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Digital Campaign Index FAQ

What is the Digital Campaign Index? Why does it matter? Today’s marketers recognize the need to constantly build and nurture their audiences to cultivate purchase intent. To do this, marketers run multi-channel campaigns that drive consumers to immersive digital experiences, like those we power at Wyng.

However, at an industry level, there is no standardized, structured system in place for measuring and determining what success looks like across the various immersive digital campaign types. Marketers struggle to make sense of disparate data points and end up making subjective decisions on success and ROI. Furthermore, reporting comes in the form of a passive documentation of outcomes, or a static report of disparate metrics at the conclusion of a campaign — which is not actionable, or particularly insightful.

The DCI is a broad performance indicator that helps marketers assess and compare the health of mid-funnel digital campaigns and evaluate the effectiveness of their campaign strategy over time. Companies that adopt the Digital Campaign Index have an opportunity to bring an objective, data-driven discipline – and the benefits – commonly associated with performance marketing to all of their brand marketing activities.


Can anyone create the Digital Campaign Index? Yes, the Digital Campaign Index is comprised of metrics that are commonly available when running any type of digital campaign. To create the DCI, an algorithm must also be defined to distill the various metrics into a higher-level scores.  Here at Wyng, we’ve standardized metrics across all types of campaigns, and implemented an algorithm to automatically compute the DCI scores for campaigns in real time. The algorithm was informed by analyzing the results over 200 thousand historical campaigns.


How did you build your Digital Campaign Index algorithm? How is this different from anything else in the market? Over the past seven years, Wyng has powered over 200 thousand digital campaigns for leading brands and agencies worldwide, driving more than 250 million participants and 470 million visitors (and counting!) to-date. Through every campaign powered by Wyng, we’ve collected nearly three billion data points across every category imaginable — from visits to time spent to form and content entries to earned reach.

We’ve monitored, studied and analyzed three billion individual data points to develop an algorithm that quantifies campaign value and performance through two buckets – Engagement and Virality. Our data shows that the best campaigns have meaningful traction in these areas – and that studying these two key factors of measurement provide the most comprehensive picture of campaign performance.

Depending on the type of campaign, others in the market might surface a number of individual metrics including: visits, time spent, clicks, shares, form entries, opt-ins, social mentions, earned reach, view duration, view percentage, scroll reach, video plays, downloads, click throughs and more. While these metrics provide data, they lack both insight and a practical way to compare the value and performance of digital campaigns, making campaign success a subjective decision made by the marketer.


How can I get the DCI for my campaigns? Brands and agencies have all of the ingredients needed to create their own DCI — that is, the metrics that come from instrumenting their digital campaigns. And any brand or agency can create their DCI recipe by establishing an algorithm for normalizing and abstracting the metrics into real-time, actionable scores. The Wyng platform now includes the Digital Campaign Index. The DCI is automatically calculated and visualized in real-time for all campaigns built with Wyng.


Can only large brands score high on the DCI? Regardless of whether you’re a large brand, small business or agency, the DCI is automatically calculated and visualized in real-time for all campaigns built with Wyng. DCI scores are normalized to correct for external factors (such as media spend) by factoring out certain variables such as the number of visitors to a campaign. Just because a campaign has a large number of visitors does not mean it will have a high DCI score.

For example, all else being equal, a campaign with 1,000 visitors and 500 form entries (50% conversion rate) is more engaging than a campaign with 10,000 visitors but only 250 form entries (2.5% conversion rate). Because DCI scores are normalized, a local car dealer promoting its campaigns organically on social media can have scores just as high as Chevrolet which might invest significant sums in media to drive traffic to its campaigns.

Please Note: DCI will only be calculated once a campaign receives a statistically significant volume of participation, 250 visitors.


What drives a DCI Score? How is a DCI Score calculated? A DCI Score is derived from the two primary measures of performance of immersive digital campaigns: Engagement and Virality.

Any brand or agency can calculate a DCI for their campaigns by establishing an algorithm for normalizing their campaign metrics and combining them into a real-time Engagement Score (ES) and Virality Score (VS) that can be put into practical use by marketers.

The DCI in the Wyng platform is calculated as the evenly weighted average of a campaign’s Engagement Score (ES) and Virality Score (VS). ((ES+VS)/2=DCI)

  • The Wyng algorithm yields ES and VS scores that tend to fall in the range of 0-200, so the DCI also tends to fall in that range.
  • It is possible, but rare, for very high-performing campaigns to score higher than 200.
  • 0 is the lowest possible score.
  • DCI will only be calculated once a campaign receives a statistically significant volume of participation, 250 visitors.


Is a DCI just an average? The DCI in the Wyng platform is calculated as the evenly weighted average of a campaign’s Engagement Score (ES) and Virality Score (VS). ((ES+VS)/2=DCI)


What is Engagement? Engagement is a measure of how deeply consumers experience a campaign. Engagement reflects consumer activity on the landing page, microsite or website where the campaign is published.


What drives Engagement? How is an Engagement Score calculated? An Engagement Score (ES) is a score that distills the underlying metrics related to engagement.  For Wyng campaigns, this includes:

  • Clicks
  • Form Entries
  • Content Entries
  • Click Thrus
  • Time Spent

Any brand or agency can calculate an ES for their campaigns by establishing an algorithm for normalizing the metrics and combining them into real-time scores that can be put into practical use by marketers. The Wyng algorithm yields scores that tend to fall in the range of 0-200. It is possible, but rare, for very high-performing campaigns to score higher than 200.  0 is the lowest possible score.


What is Virality? Virality is a measure of how widely a campaign is shared and the corresponding impact of the sharing.


What drives Virality? How is a Virality Score (VS) calculated? A Virality Score (VS) is a score that distills the underlying metrics related to sharing, such as:

  • Campaign shares to social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and others)
  • Content shares to social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and others)
  • Campaign and content shares to email
  • Earned reach
  • Earned visits

Any brand or agency can calculate a VS for their campaigns by establishing an algorithm for normalizing the metrics and combining them into real-time scores that can be put into practical use by marketers. The Wyng algorithm yields scores that tend to fall in the range of 0-200. It is possible, but rare, for very high-performing campaigns to score higher than 200. 0 is the lowest possible score.


How does my DCI score compare to others in my industry? We’re releasing a Quarterly Digital Campaign Index Benchmark Report in mid-August which will give more industry- and use case-level insight on how your DCI score compares to others.