Creating a Welcoming and Diverse Space Part 2

Do you run a WordPress event, but noticed only one type of person is attending? You’d love to have more diversity in your group, but folks are either not showing up – or they attend once and don’t come back. What can you do to foster, promote, and support diversity and an inclusive space? In this workshop, we’ll cover 5 topics: Shifting the way you think about diversity; how to attract and foster a diverse community; creating a welcoming environment, both in person and online; how to encourage more people from diverse backgrounds to step up to be speakers and leaders; and how to be a better ally. You will walk away with an action list to start making changes right away. This is not just for organizers, but anyone who wants to champion this kind of environment, now or in the future! Bring an electronic device or computer: We will be working with a workbook PDF and there will be an opportunity to anonymously submit those questions you’ve always wanted to know but been afraid to ask.

Learning outcomes

  1. Forthcoming

Comprehension questions

  • Forthcoming
  • Length 27 mins
  • Topic Community Team, Diversity
  • Language English
  • Captions English

You must agree to our Code of Conduct in order to participate.


I lead the Diverse Speaker Training group in the Community Team. We have a workshop that encourages more diverse folks to apply to speak at WordPress events.

I helped organize the first BuddyCamp and for three years co-organized WordCamp Vancouver. I was voted runner-up for the 2020 BraveIT Award, featured as a Person of WordPress on in 2019, named one of the top 100 Influencers of WordPress in 2014 by Torque Magazine and one of the top 10 Women of WordPress by CloudWays.

Aurooba Ahmed

Interests: content-first web development, PHP, JS, React, HTML, CSS

I care about friendly useable websites built with clean and elegant code. Always doing my best to keep learning and building my best.

david wolfpaw

WordPress theme and plugin developer and general nerd. Previously

WordPress maintenance and support through

Check out my personal blog at

On the Internet, everyone knows I’m a dog.