Find My Blocks


Find My Blocks is a WordPress plugin built to help (as it says in the name) find where you have used specific Gutenberg blocks on your WordPress website.

Gutenberg is a great tool to make managing content on your WordPress website easier. However after a while, updating and maintaining blocks can become a hassle for developers. It can become hard to keep track of what posts/pages a block is used on, or how many times it has used. This makes maintaining Gutenberg websites quite difficult.

Find my blocks is a tool that is here to help. With Find My Blocks you can get:

  • A list of all the block types that are being used on your WordPress website.
  • The amount of times a specific block type has been used on your WordPress website.
  • The posts/pages that a block has been used on.
  • The amount of times a block has been used on a specific post/page.
  • If the block is a “Reusable Block”
  • If the block is a “Nested Block”
  • A filtered list of block names to help you find the block that you are looking for.
  • What are your most used, and least used blocks on your website.


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/find-my-blocks directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Tools->Find My Blocks screen to locate all of your blocks


Will this work with custom blocks

Yes, this plugin will work with all blocks registered and used on your site.


May 26, 2021
Awesome plugin and helps so much when trying to switch block plugins or find those hard to find blocks hidden across posts.
May 18, 2021
This tool is great for finding a block you might be using. I just used it to find where I put some style in a theme (why, did I do that?). Now I know why, because it was simple then... Thanks for making this. I did four stars because the main javascript file is too big. Please keep up the great work!
April 28, 2021
It's a great idea. I needed to put the blocks in order. Thus it is possible to delete plugins whose blocks are not used. In this regard, it would be useful to also be able to view the blocks (with their plugins) that are not used. Although I don't know if it's possible. Still it's a great plugin and a great idea! I hope the development continues.
March 25, 2021
Essential tool for anyone wanting to remove Gutenberg block plugins since it shows you where your blocks are used.
Read all 20 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Find My Blocks” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Find My Blocks” has been translated into 3 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Find My Blocks” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • Fixes the broken wp-json url
  • Updates the donate link to a BuyMeACoffee Link


  • Uses get_rest_url for the fetch url.


  • Uses get_admin_url for the edit link to avoid redirect loops.


  • Adds the site_url() to the fetch url.


  • Fixes a 🐛 that was causing the plugin to not load on some sites.


  • Allows for filtering by block name on the API endpoint. (/wp-json/find-my-blocks/blocks?name=core/button)


  • Changes to use WordPress components and match WordPress styling
  • Includes private, pending, and future status posts in main query
  • Allows the ability to optionally include drafts
  • Fixes a 🐛 where cards would change order for no reason


  • Checks for nested blocks.
  • Adds a tag to a card if the block is nested


  • Hides the “core-embed” blocks with the “Hide Core Blocks” option.
  • Fixes the broken link when plugin is first activated.


  • Moves the menu item to Tools > Find My Blocks.
  • Hides core blocks by default. The option to show and hide core blocks is now
    in settings.
  • Settings moved from top of blocks to side on wider screens.


  • Fixed the navigation showing ‘Found in 1 postfalse’ when only one post found


  • Fixed a bug where the page refresh didn’t properly set the active block


  • Moves Find My Blocks out of the Settings menu and into its own sidebar item
  • Layout moved off of WordPress components to allow better testing
  • On initial load, the proper first navigation will be selected as active
  • When the page is refreshed, the selected block will stay active
  • Allows sorting of navigation and cards
  • Launches official website


  • Allows the editor role to use the plugin


  • Sorts the list of the navigation alphabetically.
  • Sorts the list of pages alphabetically.
  • Some updates to styling to bring more inline with Gutenberg and WordPress


  • Adds a Filter Input to allow you to filter blocks in the menu.
  • Updates the style of the header to be just a little bit nicer.
  • Adds a loading screen so that you are not bored waiting for the page to load.


  • Adds a message to notify the amount of times a block has been used in a post.
  • Removes some old, unused functionality.


  • Initial Release