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This tag is for posts related to the F# language, including its libraries.

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Azure Functions with F# using .NET 5

Azure Functions with F# using .NET 5

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10 min read
Readable vs Workable Code

Readable vs Workable Code

Reactions 9 Comments 3
5 min read
Create a function to count words in F# docs using F#

Create a function to count words in F# docs using F#

Reactions 5 Comments
7 min read
Data Science avec F#

Data Science avec F#

Reactions 7 Comments
6 min read
Learn F# this week with Free Events & Live Streams

Learn F# this week with Free Events & Live Streams

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2 min read
Write your first code in F#

Write your first code in F#

Reactions 17 Comments
2 min read
Doing MVC in F# and Saturn

Doing MVC in F# and Saturn

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10 min read
Generating HTML in F#

Generating HTML in F#

Reactions 4 Comments
7 min read
Creating Static Web Apps With F# and Fable

Creating Static Web Apps With F# and Fable

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2 min read
Learn About F# and Web Development

Learn About F# and Web Development

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1 min read
F# App Stub for AKS hosting (with WebJobs but without Azure Functions fluff)

F# App Stub for AKS hosting (with WebJobs but without Azure Functions fluff)

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6 min read
Getting the "nuget" package manager working in Visual Studio 2019

Getting the "nuget" package manager working in Visual Studio 2019

Reactions 7 Comments 5
2 min read
BDD-style Testing in F# with Xunit.Gherkin, GherkinProvider and TickSpec

BDD-style Testing in F# with Xunit.Gherkin, GherkinProvider and TickSpec

Reactions 7 Comments
11 min read
Grokking Lenses

Grokking Lenses

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11 min read


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1 min read
Taking Advantage of the platform with Sutil and Web Components

Taking Advantage of the platform with Sutil and Web Components

Reactions 14 Comments
8 min read
Interpreting Free Monads

Interpreting Free Monads

Reactions 10 Comments
11 min read
Grokking Free Monads

Grokking Free Monads

Reactions 16 Comments
14 min read
Applicatives in F#

Applicatives in F#

Reactions 6 Comments
4 min read
Grokking Monad Transformers

Grokking Monad Transformers

Reactions 11 Comments 2
12 min read
Things I learnt doing a small fuzzy search UI element

Things I learnt doing a small fuzzy search UI element

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1 min read
Grokking the Reader Monad

Grokking the Reader Monad

Reactions 22 Comments 2
12 min read
Solving the Dominoes Exercism Problems with Active Patterns in F#

Solving the Dominoes Exercism Problems with Active Patterns in F#

Reactions 6 Comments
7 min read
Grokking Traversable

Grokking Traversable

Reactions 18 Comments 9
11 min read
F# Web Backend: Rationale

F# Web Backend: Rationale

Reactions 1 Comments
1 min read
How to choose programming language for web backend

How to choose programming language for web backend

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1 min read
Grokking Applicative Validation

Grokking Applicative Validation

Reactions 14 Comments 6
7 min read
Announcing EFCore.FSharp

Announcing EFCore.FSharp

Reactions 11 Comments 1
3 min read
Grokking Applicatives

Grokking Applicatives

Reactions 13 Comments 2
9 min read
Azure Functions avec F#

Azure Functions avec F#

Reactions 5 Comments
5 min read
Grokking Functors

Grokking Functors

Reactions 8 Comments 2
6 min read
Converting video with FFmpegCore

Converting video with FFmpegCore

Reactions 4 Comments
5 min read
Grokking Monads, Imperatively

Grokking Monads, Imperatively

Reactions 14 Comments 2
7 min read
Solving the Protein Translator problem using F# and FParsec

Solving the Protein Translator problem using F# and FParsec

Reactions 8 Comments
6 min read
Grokking Monads

Grokking Monads

Reactions 44 Comments 6
8 min read
Making Http Requests in F#

Making Http Requests in F#

Reactions 20 Comments
12 min read
Doing some IO in F#

Doing some IO in F#

Reactions 19 Comments
7 min read
Doing some IO in F# - 2

Doing some IO in F# - 2

Reactions 10 Comments
5 min read
A Brief Introduction to F# for Object Oriented Developers

A Brief Introduction to F# for Object Oriented Developers

Reactions 9 Comments
8 min read
First Impressions of F#

First Impressions of F#

Reactions 6 Comments 8
3 min read
Organizing MVU Projects

Organizing MVU Projects

Reactions 17 Comments 6
19 min read
How Programming Languages Change How You Think

How Programming Languages Change How You Think

Reactions 115 Comments 7
16 min read
A Type of Happiness Inc.

A Type of Happiness Inc.

Reactions 12 Comments 2
11 min read
Cellular Automata in F#

Cellular Automata in F#

Reactions 6 Comments
8 min read
To Annotate, or Not to Annotate?

To Annotate, or Not to Annotate?

Reactions 8 Comments
4 min read
Designing Around F# Interop

Designing Around F# Interop

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8 min read
F#'s Stack Overflow community is amazing

F#'s Stack Overflow community is amazing

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2 min read
Backing up files with F# Scripts and MongoDB GridFS

Backing up files with F# Scripts and MongoDB GridFS

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2 min read


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8 min read
Fixing a bug in the F# compiler

Fixing a bug in the F# compiler

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2 min read
Presenting Mondocks

Presenting Mondocks

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3 min read
Actualizar Visual Studio para usar .NET 5

Actualizar Visual Studio para usar .NET 5

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2 min read
Lambda Saga - Currying

Lambda Saga - Currying

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6 min read
Looking at the giraffe

Looking at the giraffe

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7 min read
Good ol' Monoliths

Good ol' Monoliths

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6 min read
Life after Elm: What we did

Life after Elm: What we did

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7 min read
F# for the cloud worker - part 4 - AWS SAM

F# for the cloud worker - part 4 - AWS SAM

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17 min read
F# for the cloud worker - part 3 - AWS Lambda

F# for the cloud worker - part 3 - AWS Lambda

Reactions 5 Comments
12 min read
Advanced F# Interop

Advanced F# Interop

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7 min read
F# for the cloud worker - part 2 - AWS SDK for .NET

F# for the cloud worker - part 2 - AWS SDK for .NET

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23 min read