Announcing Exhibitor Sponsor: CedCommerce

We are thankful for the support of CedCommerce who have come onboard as an Exhibitor sponsor.

We will be announcing more sponsor interaction schedule for 13th & 14th February day very soon!

About CedCommerce

Empowering online sellers for a decade now, CedCommerce’s automated eCommerce ecosystem stands to be an all in one solution for small and large ventures. CedCommerce enables brands to expand across 100+ Marketplaces and Frameworks.

The services and solutions from CedCommerce simplify and speed up the selling process and also maximise the exposure and opportunities to match with the prospective customers.

List your products, manage and process orders, handle pricing and marketing across platforms seamlessly, get analytics, insights and predictions into the market for all-round growth.

Having partnered with eminent industry leaders including Facebook, Google, Walmart, and many more, CedCommerce offers 24/7 support with a team of dedicated experts to ensure brand visibility.

Follow them on Twitter at @cedcommerce

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