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User:JPMcC/Database Description20

This article is a ROUGH DRAFT. The author is still working on this document, so please do not edit this without the author's permission. The content within this article may not yet be verified or valid. This information is subject to change.

The following is an outline and description of the database tables created during the standard installation of WordPress V 2.0. Currently, the only database supported by WordPress is MySQL version 3.23.23 or greater.

Because WordPress interfaces with this database by itself, you as an end user, shouldn't have to worry much about its structure. If you're Writing a Plugin, however, you may be interested in learning how to interface with the database directly. WordPress provides the wpdb Class to make this task easy.

Understanding the database structure

wp_posts holds all the POSTs and PAGES for your site, and is a good place to start learning the database structure. Once you've got your head round wp_posts, look at the tables which link to it - wp_users (and wp_usermeta), and wp_categories. However, to see which posts go in which categories, look at wp_post2cat.


wp_posts holds all the POSTs and PAGES for your site, one record per POST or PAGE. It's a bit confusing as some fields are used for POSTs, some for PAGEs, and some for both - see under Comments in the table below.

wp_posts - fields

The fields in the table are as follows:

Field Type Null Default Links to Comments
ID bigint(20) No Primary key - unique identifier for POST/PAGE
post_author bigint(20) No 0 wp_users -> ID POST or PAGE
post_date datetime No 0000-00-00 00:00:00 POST or PAGE
post_date_gmt datetime No 0000-00-00 00:00:00 POST or PAGE
post_content longtext No The full HTML text (POST or PAGE)
post_title text No Title (POST or PAGE)
post_category int(4) No 0 wp_categories -> cat_ID
Now replaced by wp_post2cat
POST only
post_excerpt text No Optional summary (POSTonly)
post_status enum('publish', 'draft', 'private', 'static', 'object', 'attachment') No publish 'draft', 'private' or 'publish' (POST) or 'static' (PAGE)
comment_status enum('open', 'closed', 'registered_only') No open
ping_status enum('open', 'closed') No open
post_password varchar(20) No
post_name varchar(200) No 'Slug' used in URLs (POST or PAGE)
to_ping text No
pinged text No
post_modified datetime No 0000-00-00 00:00:00 POST or PAGE
post_modified_gmt datetime No 0000-00-00 00:00:00 POST or PAGE
post_content_filtered text No
post_parent bigint(20) No 0 wp_posts -> ID Optional hierarchy (PAGE only)
guid varchar(255) No
menu_order int(11) No 0 Sort Order (PAGE only)
post_type varchar(100) No
post_mime_type varchar(100) No
comment_count bigint(20) No 0


wp_posts - sample records

This table shows three records from a typical wp_posts

  • Record ID=9 shows a PAGE (post_status of static) - note that the post_parent=7 means its parent page is record ID=7 in this table
  • Record ID=10 is a private POST (post_status of private)
  • Record ID=11 is a regular POST (post_status of publish)
ID: 9 10 11
post_author: 6 [->] 3 [->] 3 [->]
post_date: 2005-12-10 14:58:34 2005-12-10 16:10:32 2005-12-10 16:12:09
post_date_gmt: 2005-12-10 14:58:34 2005-12-10 16:10:32 2005-12-10 16:12:09
post_content: My parent is a Main Page. Posted by Kathy This post is about both cats and dogs but it's pri... This is a public post about cats and dogs
post_title: This is sub page two This is another post from Paul More from me
post_category: 0 [->] 0 [->] 0 [->]
post_status: static private publish
comment_status: open open open
ping_status: open open open
post_name: this-is-sub-page-two this-is-another-post-from-paul more-from-me
post_modified: 2005-12-10 14:58:34 2005-12-10 16:10:32 2005-12-10 16:12:09
post_modified_gmt: 2005-12-10 14:58:34 2005-12-10 16:10:32 2005-12-10 16:12:09
post_parent: 7 [->] 0 [->] 0 [->]
guid: URL?page_id=9 URL?p=10 URL?p=11
menu_order: 0 0 0
comment_count: 0 0 0



wp_users holds information about all the users registered on the system. The contents of the fields are fairly obvious from the field names. However, note that much of the useful stuff about users is now stored in the wp_usermeta table.

wp_users - fields

The fields in the table are as follows:

Field Type Null Default Links to Comments
ID bigint(20) No Auto Increment; Primary Key
user_login varchar(60) No
user_pass varchar(64) No
user_nicename varchar(50) No
user_email varchar(100) No
user_url varchar(100) No
user_registered datetime No 0000-00-00 00:00:00
user_activation_key varchar(60) No
user_status int(11) No 0
display_name varchar(250) No


wp_users - sample records

The table below shows three records from a typical wp_users

ID: 4 5 6
user_login: peter mary kathy
user_pass: 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99
user_nicename: peter mary kathy
user_email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
user_url: http:// http:// http://
user_registered: 2005-12-10 12:19:12 2005-12-10 12:19:47 2005-12-10 12:22:12
user_status: 0 0 0
display_name: peter mary kathy



wp_usermeta is where relational database theory comes up against the real world :-) Basically, it is a place to dump any information related to users:

  • user_id is the ID of the user in wp_users;
  • meta_key is a text string saying what the data is (e.g. the user's description, maintained using the About Yourself box on the Profile screen); and
  • meta_value is the actual data

(see the Sample records below).

wp_usermeta - fields

Field Type Null Default Links to Comments
umeta_id bigint(20) No Auto_increment; Primary Key
user_id bigint(20) No 0 wp_users -> ID
meta_key varchar(255) Yes NULL
meta_value longtext Yes NULL

wp_usermeta - sample records

umeta_id: 24 35 36 25 26 27
user_id: 5 [->] 5 [->] 5 [->] 6 [->] 6 [->] 6 [->]
meta_key: wp_user_level description rich_editing first_name last_name nickname
meta_value: 2 I have got a little lamb
It's fleece as white as snow
And everywhere on earth I go
My lamb is sure to go
true Katherine Great kathy



Categories enable posts to be grouped by topics of the user's choosing. Categories are either top-level (category_parent=0) or sub-categories of other categories (category_parent=cat_ID of the parent record). The links between categories and posts are held in wp_post2cat.

wp_categories - fields

Field Type Null Default Links to Comments
cat_ID bigint(20) No Auto_increment; Primary Key
cat_name varchar(55) No
category_nicename varchar(200) No
category_description longtext No
category_parent bigint(20) No 0 wp_categories -> cat_ID
category_count bigint(20) No 0

wp_categories - sample records

Note how the records with cat_ID = 4 and 5 are sub-categories of the record with cat_ID = 3.

cat_ID: 1 2 3 4 5
cat_name: Uncategorized Interesting Animals Dogs Cats
category_nicename: uncategorized interesting animals dogs cats
category_description: Interesting Stuff Furry friends A dog is a type of animal Cats are a type of animal
category_parent: 0 [->] 0 [->] 0 [->] 3 [->] 3 [->]
category_count: 1 1 0 2 1



One post may be assigned to many categories. post2cat maintains these relationships.

wp_post2cat - fields

Field Type Null Default Links to Comments
rel_id bigint(20) No Auto_increment; Primary Key
post_id bigint(20) No 0 wp_posts -> ID
category_id bigint(20) No 0 wp_categories -> cat_ID

wp_post2cat - sample records

For example: this extract shows that the post with an ID of 10 in wp_posts is in two categories in wp_categories: the category with a cat_ID of 5 and the category with a cat_ID of 4.

rel_id: 6 7 8 11 12 13 14
post_id: 7 [->] 8 [->] 9 [->] 10 [->] 10 [->] 11 [->] 11 [->]
category_id: 1 [->] 1 [->] 1 [->] 5 [->] 4 [->] 5 [->] 4 [->]
