  • Changed an option name.


  • Changed a plugin icon design.


  • Made some changes from the admin side.


  • Changed some texts from the admin side.


  • Changed the featured plugin page style.


  • Changed a featured plugin icon.


  • Changed the Submit, Reset, Cancel buttons texts.


  • Changed the admin side options names.


  • Corrected some spelling mistakes.


  • Changed a logo from the admin side.


  • Changed the data title of the shortcode.


  • Fixed spelling mistakes.


  • New featured plugin added.


  • New design for the featured plugins page.


  • Added new icons for the featured plugins.


  • Changed some texts from the help popup.


  • New featured plugin added to the list.


  • Fixed text spelling mistakes.


  • Added some function names.


  • New featured plugin added.


  • Featured plugin added to the list.


  • Customized the uninstall page.


  • Edit the plugin header and footer files.


  • Edit some option names.


  • Added new icon.


  • Changed featured plugins icons.


  • Edit options names.


  • Change some CSS style.


  • Fixed bug.


  • Fixed some mistakes.


  • Added some admin text.


  • Fixed email bug.


  • Fixed bug.


  • Changed logo in the admin panel


  • Updated the PHPMailer library.


  • Added new admin menu URL.


  • New featured plugin added.


  • Fixed some mistakes in code comments.


  • Added new featured plugin.


  • Added new featured plugin.


  • Fixed URL issues and added some comments for developers.


  • Made some changes.


  • Changed plugin admin menu.


  • Added style for admin panel.


  • Changed some text in code.


  • Featured plugin corrections.


  • Changed some information for developers.


  • Fixed issues.


  • Added some comments.


  • Gutenberg integration.


  • GDPR


  • Added functionality to type multiple emails from admin.


  • Changed some information for developers.


  • Added animations and other features.


  • Added some comments in code.


  • Added new plugin in featured plugins page.


  • Edit plugin files.


  • Edited part of code.


  • Added function descriptions in code.


  • Edit comments in code.


  • Changed and added function descriptions.


  • Added function descriptions in code.


  • Changed plugin files and added texts for developers.


  • Added new plugin in featured plugins page.


  • Fixed some notices.


  • Edited part of code.


  • Edited texts in code.


  • Edited some default settings.


  • Added function descriptions.


  • Changed and added function descriptions.


  • Edited some functions code.


  • Made changes in code.


  • Edit function descriptions.


  • Edit comments in code.


  • Changed plugin files and added texts for developers.


  • Edit code comments.


  • Edited function names and comments in plugin files.


  • Added comments in main php files.


  • Corrected some issues in plugin code.


  • Edit plugin files.


  • Corrected comments in files.


  • Fixed bug with creating and saving.


  • Fixed issues.


  • Bug fixed.


  • Initial version.