Support » Plugin: WooCommerce Cart Abandonment Recovery » Feature: Coupons Mapped to Products

  • Resolved k3nsai



    The plugin works really great and I am using it on my Eshop to send emails to customer but not emails with coupons. The coupons feature as it is now, does not work for me because I want to send dynamic coupons based on what products the user has added to his cart. Due to the different profit margins for each product, a standard fixed or percentage coupon is not applicable in my case.

    The best scenario would be if there was a field added to each product (including variations) where we could select if the product can have a coupon, and if that is activated, we can enter a percentage or fixed sum discount in the coupon field next to it. The plugin then would check if the “coupon activated” field is active for said product and apply the coupon value we have set on said product page.

    Is that doable in your case? I believe this is an excellent feature that other users will like too and will set your plugin apart from the rest!

    Can the devs work something out…

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  • Plugin Support CartFlows Team


    Hello @k3nsai,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    This is a good suggestion to apply coupons based on products.

    We will look into it, and if found compatible, we will add this task in our development queue.

    Thank You!

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