WordCamp Name Badge Templates

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For communities where COVID-19 has been more effectively contained or have easy access to COVID-19 vaccination and/or testing, returning to hosting an in-person meetupMeetup Meetup groups are locally-organized groups that get together for face-to-face events on a regular basis (commonly once a month). Learn more about Meetups in our Meetup Organizer Handbook. event is possible, with caution, using the resources provided. If you plan to move forward with an in-person meetup, you must use the provided checklist .

Need a WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. name badge design but don’t want to reinvent the wheel? Here are a few resources that other camps have contributed.

If you would like to share your WordCamp name badge template, please email it to [email protected]. Thanks!

How To Get Your Badges Printed

WordCamp.org tools:

If you’d like to include Gravatars on your badges, WordCamp.org has tools for automating some of the work. There’s one if you prefer working with HTML and CSS, and another if you’d prefer to use InDesign.

Working with printers, spreadsheets, and data merges:
If you are working with a printer who will be printing your badges for you, they will often be able to take care of data merges (populating your badge with all of the names, twitter handles, and other information you collected) for you. The following instructions will prepare you for what to expect.

First, find out which file format your printer prefers. You may also need to include any fonts you used so the printer has access to them. The easiest way to do that is by creating an Illustrator Package (instructions for various file formats and packages found below)

Next, you want to export your attendees lists to CSV from CampTix (more about CSV can be found here). If you have multiple types of badge designs (for example, designating speakers, sponsors, and attendees) you will want to create separate CSV files for each type of attendee, using a program like Excel or Google Sheets. If you created special coupon codes for speakers or sponsors, that is a good way to sort your attendees and extract just the ones you need. If you have any extra fields in your data (like T-Shirt Size) which will not be printed onto the badge, it is helpful to just delete those from the CSV files you will be handing over to the printer.

Make it clear to the printer which column is associated with which field in your design. It can be helpful to populate your demo design with First Name, Last Name, Twitter Handle, etc. so the printer has a visual reference. Make sure to clearly communicate any special requests to the printer (like whether they need to include an extra @ sign before a Twitter handle, for example).

Exporting your files for printing from Adobe Illustrator:
Before exporting your files, it is helpful to convert any non-editable type (type that won’t be replaced with Data Merge information like First and Last Name) to Outlines. Select all type you want to convert and go to Type > Create Outlines (Shift Cmd O).

You will also want to embed any images or external files you are using in your design, or package them together with the file and fonts (see Illustrator Package below). To embed files, view your Links palette (Window > Links), select all un-embedded images, and use the small drop menu in the corner of the palette to access Embed Image(s).

Illustrator Package
To prepare a complete Illustrator file for a printer, it is often helpful to package the file, which will collect all externally referenced files, images, and fonts and create a folder with all of the assets in one place, and links to the files updated. Go to File > Package (Alt Shift Cmd P) to select your options and create a package. You can provide this to the printer along with any other file types requested (see below).

To export a PDF from Adobe Illustrator, go to File > Save As (Shift Cmd S) and select Adobe PDF as your file type. Select “Use Artboards” and choose which ones to export. You can choose to save all artboards as one PDF (such as if you have a multi-page badge), or you might want to save each one individually as its own PDF (for example, if you have different cover designs).

In the options dialogue box, it is recommended to select the Adobe PDF Preset “Press Quality” and make sure that “Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities” remains checked if your printer is going to use data merge.

To export an EPS, go to File > Save As (Shift Cmd S) and select Illustrator EPS as your file type. Select “Use Artboards” and choose which ones to export. It will export each artboard as its own EPS file, with the file name appended with the artboard name and number (so it can be helpful to label your dartboards accordingly!) In the EPS dialogue box, it is helpful to check “Embed Fonts” and “Include Linked Files” and make sure your preset is set to High Resolution for printing (for rendering any effects like glows or shadows).

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