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Neighbor's Reviews of Percolation Testing Services Near You

Live Oak Painting
We've had problems in the past with our 35-year old system backing up, especially in the winter time when the ground gets good and wet, and I was concerned with the possibility of an extra-wet winter coming up that I was going to be unable to flush toilets and do laundry except between storms. So I started down a checklist of ways to address the problem. I was concerned that two liquidambar trees in the immediate vicinity of the tank could have invaded the exit line, and in digging out the distribution boxes I discovered three of them were clogged with the sandy soil we have here, at least at the top. I was also concerned that perhaps the leach lines were clogged after all this time and needed to be jetted out. Analy Septic was highly reviewed both here on Angie's List on and Yelp, especially for expertise in dealing with roots, so I gave them a call. It took a little bit of phone tag to finally connect, but we had a crew out here the day after I got hold of Al. They were great. Competent and quick in assessing the situation. They opened up the system and ran a camera through the line between the tank and the distribution boxes. The good news is there were no roots and the line itself was in good condition without breaks or problems. Same for the distribution boxes and leach lines. Their assessment was that the lines did not need to be jetted, and that most of my problem is due to the hardpan about 4' in the ground that prevents the surface water from percolating down once the leach field gets saturated (that's the bad news.) In short, they told me exactly what was going on, explained it in terms I could understand, offered a couple of possible options to explore in the future, and at no time did they try to sell me services that I didn't need (case in point: the tank had been pumped in the last few years, and that was also on their list of "OK" items not needing service). I'm very pleased with the quality of service, and won't hesitate to call on them in the future.
- W F....

Perc Test Companies Near You



Recent Review: We've had problems in the past with our 35-year old system backing up, especially in the winter time when the ground gets good and wet, and I was concerned with the possibility of an extra-wet winter coming up that I was going to be unable to flush toilets and do laundry except between storms. So I started down a checklist of ways to address the problem. I was concerned that two liquidambar trees in the immediate vicinity of the tank could have invaded the exit line, and in digging out the distribution boxes I discovered three of them were clogged with the sandy soil we have here, at least at the top. I was also concerned that perhaps the leach lines were clogged after all this time and needed to be jetted out. Analy Septic was highly reviewed both here on Angie's List on and Yelp, especially for expertise in dealing with roots, so I gave them a call. It took a little bit of phone tag to finally connect, but we had a crew out here the day after I got hold of Al. They were great. Competent and quick in assessing the situation. They opened up the system and ran a camera through the line between the tank and the distribution boxes. The good news is there were no roots and the line itself was in good condition without breaks or problems. Same for the distribution boxes and leach lines. Their assessment was that the lines did not need to be jetted, and that most of my problem is due to the hardpan about 4' in the ground that prevents the surface water from percolating down once the leach field gets saturated (that's the bad news.) In short, they told me exactly what was going on, explained it in terms I could understand, offered a couple of possible options to explore in the future, and at no time did they try to sell me services that I didn't need (case in point: the tank had been pumped in the last few years, and that was also on their list of "OK" items not needing service). I'm very pleased with the quality of service, and won't hesitate to call on them in the future.