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Collaborative Projects

OW2 contributes its expertise in commercial open source community enablement, open source project lifecycle management and global dissemination of open source technologies as a partner in various collaborative projects. OW2 has a solid experience gained since 2010 through its participation in 14 collaborative projects (and many more proposals). 

Think open source software for the outcome of your collaborative project and look for OW2 as your Dissemination/Exploitation partner. 

Please download the datasheet   explaining how OW2 helps collaborative projects and contact us directly or via the European Commission's IDEAlist


OW2's value proposal to collaborative projects

OW2 helps collaborative projects bridge the gap between research and their potential markets. We are born open source, we live and breathe open source. If you do not know where to start, we do. OW2 runs communication initiatives and social media, and arranges project presentations at industry events.

Collaboration / DevelopmentRight at the onset of the project, we provide a complete infrastructure of state-of-the-art open source development and collaborative tools for international multi-partner projects.
Communication / DisseminationOW2 has the experience and methodologies to help projects reach out to third party stakeholders and potential users and develop their own ecosystems. We know how to design and run a full fledged communication plan.
ExploitationWhile exploitation is often an after-thought for research partners, at OW2 we put Exploitation on the map right from the beginning of the project and we help steer research and development activities toward a successful exploitation conclusion. 
Open SourceWe help turn the outcome of a project into shared value for all current and potential stakeholders. OW2 provides projects open source best practices and a neutral environment where contributors can work together independently of private interests.

What is it we do not do? We do not manage scientific communication nor standardisation activities, we learned these activities are much better managed by research and use-case partners.

Why is OW2 engaged in collaborative projects?

OW2 engages in collaborative research projects that offer compelling synergies with the OW2 community, the OW2 codebase and OW2 initiatives

As innovations in cloud computing, big data, IoT, privacy and security and artificial intelligence are becoming increasingly complex we believe they require both new software engineering techniques and collaboration between competitors and contributions of stakeholders of different origins. We believe open source is a powerful strategy to facilitate such collaboration and thus to foster long-term radical innovations.

The tangible offering: proposal contribution and work package leadership

OW2 helps develop proposals and offers to lead the work package dedicated to implementing the communication, dissemination, exploitation, standardisation and training activities to generate awareness for a project, position it in its potential market and foster the growth of its community. This includes:

  • Making available immediately a state-of-the-art technical infrastructure to support the collaborative work of developers and the awareness and community building efforts. 
  • Creating appropriate message content and communication material and initiatives to generate awareness in the software industry and potential market.
  • Engaging in industry media communication through websites, events and conferences, to position the project as a high-potental, valuable initiative.
  • Developing exploitation plans, business and IPR strategies targeting relevant stakeholders and market segments to ensure the project’s sustainability beyond its actual duration.

In which collaborative projects is OW2 currently engaged?

OW2 is involved in several collaborative projects. They are complex international and/or multi-partner projects. Below are the collaborative projects that OW2 is currently participating in:

  • DECODER - DEveloper COmpanion for Documented and annotatEd code Reference
  • FASTEN - Fine-Grained Analysis of Software Ecosystems as Networks
  • REACHOUT - The Beta Testing Campaign Platform for Research Projects

Completed collaborative projects with OW2

Below are the completed collaborative projects where OW2 was participating in:

AppHub - The European open source Marketplace 

CHOReOS FP7 ICT Research & Development project (middleware) 

CHOReVOLUTION - Automated Synthesis of Dynamic and Secured Choreographies for the Future Internet  

CompatibleOne Research & Development project (cloudware) 

CROSSMINER - IDE-integrated, cross project knowledge mining for open-source software development 

OCCIware - A formal framework for the management of any digital resource in the cloud 

OCEAN - Open Cloud for Europe, Japan and Beyond  

OpenCloudware FSN Research & Development project (cloudware)

RISCOSS - Managing Risk and Costs in Open Source Software Adoption 

STAMP - Software Testing AMPlification  

XLcloud FSN Research & Development project (HPC, cloud) 
