‘Mobile’ Videos

  • Vineet Talwar: Progressive Web Apps: The future of Mobile Apps

    WordCamp Bucharest 2018Speaker: Vineet Talwar

    August 2, 2019 — Vineet found his love for WordPress after he was introduced to it by a friend. This led him to develop numerous websites and making him want to crave for more to learn in WordPress. He has been associated with WordPress since 2012. He co-founded his first company at the age of 20. He is the Co-Founder and Technical Lead of FireMud FM, which is an online radio station based purely out of WordPress. and Indicium Crest – A remote web – development agency which is, again focused on WordPress. Now handing both the companies on technical front, his love for WordPress has just grown if nothing else. He has worked with over 55 projects remotely managing and developing them. He has also been associated with various ventures consulting and guiding them with technical resources and is currently located in Frankfurt, Germany.
    Apart from developing the websites, he is a hobbyist photographer.

    The topic of Vineet’s presentation is “Progressive Web Apps: The future of Mobile Apps“

  • Cate Huston: The State of WordPress Mobile

    WordCamp Europe 2018Speaker: Cate Huston

    July 11, 2018 — Did you know that there are native apps on iOS and Android that support all WordPress sites? Come and learn about how we’re approaching Gutenberg native on top of Aztec – our all-new-all-native editors, improving the media experience and #bettertogether. We’ll take a lightening tour through recent improvements, the current roadmap, and explain why mobile developers are so obsessed with APIs.

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  • Gian Wild: Mobile Accessibility

    WordCamp Seattle 2017Speaker: Gian Wild

    February 21, 2018 — Unfortunately, when developing WCAG2, the Working Group did not envision the current world where mobile is almost ubiquitous. For example, on a mobile device there is no continual access to a keyboard (unless someone is using it as an add-on to the device – or using a Blackberry Classic). WCAG2 requires that all content be accessible to the keyboard interface, but it does not require that all content be accessible to a mouse or to a touchscreen user – which is essential on a mobile device. Gian Wild talks about the unique accessibility issues on a mobile site and mobile app, including hover traps, VoiceOver swipe traps and zoom traps.

    Accessibility is important to all – not everyone using your mobile app, device or wearable will be fully functioning: either because they have a disability or they are simply engaged elsewhere. Gian Wild talks about the things that are essential to avoid when designing mobile apps, devices and wearables to ensure that everyone can use them.

    This is a fun talk, with lots of gasps and laughter. It is example after example of mobile accessibility fails – but they just look like mobile fails! In this way I try and stress that a usability issue is really an accessibility issue, and making a mobile site accessible actually makes it usable too.

    I talk about specific mobile accessibility features: pinch zoom, native screen readers, haptic keyboard etc, and system accessibility settings: font size, screen rotation, high contrast etc
    I outline the major things that need to be considered when dealing with a mobile site or mobile app:

    Autoplay and movement
    On-screen keyboard traps, hover traps, VoiceOver swipe traps, Touch traps
    Text size
    Inherited system settings
    In-app settings
    Color contrast
    Missing functionality
    Pixellation on zoom
    Touch target size
    Spacing between touch targets

  • Fellyph Cintra: Progressive Web Apps and WordPress

    WordCamp Dublin 2017Speaker: Fellyph Cintra

    November 12, 2017 — Progressive Web Apps (PWA) is a concept related to user experience especially for mobile users, where the focus is to deliver websites that are Reliable, Fast and Engaging. This presentation will cover – Why it is import to start thinking about PWAs and how to apply some technics on your WordPress website.

    Technics as the service worker, features as home screen button and immersive full screen, and how to integrate AMP pages with PWA. These are the things that we will see as practical examples.

  • Tomislav Leljak: Using WordPress REST API

    WordCamp Split 2016Speaker: Tomislav Leljak

    November 11, 2017 — In his talk about WordPress REST API, Tomislav will give us some real life examples on how to connect mobile applications to WordPress to get the best of both worlds. With WP REST API WordPress became fully-featured application platform and it opened itself up to every other application and development environment on Earth.

  • Ptah Dunbar: Rapid Mobile Prototyping In React Native With WordPress

    WordCamp Montreal 2017Speaker: Ptah Dunbar

    October 19, 2017 — This talk aims to provide WordPress developers with a deep technical introduction to native mobile development using React Native with WordPress as a headless backend. We will walk through an example case study to demonstrate the overall architecture, design and prototyping of a mobile app from scratch.

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  • Marieke van de Rakt: Schrijven voor een ‘mobiel’ publiek

    WordCamp Nijmegen 2017Speaker: Marieke van de Rakt

    October 14, 2017 — Het schrijven van blogposts is een hele kunst. Lezen van een scherm is voor veel mensen een uitdaging. Steeds vaker lezen mensen blogposts vanaf hun mobiele telefoon. Voor veel blogs is het aantal bezoekers vanaf mobiele aparaten al groter dan het aantal bezoekers vanaf een desk of laptop. Hoe ga je daarmee om? Wat betekent dat voor de teksten die je schrijft? Moeten die aan andere eisen voldoen? En wat betekent het voor je SEO? In deze presentatie geef ik veel tips die je zullen helpen om een goede tekst voor een ‘mobiel’ publiek te schrijven.

  • Scott Bolinger : Speeding Up WordPress For Mobile

    WordCamp Orange County 2017Speaker: Scott Bolinger

    July 19, 2017 — Pros and cons of a few different ways to build an iOS or Android app that connects to your WordPress site.

  • Νικόλαος Γιαννόπουλος: WordPress for Offline Phonegap Hybrid Mobile Application with Geo Sniffing

    WordCamp Athens 2016Speaker: Νικόλαος Γιαννόπουλος

    January 30, 2017 — 1. Προετοιμασία WordPress
    1.1. Δημιουργία Custom Fields βάση του περιεχόμενου της εφαρμογής
    1.2. Χρήση posts & taxonomies για την καταχώρηση και επεξεργασία περιεχομένου
    1.3. Εξαγωγή Περιεχομένου
    1.3.1. Δημιουργία εξαγωγής & ενημέρωση περιεχόμενου εφαρμογής μέσω JSON (Offline Application)
    1.3.2. Χρήση JSON Rest Api για online εφαρμογές

    2. Phonegap Tips & Tricks
    2.1. Βασικές βιβλιοθήκες για ελαχιστοποίηση αποκρίσεων και native feeling
    2.2. Ανάλυση Βασικών συναρτήσεων για ορθή λειτουργία
    2.3. Καταχώρηση περιεχομένου για offline περιήγηση
    2.4. Χρήση data-attributes για ελαχιστοποίηση χρήσης threads από τη συσκευή
    2.5. Εύκολη Αλλαγή Γλώσσας ανάλογα με το χρήστη (localization)

    3. Κατασκευή Analytics για offline εφαρμογή
    3.1. Στατιστικά ανά άρθρο και call to action
    3.2. Ασφαλής επικοινωνία με το server και καταγραφή στην βάση
    3.3. Geo sniffing ανώνυμης χρήσης
    3.3.1. Απεικόνιση τοποθεσιών χρηστών στο χάρτη ανα συσκευή, ανά άρθρο ανάγνωσης κτλ.
    3.3.2. Ποσοστό μετατροπής ανάγνωσης άρθρου – επιχείρησης σε επίσκεψη (customer converge rate)

    Presentation Slides »

  • Mike Hale: Amp it UP! Using Google Accelerated Mobile Pages with WordPress

    WordCamp Ann Arbor 2016Speaker: Mike Hale

    January 6, 2017 — Google is pushing Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) in a big way. AMP pages restrict what you can do all for the sake of performance on mobile devices. In this talk we’ll cover the basics of AMP, how it’s different than mobile-ready and responsive design, and the plugins you’ll need to take advantage of AMP on your WordPress site.

    Presentation Slides »