User Submitted Posts


The #1 Plugin for User-Generated Content!

Enable visitors to submit posts from the frontend of your site.

User Submitted Posts (USP) adds a frontend form via template tag or shortcode that enables your visitors to submit posts and upload images. Just add the following shortcode to any Post, Page, or Widget:


That’s all there is to it! Your site now can accept user generated content. Everything is super easy to customize via Plugin Settings page.

The post-submission form includes the following fields:

  • Name
  • Email
  • URL
  • Post Title
  • Post Tags
  • Post Category
  • Post Content
  • Custom Field
  • Challenge Question
  • Google reCAPTCHA (v2 or v3)
  • Post Images
  • Agree to Terms

Each of these fields may be set as required, optional, or disabled. You can set the Post Status of submitted posts as “Pending”, “Draft”, “Publish Immediately”, or publish after a specific number of approved posts.

USP enables users to upload any number of images when submitting a post. You can customize the min/max width, height, and number of submitted images.

USP also includes a Login/Register Form, and three shortcodes to control access and restrict content.

User Submitted Posts is the first and best plugin for front-end content!

Core Features

  • Includes a fast & secure post-submission form
  • Includes a simple login/register/password form
  • Display forms anywhere via shortcode or template tag
  • Includes shortcode to display a list of submitted posts
  • Includes shortcodes to control access and restrict content
  • Includes template tags to display submitted post content
  • Includes configurable Custom Field for the post-submit form
  • You choose which fields to display on the post-submit form
  • Automatically display all submitted content on the frontend
  • Display post-submit & login forms via Text or HTML widgets
  • Receive email notification alerts for submitted posts
  • NEW: Image preview thumbnails for selected images

Boost your site value with user-generated content!

Form Features

  • Google reCAPTCHA: v2 (“I am not a bot”) or v3 (hidden recaptcha)
  • Built-in client-side form validation with Parsley
  • Stops spam via input validation, captcha, and hidden field
  • Use either Challenge Question, Google reCAPTCHA, or both!
  • Option to set submitted images as WP Featured Images
  • Option to require users to be logged in to use the form
  • Option to use WP’s Rich Text Editor (RTE) for post content
  • Redirect user to any URL or current page after submission
  • Use the default HTML5 form or customize your own form
  • Use the default form styles or add your own custom CSS
  • Form fields may be set as optional or required
  • Many action & filter hooks for advanced customization

USP is simple to use and built with clean, secure code via the WP API!

More Features

  • Translated into 20+ languages
  • Automatically detects logged-in users
  • Regularly updated to stay current with WordPress
  • Multiple emails supported in email alerts
  • Option to set a default post category
  • Option to disable loading of form JavaScript & CSS
  • Option to specify URL for targeted resource loading
  • Option to disable tracking of IP addresses
  • Option to specify custom email alert subject
  • Option to specify custom email alert message
  • Option to submit posts as WP Posts or Pages
  • Choose which categories users are allowed to select
  • Assign submitted posts to any registered user
  • Customizable success, error, and upload messages
  • Works with or without Gutenberg Block Editor

USP provides many options to help you create the perfect form!

Image Uploads

  • Optionally enable visitors to upload any number of images
  • Specify minimum & maximum allowed images for each post
  • Specify minimum & maximum width & height for images
  • Automatically set submitted images as Featured Images
  • Automatically display submitted images on the frontend
  • Includes template tags to display submitted images
  • Includes shortcodes to display submitted images

Post Management

  • Custom Fields saved w/ each post: name, IP, URL, and image URLs
  • Set posts to any status: Draft, Pending, Publish, or Moderate
  • One-click filtering of submitted posts on the Admin Posts page

Plus much more! Too many features to list them all!


User Submitted Posts supports translation into any language. Current translations include (no particular order):

Arabic                - usp-ar
Bengali               - usp-bn_BD
Czech                 - usp-cs_CZ
German                - usp-de_DE
Greek                 - usp-el
Spanish (Spain)       - usp-es_ES
Persian               - usp-fa_IR
French (France)       - usp-fr_FR
Irish                 - usp-ga
Hebrew                - usp-he_IL
Hindi                 - usp-hi_IN
Italian               - usp-it_IT
Japanese              - usp-ja
Korean                - usp-ko_KR
Dutch                 - usp-nl_NL
Norwegian             - usp-no
Punjabi               - usp-pa_IN
Polish                - usp-pl_PL
Portuguese (Brazil)   - usp-pt_BR
Portuguese (Portugal) - usp-pt_PT
Romanian              - usp-ro_RO
Russian               - usp-ru_RU
Slovenian             - usp-sl_SI
Serbian               - usp-sr_RS
Swedish               - usp-sv_SE
Turkish               - usp-tr_TR
Urdu                  - usp-ur
Chinese (Simplified)  - usp-zh_CN
Chinese (Traditional) - usp-zh_TW

Note: most of the default translations are made via Google Translate. So they are automated and may be a little rough. Feel free to make your own translation as desired. Need a translation into your language? Let me know!


User Data: User Submitted Posts (USP) enables users to submit post content. It collects data only from users who voluntarily submit content via the USP form. The only involuntary data that is collected is the IP address of the person submitting the form. The plugin provides an option to disable IP collection completely.

Cookies: This plugin uses simple cookies to enable dynamic form functionality. No cookies are used for any other purpose.

Services: This plugin provides an option to enable Google reCaptcha, which is provided by Google as a third-party service. For details on privacy and more, please refer to official documentation for Google reCaptcha. No other outside services or locations are accessed/used by this plugin.

Pro Version

USP Pro now available at Plugin Planet!

Pro version includes many, many more features and settings, with unlimited custom forms, infinite custom fields, multimedia file uploads, and much more. Check it out »

Support development of this plugin

I develop and maintain this free plugin with love for the WordPress community. To show support, you can make a donation or purchase one of my books:

And/or purchase one of my premium WordPress plugins:

Links, tweets and likes also appreciated. Thanks! 🙂


  • USP Settings Screen (panels toggled closed)
  • USP Plugin Settings, showing default options (panels toggle open/closed)
  • USP Form (with all fields enabled)
  • USP Form (with just a few fields enabled)
  • Example showing how to display the form on a Page (using a shortcode)


How to install the plugin

  1. Upload the plugin to your blog and activate
  2. Configure your options via the plugin settings
  3. Display the form via shortcode or template tag

More info on installing WP plugins

How to use the plugin

To display the form on any WP Post, Page, or widget, add the shortcode:


Or, to display the form anywhere in your theme, add the template tag:

<?php if (function_exists('user_submitted_posts')) user_submitted_posts(); ?>

Customizing the form

There are three main ways of customizing the form:

  • Plugin settings, you can show/hide fields, configure options, etc.
  • Custom form template (see “Custom Submission Form” for more info)
  • By using USP action/filter hooks (advanced)

USP Hooks:



Check out the complete list of action hooks for User Submitted Posts

More info about WordPress Actions and Filters

Custom Submission Form

Out of the box, User Submitted Posts provides a highly configurable submission form. Simply visit the plugin settings to control which fields are displayed, set the Challenge Question, configure submitted images, and much more.

There are situations, however, where advanced form configuration may be required. In order to allow for this, USP makes it possible to create a custom submission form. Here are the steps:

First, copy these two plugin files:


Then, paste those two files into a directory named /usp/ in your theme:


Lastly, visit the plugin settings and change “Form style” to “Custom Form + CSS”. You now may customize the two files as desired; they will not be overwritten when the plugin is updated. For help with making basic changes to the custom form, check out the USP FAQs at Perishable Press.

Alternately, you can set the option “Form style” to “HTML5 Form + Disable CSS” to use the default USP form along with your own CSS. FYI: here is a list of USP CSS selectors.

Or, to go further with unlimited custom forms, check out USP Pro 🙂

Displaying submitted posts

User-submitted posts are handled by WordPress as regular WP Posts. So they are displayed along with your other posts according to your theme design. Additionally, each submitted post includes a set of Custom Fields that include the following information:

  • is_submission – indicates that the post is a user-submitted post
  • user_submit_image – the URL of the submitted image (one custom field per image)
  • user_submit_ip – the IP address of the submitted-post author
  • user_submit_name – the name of the submitted-post author
  • user_submit_url – the submitted URL
  • usp_custom_field – configurable Custom Field

There are numerous ways to display these Custom Fields. The easiest way is to visit the plugin settings and configure the options available under “Auto-Display Content”. There you can enable auto-display of submitted email address, URL, and images. Note that submitted images also are uploaded to the WP Media Library.

For more flexibility, you can use a variety of WP Template Tags (e.g., get_post_meta()) to display Custom Fields. Here are some tutorials for more information:

And here are some tutorials that may help with custom display of submitted images:

Also, here is a Helper Plugin to display Custom Fields. It originally is designed for use with USP Pro, but also works great with the free version of USP.

Auto Display Images

To automatically display submitted images on the frontend, visit the plugin settings, “Images Auto-Display” and select whether to display the images before or after post content. Save changes.

Featured Images

To set submitted images as Featured Images (aka Post Thumbnails) for submitted posts, visit the plugin settings, “Image Uploads” and check the box to enable “Featured Image”. Save changes.


User Submitted Posts provides a set of useful shortcodes. Check out the “Display the Form” panel in the plugin settings for examples and more information.

[user-submitted-posts]                        : displays the form on any Post or Page
[usp-login-form]                              : displays a login/register/password form
[usp_display_posts]                           : displays list of all submitted posts
[usp-reset-button url=""] : displays a button to reset the form
[usp_access cap="read" deny=""][/usp_access]  : limits access to specific user capability
[usp_visitor deny=""][/usp_visitor]           : limits access to visitors (not logged in) only
[usp_member deny=""][/usp_member]             : limits access to logged-in users

Here is more info about these shortcodes:


Displays the post-submit form. This shortcode does not accept any attributes.


Displays the login/register/password form. This shortcode does not accept any attributes.

To add Google reCaptcha to the form, you can use any good reCaptcha plugin. Here are a few examples:

These are not endorsements for these plugins. They have been tested and work with the USP login/register/password form.


Displays a list of all submitted posts. This shortcode accepts two optional attributes, “userid” and “numposts”. Examples:

[usp_display_posts]                           : default displays all submitted posts by all authors
[usp_display_posts userid="current"]          : displays all submitted posts by current logged-in user
[usp_display_posts userid="1"]                : displays all submitted posts by registered user with ID = 1
[usp_display_posts userid="Pat Smith"]        : displays all submitted posts by author name "Pat Smith"
[usp_display_posts userid="all"]              : displays all submitted posts by all users/authors
[usp_display_posts userid="all" numposts="5"] : limit to 5 posts from all users

So the shortcode attributes can be used to customize the post list as desired. Note that the Pro version of USP provides many more options for the display-posts shortcode.


Note: This shortcode works only when added to a submitted post. It does nothing when added anywhere else.

Displays a gallery of all submitted images for the current post. Customize via the following attributes:

$size   = image size as thumbnail, medium, large or full -> default = thumbnail
$before = text/markup displayed before the image URL     -> default = {a href='%%url%%'}{img src='
$after  = text/markup displayed after the image URL      -> default = ' /}{/a}
$number = the number of images to display for each post  -> default = false (display all)
$postId = an optional post ID to use                     -> default = false (uses global/current post)

    Use curly brackets to output angle brackets
    Use single quotes in before/after attributes
    Can use %%url%% to get the URL of the full-size image
    Check out the source code inline notes for more info


Displays a button to reset the form. Accepts the following attributes:

class  = classes for the parent element (optional, default: none)
value  = link text (optional, default: "Reset form")
url    = the URL where your form is displayed (required, default: none)
custom = any attributes or custom code for the link element (optional, default: none)

Note that the url attribute accepts %%current%% for the current URL (useful when the form is displayed in the sidebar).


Limits access to specific user capability. Example:

[usp_access cap="read"]
    Content for users that have "read" access

The cap attribute specifies the required capability or capabilities (comma-separated). This shortcode also accepts an optional deny attribute. The deny attribute displays a message to users who are denied access. Tip: to include markup in the deny message, you can use {tag} to display <tag>. Check out the “Display the Form” panel in the plugin settings for examples and more info.


Limits access to visitors (not logged in) only. Example:

    Content for for users who are not logged in

This shortcode accepts an optional deny attribute. The deny attribute displays a message to users who are denied access. Tip: to include markup in the deny message, you can use {tag} to display <tag>. Check out the “Display the Form” panel in the plugin settings for examples and more info.


Limits access to logged-in users. Example:

    Content for for users who are logged in

This shortcode accepts an optional deny attribute. The deny attribute displays a message to users who are denied access. Tip: to include markup in the deny message, you can use {tag} to display <tag>. Check out the “Display the Form” panel in the plugin settings for examples and more info.

Template tags

User Submitted Posts provides a set of useful template tags:

    Display the Post-Submission Form
    Usage: <?php if (function_exists('user_submitted_posts')) user_submitted_posts(); ?>


    Display the Login/Register/Password Form
    Usage: <?php if (function_exists('usp_login_form')) usp_login_form(); ?>


    Display a configurable list of submitted posts
    Usage: <?php if (function_exists('usp_display_posts')) echo usp_display_posts(array('userid' => 'all', 'numposts' => -1)); ?>


    Check if post is a submitted post
    Returns true or false
    Usage: <?php if (usp_is_public_submission()) return true; ?>


    Get all image URLs
    Returns an array of image URLs that are attached to the current submitted post
    Usage: <?php $images = usp_get_post_images(); foreach ($images as $image) echo $image; ?>


    Display all images
    Outputs a set of <img> tags for images attached to the current submitted post
    Usage: <?php usp_post_attachments($size, $beforeUrl, $afterUrl, $numberImages, $postId); ?>
        $size         = image size: thumbnail, medium, large or full -> default = full
        $beforeUrl    = text/markup displayed before each image URL  -> default = <img src="
        $afterUrl     = text/markup displayed after each image URL   -> default = " />
        $numberImages = number of images to display for each post    -> default = false (display all)
        $postId       = an optional post ID to use                   -> default = uses global post


    Display submitted author name and URL
    This tag displays one of the following:
        - The author's submitted name as a link (if both 'User Name' and 'User URL' fields are included in the form)
        - The author's submitted name as plain text (if 'User Name' is included in the form, but 'User URL' is not included)
        - The author's registered username as a link to the author's post archive (if 'User Name' is not included in the form)

    Usage: <?php usp_author_link(); ?>


    Get an array of image URLs, wrapped in optional HTML
    Syntax: <?php if (function_exists('usp_get_images')) $images = usp_get_images($size, $before, $after, $number, $postId); ?>  
    Usage: <?php if (function_exists('usp_get_images')) $images = usp_get_images(); foreach ($images as $image) echo $image; ?>
        $size   = image size as thumbnail, medium, large or full -> default = thumbnail
        $before = text/markup displayed before the image URL     -> default = {img src="
        $after  = text/markup displayed after the image URL      -> default = " /}
        $number = the number of images to display for each post  -> default = false (display all)
        $postId = an optional post ID to use                     -> default = false (uses global/current post)

        For $before/$after parameters, use curly brackets instead of angle brackets, for example:
        usp_get_images('thumbnail', '{img src="', '" /}'); 
        // results in each image URL wrapped like: <img src="[image URL]" />

        For $before/$after parameters, use %%url%% to get the URL of the full-size image, for example:
        usp_get_images('thumbnail', '{a href="%%url%%"}{img src="', '" /}{/a}'); 
        // outputs for each image: <a href="[full-size image URL]"><img src="[image URL]" /></a>


These template tags should work out of the box when included in your theme template file(s). Keep in mind that for some of the tags to work, there must be some existing submitted posts and/or images available.

The source code for these tags is located in /library/template-tags.php and shortcode-login.php.


To upgrade User Submitted Posts, remove the old version and replace with the new version. Or just click “Update” from the Plugins screen and let WordPress do it for you automatically.

Important! The /custom/ directory is deprecated. If you are using a custom form template, please move it to /wp-content/your-theme/usp/. For more information, check out the “Custom Submission Form” section under Installation.

Note: uninstalling the plugin from the WP Plugins screen results in the removal of all settings from the WP database. Submitted posts are NOT removed if you deactivate the plugin, reset default options, or uninstall the plugins; that is, all submitted posts must be removed manually.

Restore Default Options

To restore default plugin options, either uninstall/reinstall the plugin, or visit the plugin settings > Restore Default Options.


User Submitted Posts cleans up after itself. All plugin settings will be removed from your database when the plugin is uninstalled via the Plugins screen. Submitted posts are NOT removed if you deactivate the plugin, reset default options, or uninstall the plugins; that is, all submitted posts must be removed manually.

Pro Version

Pro version of USP now available! USP Pro includes many more awesome features and settings, with unlimited custom forms, infinite custom fields, multimedia file uploads, and much, much more.

Like the plugin?

If you like USP, please take a moment to give a 5-star rating. It helps to keep development and support going strong. Thank you!


Can you add this feature or that feature?

Please check the Pro version of USP, which includes many of the most commonly requested features from users. The free version also may include new features in future updates.

Images are not uploaded or displaying

If everything is configured properly, USP will display submitted images on the front-end. If that is not happening, here are some things to check:

  • Make sure that the setting “Images Auto-Display” is enabled
  • And/or make sure that the setting “Featured Image” is enabled
  • And/or make sure that your theme is set up to display submitted images

Assuming that everything is set up to display submitted images, here are some further things to check:

  • Is there any error message when trying to submit an image?
  • Check that the submitted images are uploaded to the Media Library
  • Check that the URL of the submitted image is attached to the submitted post as a Custom Field (on Edit Post screen)
  • Check the permission settings on the upload folder(s) by ensuring that you can successfully upload image files directly via the Media Uploader
  • Double-check that all the “Image Uploads” settings make sense, and that the images being uploaded meet the specified requirements

Note: when changing permissions on files and folders, it is important to use the least-restrictive settings possible. If you have to use more permissive settings, it is important to secure the directory against malicious activity. For more information check out: Secure Media Uploads

How to set submitted image as the featured image?

Here are the steps:

  1. Visit USP settings > Options panel > Image Uploads > Featured Image
  2. Check the box and click “Save Settings” to save your changes

Note that this setting merely assigns the submitted image as the Featured Image; it’s up to your theme’s single.php file to include the_post_thumbnail() to display the Featured Images. If your theme is not so equipped, check out this tutorial at WP-Mix.

How to require login?

Visit the plugin settings and enable the option to “Require User Login”. That will display the submission form only to logged-in users. To go further and require login for other types of content, there are many techniques available to you. For more information check out my WP-Mix post, WordPress Require User Login, which provides a good summary of the possibilities. Also note: USP Pro includes built-in shortcodes to display forms and other content to registered/logged-in users and/or guests/logged-out users.

How do I change the appearance of the submission form?

The easiest way to customize the form is via the plugin settings. There you can choose one of the following form configurations:

  • HTML5 Form + Default CSS (Recommended)
  • HTML5 Form + Disable CSS (Provide your own styles)
  • Custom Form + Custom CSS (Provide your own form template & styles)

Additionally, you can configure the settings to show/hide specific fields, control the number and size of submitted images, customize the Challenge Question, and much more.

To go beyond what’s possible with the plugin settings, USP enables creation of a custom submission form. To learn how, check out the “Custom Submission Form” section under Installation. And for advanced customization, developers can use USP action and filter hooks.

Or, to go further with unlimited custom forms, check out USP Pro 🙂

What is the “alternate” form?

Inside of the /views/ directory, you will find an alternate form template named submission-form-alt.php. This template is identical to that used for the default form, with the exception that it returns the post-submit form in addition to the success message. You can use the alternate form template by following the steps provided via the “Custom Submission Form” section of the plugin documentation/readme.

What about security and spam?

User Submitted Posts uses the WordPress API to keep everything secure, fast, and flexible. The plugin also features Google reCAPTCHA, Challenge Question, and hidden anti-spam field to stop automated spam and bad bots.

Can I include video?

The free version of USP supports uploads of images only, but some hosted videos may be included in the submitted content (textarea) by simply including the video URL on its own line. See this page for more info. Note that USP Pro enables users to upload video and much more.

How do I reset the plugin settings?

To reset plugin settings to factory defaults:

  1. Visit “Restore Default Options” in the plugin settings
  2. Check the box and save your changes
  3. Deactivate the plugin and then reactivate it
  4. Plugin settings now are restored to defaults

Restoring default settings does not delete any submitted posts. Even if you completely remove the plugin, the submitted posts will not be deleted. You have to remove them manually, if desired.

How do I enable the “Add Media” button for all users?

Question: How do I enable the “Add Media” button for all users (even if not registered)?

Answer: Users must have sufficient capabilities to access the Media Library and the “Add Media” button. This is a security measure aimed at preventing foul play. The Pro version of USP provides an option to enable Add Media uploads for all user levels.

Can you explain the setting “Registered Username”?

When “Registered Username” is enabled:

  • If the user is logged in, their registered username is used as the Post Author
  • If the user is logged out, the setting “Assigned Author” is used as the Post Author

When “Registered Username” is disabled:

  • The setting “Assigned Author” always is used as the Post Author for all users (whether logged in or not)

How can I translate this plugin?

Currently the easiest and most flexible method is to use GlotPress to translate USP. That is the recommended translation route going forward, but for the time being you may also translate using a plugin such as Loco Translate. FYI, USP’s translation files are located in the /languages/ directory.

Why am I not receiving the Email Alerts?

Normally the plugin sends an Email Alert each time a post is submitted. If that is not happening in your case, you will need to troubleshoot your setup. Here is a guide on Troubleshooting Email that should help.

How to disable image preview feature?

To disable the image-preview thumbnail feature, add the following line to the plugin setting, “Custom Content”:

<script>var usp_disable_previews = true;</script>

Save changes and done.

How to disable fancy category/tag select script?

USP uses the Chosen.js library to enhance the behavior and appearance of the Category and Tag fields. The enhanced fields will be displayed when either/both of the following are true:

  • The option “Multiple Categories” is enabled (for Category field)
  • The option “Use Existing Tags” is enabled (for Tag field)

If you want to disable the fancy Chosen script for these fields, you can do so by adding the following code snippet to the plugin setting, “Custom Content”:

<script>var usp_disable_chosen = true;</script>

Save changes and done.

How to change the language for Google reCaptcha?

By default, the Google reCaptcha field is displayed in English. To change that to some other language, first locate the two-digit abbreviation for your language here. Then add the following code to your theme (or child theme) functions.php, or add via simple custom plugin:

function usp_recaptcha_querystring($query) { return 'en'; }
add_filter('usp_recaptcha_querystring', 'usp_recaptcha_querystring');

Notice where it says en, that is the two-character language code you want to replace with your own. Then save changes and done.

Where can I check out a demo of the USP form?

There is a simplified USP Demo at Perishable Press. Note the demo form is non-functional, just there to give you a general idea. The actual form provided by the plugin has more features, functionality, etc.

More FAQs

Want to read some more FAQs? Check out the USP FAQs at Perishable Press

Questions? Feedback?

Send any questions or feedback via my contact form. Thanks! 🙂


Read all 802 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“User Submitted Posts” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“User Submitted Posts” has been translated into 1 locale. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “User Submitted Posts” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


Thank you to everyone who shares feedback for User Submitted Posts!

If you like USP, please take a moment to give a 5-star rating. It helps to keep development and support going strong. Thank you!


  • Adds CSS classes to Login/Register form
  • Adds selected="true" to default category option
  • Adds filter hook usp_title_tags_allow
  • Adds filter hook usp_title_tags_allowed
  • Adds filter hook usp_display_posts_args
  • Updates icon on plugin homepage
  • Tests on WordPress 5.8


  • Adds support to change reCaptcha language
  • Adds filter hook usp_recaptcha_querystring
  • Updates deprecated functions for newer versions of jQuery
  • Fixes bug where “Please select” could be chosen as category/tag
  • Improves description/label for “Add another image” setting
  • Improves documentation on settings page and readme.txt
  • Tests on WordPress 5.7


  • Adds support for disabling comments
  • Fixes bug with usp_display_posts()
  • Fixes some PHP Notices “array offset”
  • Improves appearance of the settings page
  • Improves/updates readme.txt/documentation
  • Tests on PHP 7.4 and 8.0
  • Tests on WordPress 5.6


  • Fixes bug where line breaks and new lines were not saved
  • Tests on WordPress 5.5 + 5.6 (alpha)


  • Fixes JavaScript error with select/dropdown fields
  • Updates JavaScript Cookie script to latest version
  • Tests on WordPress 5.5 + 5.6 (alpha)


  • Adds option to auto-display submitted name
  • Adds filter hook hook usp_name_custom_field
  • Adds %%user_url%% (user-submitted URL) for email alerts
  • Improves cookie functionality for select fields
  • Improves logic for enabling post-thumbnail support
  • Improves logic for setting featured images when enabled
  • Login form displays “Register” tab only if registration is enabled
  • Removes function usp_display_featured_image()
  • Bugfix: users allowed to select placeholder value
  • Bugfix: fancy select script maybe not loading
  • Bugfix: post_name empty for Draft and Pending status
  • Bugfix: %%edit_link%% returning empty for non-logged-in users
  • Bugfix: form forgetting entered values when returned with an error
  • Bugfix: dot . missing from filename extension in custom fields
  • Bugfix: corrects several incorrect localization domain
  • Adds pt_PT translation (Thanks @ipublicis)
  • Updates all default language translation files
  • Updates default translation template
  • Refines plugin setting page styles
  • Refines readme/documentation
  • Tests on WordPress 5.5


  • Adds option to display select menu for Tags field
  • Adds filter hook usp_get_tag_options_args
  • Adds new option to use “Registered Email”
  • Adds Google reCaptcha v3 (hidden reCaptcha)
  • Updates reCaptcha library to version 1.2.3
  • Adds filter hook hook usp_recaptcha_score
  • Adds new German translation (Thanks to Max)
  • Improves some styles on settings page
  • Improves markup of submission form
  • Improves security of form cookies
  • Generates new default translation template
  • Updates all language translation files
  • Tests on WordPress 5.4


  • Adds proper validation for URL and Email fields
  • Adds missing images for USP Login/Register/Password form
  • Adds support for data-rel attribute auto-display settings
  • Improves handling of post status for submitted posts
  • Updates styles for plugin settings page
  • Generates new default translation template
  • Tests on WordPress 5.3


Summary: This version of USP adds an image-preview feature to the form. Also brings full support for multiple categories and hierarchical (nested) category display. Lots of other smaller improvements as well. Thank you to those who provide feedback and ideas!

  • Adds Image Preview feature
  • Adds filter hook usp_meta_box_post_types for USP Meta Box
  • Adds filter hook usp_pll_set_post_language for Polylang plugin
  • Adds filter hook usp_filter_posts_link for “USP” filter button
  • Adds support for “Non-USP” filter button on Posts screen
  • Fixes bug: “USP” button not displayed on Pages screen
  • Improves targeted loading, now accepts multiple URLs
  • Updates cookie script to JS Cookie v2.2.1
  • Improves cookie handling
  • Adds support for multiple categories
  • Adds hierarchical category display
  • Adds Chosen select field enhancer
  • Improves form logic and structure
  • Adds Taiwanese translation usp-zh_TW (Thanks to richon)
  • Fine-tunes display of plugin settings page
  • Generates new default translation template
  • Updates some links to https
  • Tests on WordPress 5.3 (alpha)


  • Bumps minimum PHP version to 5.6.20
  • Improves form posting for Login/Register form
  • Tweaks plugin settings screen content
  • Updates default translation template
  • Tests on WordPress 5.2


  • Fixes security issue with uploaded images on Apache + FastCGI
  • Tests on WordPress 5.1 and 5.2 (beta)


  • Adds another security check for uploaded images (Thanks to Matthias)
  • Tests on WordPress 5.1 and 5.2 (beta)


  • Adds automatic Urdu translation
  • Adds filter hook usp_file_name
  • Adds filter hook usp_unique_filename
  • Adds function usp_random_string()
  • Adds function usp_unique_filename()
  • Adds %%url%% to “Image Markup” setting
  • Improves handling of uploaded file names
  • Improves function usp_plugin_action_links()
  • Removes deprecated Google reCaptcha (old version)
  • Bumps minimum required version of PHP to 5.3
  • Adds check for admin user for settings shortcut link
  • Refines plugin settings screen UI
  • Generates new default translation template
  • Tests on WordPress 5.1 and 5.2 (alpha)


  • Just a version bump for compat with WP 5.1
  • Full update coming soon 🙂


  • Adds %%custom_field%% shortcode for email alerts
  • Adds homepage link to Plugins screen
  • Updates usp_post_author_options()
  • Updates Russian translation (Thank you Artem)
  • Updates default translation template
  • Tests on WordPress 5.0 (beta)


  • Tweaks appearance of plugin settings page
  • Tweaks USP form styles (checkbox alignment)
  • Fixes incorrect class name in USP forms
  • Makes “Incorrect response.” a translatable string
  • Adds rel="noopener noreferrer" to all blank-target links
  • Updates GDPR blurb and donate link
  • Regenerates default translation template
  • Further tests on WP versions 4.9 and 5.0 (alpha)


  • Adds new GDPR settings, including custom checkbox
  • Adds function to disable submit button after first click
  • Adds new template tag usp_get_images() to display images
  • Adds new shortcode [usp_gallery] to display image gallery
  • Adds new filter hook usp_filename_append
  • Adds new filter hook usp_image_attachments_args
  • Adds new filter hook usp_image_attachments
  • Specifies normal context for add_meta_box()
  • Adds plugin version to enqueued assets
  • Fine-tunes some text on plugin settings page
  • Bugfix: make all unique id attributes in login form
  • Adds Greek translation (thank you Lena S!)
  • Generates new default translation template
  • Tests on WordPress 5.0 (alpha)


  • Adds wp_update_post() to call action hook publish_post
  • Tests on WordPress 5.0 (alpha)


  • Fixes bug with toggle form info on plugin settings page
  • Renames usp_reset_button() to usp_reset_button_shortcode
  • Tests on WordPress 5.0 (alpha)


  • Adds auto-rotate feature for JPG images uploaded via mobile
  • Adds current attribute to usp_display_posts shortcode
  • Adds option to disable “replace author” functionality
  • Adds shortcode to display “reset form” button
  • Adds filter hook for Post Type, usp_post_type_options
  • Adds filter hook, usp_require_login_url
  • Adds post-language support for Polylang plugin
  • Adds usp-post-id as custom field for all submitted posts
  • Updates some text and styles on plugin settings page
  • Improves empty paragraph fix
  • Fixes bug in usp_image_args
  • Fixes bug so form only redirects for successful submission
  • Fixes bug with .preventDefault()
  • Updates Show Support panel
  • Removes filter hook, usp_file_key
  • Adds translations for Swedish, Irish
  • Generates new translation template
  • Updates plugin image files
  • Tests on WordPress 5.0 (alpha)


  • Provides Google reCAPTCHA support for older PHP versions (less than 5.3)


  • Fixes bug involving jQuery cookie functionality
  • Tests on WordPress 4.9


  • Fixes PHP Warning for htmlspecialchars_decode()
  • Fixes bug with non-admin users, removes extra manage_options requirement
  • Improves logic of core functions for better performance
  • Adds $wpdb->prepare() to usp_post_author_options()
  • Tests on WordPress 4.9


  • Updates readme
  • Fixes SVN issue

Previous Changelog Info

Previous changelog information is available in the changelog.txt file, located in the plugin’s root directory.