Engineering: leader della Digital Transformation

Top Trends

Stories, ideas, trends and glimpses of the future to discover
where business meets technology

Insights & News

Five questions to...
Vittorio Aronica

Our Technical Alliances & Partnership Director illustrates the infinite potential of IoT, to understand how people and things can be connected to generate new ecosystems of knowledge and new services.

Case Study

DE4Bios: the power of data in fighting COVID-19

Our Digital Enabler-based bio-surveillance platform provides updated status information in real time on the evolving epidemic. Helping doctors and local authorities work in safety.

White Paper

Supply Chain

Supporting Supply Chain Management with process digitization and innovative solutions.

Competence Center

Engineering Enterprise Solutions

We enable digital transformation by combining our knowledge of business needs, market verticals and solutions of the main Software Vendors.

Our Platforms & Solutions


Voos monitors and manages public transport fleets and disseminates information to users through various communication channels.

Research Project

CONNEXIONs: Next-generation investigation services

A new research project to develop services by integrating multidimensional and heterogeneous multimodal data and by delivering information in an interactive manner with Virtual Reality.

Engineering Innovation in

Digital Industry

We are on a digital transformation journey to make the future of manufacturing possible.

Upcoming Events


Bologna, September 09 - 10 2021

Clean Economy: future, business and sustainability

Municipia promotes the Bologna event.


Verona, September 14 - 16 2021

Automotive Dealer Day 2021

Verona hosts the largest European event for Automotive sector operators.


October 12 - 15 2021

Digital Health Summit 2021

A digital week dedicated to the themes of innovation, sustainability and safety along the entire supply chain of the Health System.

Enabling Technologies


Enabling Technologies

Robotic Process Automation

Automation of Processes to Enhance the Human Component of Work 4.0.


Enabling Technologies

Digital Twin

Master uncertainty and maximize your chances of success by taking informed decisions through a digital copy of reality (or your business), where “seeing”, “thinking” and “acting” is totally risk-free


Enabling Technologies


Cybersecurity protects your organization as it embraces Digital Transformation.