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OW2 Open Source Cloudware Initiative Documents

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On this page, the Open Source Cloudware Intiative (OSCi) documents and deliverables. Please, freely add your comments and suggestions, we will review them and integrate them in the next version of the documents.

The Initiative General Presentation and Collaboration Framework can be found on the OSCi home page.

  • JetStream: the discussion document that helped set up the Initiative
  • OSCi Poster: the pdf version of the OSCi poster
  • Workshop presentation: the presentation used during the May 6, 2010 workshop (.odp format here)
  • Press Release (May 5, 2010): two versions of the OSCi launch press release in English and in French.
  • Press Release (July 22, 2010): OW2 Consortium will Support OpenStack with its Open Source Cloudware Initiative English

SOTA and competitive analysis

State of the art and competitive analysis: pdf, odt.

OSCi Domains

Domain 1 (Self-sizing and green PaaS) factsheet: pdf, odt.

Domain 2 (Massively distributed services) factsheet: pdf, odt.

Domain 3 (BI4Cloud) factsheet: pdf, docx.

Initiative Flyer

The Initiative flyer is available here, fell free to use, print and distribute it. 
